XXXVIII- honesty

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The soundproofed room (Y/n) was stuck in didn't allow her to hear the mayhem going on outside.

Cosmo had successfully escaped.

And only four people died... Yay?

She didn't know any of that yet. As far as (Y/n) was concerned, Cosmo wouldn't last a second in the state he was in.

Although (Y/n) was aware it was futile, she continued to relentlessly fight against the restraints that kept her in place. 'Best case scenario: I lose my job.' She thought anxiously. 'Worst case: I get fucking murked.'

The door opened after around an hour after Cosmo left, an hour of (Y/n) wallowing in her thoughts.

Darcy stood in the doorway and rolled her eyes. "Of course." She muttered when seeing (Y/n).

"I-I can explain-" (Y/n) started to stammer.

"Don't bother. You've got the rest of the week off." Darcy's voice was stiff and forced, she went to release (Y/n). "Your friend is here to pick you up."

"What happened to Cosmo?"

"He got away. People are looking for him but that's none of your concern."

(Y/n) waited silently as the final restraint was undone. She was waiting to be told what her inevitable punsihment would be for being so careless but it never came. She had never been reprimanded at work before, but she'd never really messed up so badly before.

"What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek? Get out."

She mumbled an apology and stood up. "Did you get the name of the friend who's picking me up?"

"Mick? Mack? Something like that."

(Y/n) assumed it was Malachi and slowly walked out of room seventeen. The warehouse was in chaos, blood on the floor and walls and workers rushing from one place to another.

A few brave souls dared to give her a dirty look, knowing that she was meant to ensure he didn't get out. Well, that was actually the guard's job but he was shot dead with his own gun by Cosmo.

She saw Malachi's car near the entrance and got in the passenger seat silently.

"Are you okay?" He had a smile filled with pity on his face as he touched her shoulder gently.

(Y/n) frowned slightly, she didn't need him to treat her like a kid. "I'm fine.."

Malachi listened to see if she would say anything more but she didn't, so he started up the car and pulled away from the curb.

"It's so crazy that he got out while he was so banged up." He commented. "I'm sure they'll catch him in no time."

"I'm not upset that Cosmo escaped. I want him to be safe."

Malachi didn't like that, he didn't like that (Y/n) was acting like she was friends with this guy.

"Why did you hurt him so bad?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I was doing what I had to do." Malachi's voice went up, a tell-tale sign of his lies.

(Y/n) huffed and looked out of the window.

"I don't know what you want me to say. Your job is to fix him up but someone's gotta rough him up too." He defended himself.

"You just went so much further than-"

"Maybe that's why Phil got killed off."



(Y/n) folded her arms and sunk into her seat. "I don't get how you can talk about this... Murder and torture like it' it's normal."

"It is normal."

"To you!"

"Yeah. It's normal to me and should be to you too by now." He said harshly. Malachi immediately sensed that his words had hurt (Y/n) and he sighed. "I'm sorry... I went too far with Cosmo because he said you had mentioned me to him."

Alarm bells blared in (Y/n)'s head. What the hell had Cosmo told him??? Does Malachi know about her feelings?!

"Do you think I'm a bad friend?" Malachi asked quietly, his insecurity showing. "He said that I was."

"I never said you were-"

"I know you'd never say that. He said that all the stuff you had told him made him think I was bad to you." His brows furrowed, creating lines on his forehead. "You don't think that, do you?"

"No... I don't think that at all." For all of his flaws, (Y/n) didn't think Malachi was a bad friend. She loved him both romantically and platonically, and was so happy to be his friend even when she felt like wringing his neck at times. "I think you're amazing."

He smiled- god, that made her weak.

The two of them went quiet and this seemed to affirm that Cosmo hadn't told Malachi that (Y/n) was in love with him. While she didn't want him to know...a part of her was relieved when she thought about no longer having to keep this secret. Especially if someone else could just tell Malachi for her so she didn't have to go through the motions of humiliating herself.

'Just tell him.'

'No, shut up. He'll never talk to you again. Just take what you can get and suffer in silence.'

'You'll never know what would happen!'

'Of course you know. He's gonna reject you.'

'But then at least you will have been honest with him. He's your best friend, he won't just drop you over this.'

'Bitch, honesty is overrated.'

(Y/n) shook her head to rid her mind of conflicting voices. She looked over at Malachi as he kept his eyes on the road.

"You okay, sunshine-?"

"I love you." She blurted out, even surprising herself.

Malachi's eyes went wide, his irises flicked towards her and then back forward. " you too. You know that."

'No backing down now.'

"No. I'm in love with you."

She couldn't even look at him, knowing exactly the expression that would be painted across his face.

Malachi went to pull over as soon as he could, wanting to devote his full attention to this conversation. "What are you talking about?"

(Y/n) sniffed, only realising then and there that she was on the brink of crying. "I've been in love with you almost as long as I've known you." Her voice was broken and shaky.

He was totally out of his depth, and his face certainly showed it. There were many, many, many thoughts on his brain in that moment but none were being translated into speech so all he could was stare at (Y/n) with this dumb look on his face.

"Please say something..." She whispered.

"But... Saffi." Those words said it all and they were all (Y/n) needed to hear to have her heart broken into pieces just as she expected she would. "You said you liked her."

"I do." (Y/n)'s voice remained in its pathetic state, she had never felt so small. "I'm sorry but I can't control how I feel."

"I know...but I can't return-"

"I know." She cut him off, feeling ill from what he was about to say. (Y/n) had thought about, dreamt about this happening so many times. She always knew he'd reject her but that didn't make the real thing hurt any less. "Please just take me home."

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