LII- got your back

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Monday mornings were always rough for anyone.

This was particularly true for Pete who was in the midst of having his fingernails torn off.

"But you're on my side, right?"

It was made even worse by the crazed lunatic who was inflicting his torture. He'd been found to be taking money off the top of certain drugs and arms dealings and was paying the price with his blood. Pete's torture was only just beginning but half of it was listening to this guy talk.

The man had been ranting on and on to him nearly incoherently about some girl who turned him down.

"(Y/n) does love me though. She has to."

"E-exactly." Pete choked out, finding it easier to just agree and hopefully endure less pain as a result.

"Mrs (Y/n) has a ring to it. (L/n) is nice too, oooh, I could take her last name!" He marvelled. "The thing I can't believe is how damn long it took me to realise." Malachi said cheerfully as he clamped down on Pete's last remaining fingernail, the other ones were tossed to the floor leaving a fleshy and bloody stub in their wake. Pete's scream was completely tuned out as Malachi returned to talking about himself. "I don't know what I can do to convince her to love me again...not that she ever stopped! I need to show her that she loves me."

He dropped the pliers onto the now very stained metal dish. "But how?" Malachi said longingly. "She's a little uptight- not into murder and stuff. I would just kill Sofia to show my devotion but...I think that would only upset (Y/n)."

Pete was breathing heavily to try and draw his attention away from the burning pain emitting from the ends of his fingers.

Malachi scowled at Pete's lack of response. They were having a conversation! He brought out a different metal tool and used it to pull Pete's right index finger back, almost to the point of snapping.

"A-ah! Fuck! Please- I-"

"What's your advice?" Malachi remained calm, twisting the finger to keep the threat of breaking it firmly in place.

"I- oh god!" Pete held back screams of agony and forced himself to speak. "Y-you could..ah! You could give her s-s-some space."

Pete squealed like a pig when Malachi pulled the finger further back very suddenly.

"That's a terrible idea." He muttered after a resonant crack sounded. Malachi moved onto the next finger. "Try again."

Pete could hardly look down at the malformed finger that was bent unnaturally out of shape. He felt sick from all of the pain it shot through his entire body.

", please-!"

"Come on." Malachi encouraged with wide pleading eyes. "There must be something I can do!"

"I don't know! G..get her to-" He paused to hiss out.

"Get her to what?"

"Get her-her t- shit! Stop! Stop!" Fat tears poured down Pete's face.

"Get her to what?" Malachi repeated strictly.

Pete sobbed on and on until Malachi got tired of it broke that finger too with considerably more strength, instead of just the bone breaking, the top half of his finger came clean off. Malachi hummed boredly as blood spurted out like a fountain.

"Or... I should just get her." He said, mostly to himself, playing with Pete's unfinished words while Pete writhed. "Get her back into my life. Just take her." Malachi smiled at the thought, that would have her falling for him in no time. If she lost her feelings for him with distance then surely if he spent all his time with her then she'd regain them.

"You know what, Pete? You give really great advice." Malachi smiled but then clamped down on the next finger. "So I'm sorry for the next-" He checked the time. "-four hours."

(Y/n) had a pretty thin timetable that week. She'd been assigned a whole lot less work lately, not that she was complaining. She had a set salary, uncommon for many of her colleagues, so wasn't getting paid by the hour.

Instead of staying in all the time in fear of Cosmo's next strike, she thought it best to get out more. Of course only during the day and in populated areas.

The combination of not having a whole lot of work and being ready to go out again made it easy to accept Sofia's invitation to meet up with her.

"Over here! (Y/n)!" Sofia called out when she was about twenty feet away from (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s eyed over Sofia, seeing that Rudy was standing beside her. "Hey, Sofia." She smiled and then looked up at the man, her expression dropping. "Rudy."

Sofia giggled, taking (Y/n)'s juxtaposing greetings as a joke.

Rudy appeared shocked to see (Y/n). "What's she doing here?"

"I told you in the car, babe, I was going out to meet her." Sofia said under her breath to which Rudy nodded at the memory.

"Sorry, uh, I wasn't paying full attention." He stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I know it was meant to be just us two." Sofia began, turning her attention back to (Y/n). "But Rudy just loves going everywhere with me- he's a little clingy." She loudly whispered the last part jokingly.

"I am not clingy."

"I'm only teasing." She took his hand and squeezed it but Rudy seemed distracted. He was looking at (Y/n) intently, an unreadable expression on his face.

"How are you?" He asked with a juxtaposing serious tone. "Is everything going okay with...Malachi?"

As confusing as his feelings towards (Y/n) were for even himself to understand, Rudy knew for sure that he cared about her. Malachi being after her heart was only going to end in tears, likely from both of them.

(Y/n) could tell just from the way he asked that he knew exactly what had happened. How he found out, she didn't know.

"It's still pretty complicated-"

"Oh my god! What happened with Malachi??" Sofia jumped in with a gasp.

(Y/n) saw Rudy wince in anger when Sofia cut her off. It was an odd reaction from someone who she'd witnessed worshipping the ground Sofia walked on. He now seemed annoyed at the mere sound of her voice.

"Nothing's happened." (Y/n) sighed. "That's the dumb part. Nothing's actually happened. We're not talking right now and I want to keep it that way, at least until I figure some stuff out."

"Is he doing that thing where you drop loads of hints that you don't wanna talk and he just keeps on trying anyway?" Sofia asked, knowing from first hand experience just how suffocating he could be. "He's stopped doing that over the past few weeks but it can be irritating as hell."

(Y/n) laughed dryly. "Um.. kind of."

Rudy felt his heart rate quicken in worry. "You tell me if he's bothering you too much, okay?"

"Thanks." (Y/n) said softly with a nod.

Sofia squeezed Rudy's hand again. "I wish I could've had that kind of offer from you!" She joked, not seeing that Rudy didn't even spare her a glance.

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