III- the hippocratic oath

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"A-ah!! Is there not a- fuck! A-a pain killer you could- o-ow- OW! You could gi-give me?" The man, known as Kim, paused to spit out a substantial amount of blood. "Pl-please?"

"I'm really sorry but I can't. I'll get in trouble." (Y/n) answered sadly, her heart ached at the thought of what Kim was being put through. He'd been there for several weeks now and she had a feeling that he didn't have much longer. "You should really just tell us what we wanna hear."

"Per- god that hurts! Perdax wi-will kill me."

(Y/n) huffed at the mention of yet another incident with Perdax, she really should find out what was happening between him and Lūsis. It was complicated so she tended to stay out of it since she technically didn't need to know anything apart from the fact that they were enemies.

"I'm sorry to hear that but..." She pulled off the final stitch. "You're all stitched up!"

Kim looked down at himself solemnly. He was tied to a chair, as all of (Y/n)'s 'patients' had to be, and was a total wreck.

She liked him a certain amount because he would actually talk to her, granted it wasn't about anything personal and was mostly just stuff about how badly he was hurting but he was better than most.

Most would either ignore her completely when they realised that she was there neither to free them or interrogate them, or they'd scream at her to let them go.

She honestly didn't blame them. She couldn't blame anyone for their reaction to being tortured.

At first she was definitely a whole lot more sensitive and would cry after work about all the people that she was allowing to get hurt.

Some of them would beg for her to put them out of their misery.

"I... I really don't know anything." Kim said with a sniff. "I just sell some shit for him, I-I swear!"

It hurt more because she felt inclined to believe him, even if he was lying he didn't deserve this sadistic treatment. "That's not for me to decide." She held herself back from apologising again. "I've got to go."

(Y/n) paused outside of room seventeen.

She checked the notes for what they wanted to fix and grimaced. According to what the interrogator's wrote she'd need to remove several nails from Cosmo's arms.

For his own sake and partly for her's, (Y/n) really hoped he was passed out for this even though she was curious to meet him.

The guard outside of the door took out a pair of keys and opened it up for her once she verified who she was.

The figure that had been tied to a metal chair as usual flinched upwards and then relaxed when he saw her.

"I'm not here to question you." (Y/n) said in clarification.

"Good. I wasn't gonna tell you anything anyway." He responded coolly.

(Y/n) checked her notes again, for someone who had been shot several times with a nail gun she didn't expect him to be so... Calm and unbothered.

She knelt down ahead of him and inspected his arms that had been strapped down to the arm rest of the chairs. They were bloody and malformed from where the nails were shoved deeply into them.

(Y/n) began gathering some saline solution and wipes to sanitise the whole area.

"This might hurt." She told him.

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