LXXII- unlucky

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(Y/n) heard her name being yelled out, making both her's and Cosmo's head snap to the direction that it came from.

Not a moment had gone by when (Y/n) snatched by the arm and Cosmo was heading for the exit, abandoning the cart and focusing on getting the two of them out of the store. Of course he was still followed out of the store, the chase attracting some unwanted outside attention.

Once they were outside, Cosmo sped to a run and signalled for (Y/n) to follow. She ran behind, still in a daze, but not quite as quickly.

He looked around and pulled her around a corner and into an alleyway, the confrontation would be inevitable but he didn't want to do it out in the open.

"(Y/n)!" This time it was Malachi to gasped out her name, running into the alleyway along with Rudy.

(Y/n) was briskly pushed behind her captor, barely being able to be seen.

"You two don't want to start anything." Cosmo's confidence was more than just bluff, experience had taught him to always keep himself armed when outside.

"It's two against one." Rudy said, he was partially lost in looking at (Y/n) who remained severely confused. She had no clue why Rudy and Malachi were together or why Rudy, of all people, even cared about the fact she was gone. "(Y/n), get over here."

"Are you okay, sunshine?" Malachi cooed over with a frown.

Cosmo stepped further in front of her. "She's not going anywhere with you. And she's fine."

Malachi's kindness did not extend past (Y/n), his eyes narrowed when his view of her became obscured by Cosmo. "I wasn't asking you." He sneered uncharacteristically.

Cosmo's hand went to push (Y/n) further back, not wanting her too close to either of them, said hand then drifted to the inside of his jacket.

"Don't even think about it." Rudy was also taunting the appearance of a weapon at his hip.

They stared each other down, both (Y/n) and Malachi feeling very vulnerable by the fact that they were unarmed.

(Y/n) was having a struggle in her own mind, she couldn't simply stand by and observe this!

Rudy was first to pull his gun out but Cosmo's expertise meant that a leap forward and singular swipe had him unarmed in moments with the gun sliding far away. In a panic, Malachi responded before Rudy could by tackling Cosmo to the ground and wrestling his own pistol away, that one also drifting far enough away that it was out of commission.

That was when punches started flying and an idea struck (Y/n). This fight had the men around her too concerned with each other and gave her the perfect chance to get away.

She didn't waste another second or allow her beating heart to slow before sprinting away.

Where she was going?

She had no clue.

But she knew she had to run as fast as she could.

(Y/n) was aware that she likely looked insane while booking it down the centre of town unaware of where she was even headed. That was really the least of her worries, so long as she got far enough away she could figure out where to go from there.

The burning in her feet couldn't override her desperation for freedom.

'Just a little... further.'

It definitely wasn't her finest moment... The details were blurred likely by whatever was causing her head to ache so badly. All that was important was that (Y/n) woke up back in the place she'd been trying to get away from, Cosmo slouched in an armchair in the corner.

She pretended to stay asleep once she realised where she was, wishing to return to that unconscious oblivion and not face the consequences of her actions. However Cosmo was far too absorbed in her to not notice the tiny change in her breathing.

"Do you realise how stupid that was?"

(Y/n) didn't say a word, staying dead still. Cosmo sighed and spoke to fill the silence, sitting up and leaning towards her.

"You're so lucky that I got to you before anything happened."

She definitely didn't feel lucky.

"What if someone who works for Āvo saw you? W-what if Malachi found you first??" He paused for a few moments and then sank back down, running a hand over his face. "I swear all this stress is aging me..." Cosmo mumbled.

(Y/n) allowed her eyes to open and slowly propped herself up on her elbows. Dark circles hung beneath Cosmo's dimmed green eyes, his already scratched up face has earned itself some new bruises. It was hard not to pity him at least a little.

"I'm...I'm sorry that-" (Y/n) stopped herself, what was she even apologising for? It was hard to pinpoint why but she just felt sorry for him. "That this is stressing you out, but this hasn't been easy on me either."

Cosmo grinded his teeth, his messy stubble lined jaw tightening. "I know." He said.

She expected him to say more, just to elaborate on his point but nothing more was said, he just cast his vision downwards.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly feeling a chill in the room. The silence was stifling and she just wanted to break the awkwardness.

"My head hurts." She mentioned.

"There's some water and an aspirin on the nightstand."

(Y/n) only muttered out a 'thanks' and went to take it. 'Don't thank him, he kidnapped you.' She scolded herself inwardly. She hated that she could still care for him when he was depriving her of her freedom out of pure selfishness. Her pity could only extend as far as the fact that he was being hunted by two rival conglomerates, but she tried to hold back the sympathy that arose from problems he'd created for himself.

"I know you think I'm the bad guy." Cosmo said out of nowhere. "But I'm not. I...I'm doing what's best for you, for us."


"I don't want to talk about this." He stood up, started to walk towards the bed but halted after just a couple of steps. "I'll be in the kitchen working on dinner if you need me. I love you."

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