XXVIII- shopping trip

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That weekend (Y/n) found herself staring in disbelief at the package she'd received. It was from Āvo and contained to dress she was to wear to the dinner party.

It was a stunning gold colored corseted bodice with a tulle skirt attached the fell to the floor. Pretty gems and diamonds embellished the bodice part that seemed to be lined with silk. Along with the dress was a pair gold heels which both had a small ribbon bow on them.

"Oh my god.." (Y/n) muttered right before giggling like a schoolgirl and going to toss it on.

After a few minutes of struggle with the clasp, she scrambled to the mirror and gasped at what she saw. She felt like a princess, she looked like a princess.

'Wow... Is it normal to feel this attracted to yourself? Oh well, that's an issue for another day.'

She twirled and posed in the mirror, smiling the whole way since she'd never felt so beautiful.

'Mom and dad would freak if they saw me in this.' (Y/n) pulled out her phone to take a picture to send to her parents.

She looked down to see the full extent of the skirt and take a peak at the heels underneath. On the floor she spotted a small note that must've been folded into the dress:

Wear your hair however you wish but make it presentable. Same goes for makeup but do wear a red lipstick.
Āvo Lūsis.

(Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek and glanced at her makeup collection. She probably had enough to do a nice eye look but she didn't think she owned a red lipstick. Or at least not one she deemed nice enough for such an esteemed event.

Glancing back down at her phone, she smiled when she got an idea and clicked on her best friend's contact.

"Hi, sunshine! Notice how I picked up on the first ring? I'm a pretty good friend, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to make it up to me?" She asked, still shamelessly checking herself out in the mirror.

"Please! I'll do anything!"

"First of all, never answer any question with 'I'll do anything'. And second, I just need you to drive me to the mall and help me pick out a red lipstick."

"Of course, I'll be outside in ten!" He chirped excitedly and hung up.

(Y/n) put her phone down and pulled at her dress to go back to admiring it. She was so caught up in the beauty of the garment she didn't even question how Āvo had got her size perfectly.

"There's a red one!" Malachi pointed out.

"No, I don't want that kind of red." (Y/n) said with a grimace.

"How many types of red are there?"

"Plenty, Malachi. Plenty."

Malachi groaned loudly. "You'll look great in any of them. So let's just pick one and go."

"That was almost sweet of you."

(Y/n) looked over the many different shades and brands that was laid out in the display.

"What do you think of this?" She asked, pulling out a deeper burgundy and swatching the tester on the back of her hand.

"Why would you get a thirty dollar one when this one looks exactly the same and was only seven dollars?" Malachi pulled out a cheaper version of the same shade.

"Well, the quality, how easy it is to apply and remove, how long it lasts, ethical brand practices, plenty of reasons." She said as she went back to browsing the multitude of shades.

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