LXV- gaining

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When Saturday came and there was less than an hour until Āvo would be at the meeting, (Y/n) was having a mini crisis in the bedroom.

She had planned to try to escape today. Her first attempt, and while there was some hope for it said hope was quickly depleting.

Āvo trusted her enough to have the door unlocked but not enough to not have three guards stationed right outside her open door. It was likely opened so she couldn't do anything suspicious from within without being observed.

Was she that easy to read? She hadn't made it obvious that she was breaking out in the slightest, she thought she hadn't at least, so it was probably just Āvo being rightfully paranoid.

So she resigned herself to drumming her finger against the vanity as she looked at her reflection quite blankly.

The window was a possible exit point, only the glass was so thick that it wasn't even fully see-through and it barely opened. It was a shame there wasn't some vent she could climb into like she was in a movie.

Unfortunately, this didn't seem like the day she would break out. Part of her just wanted to try anyway, to just see if she could do it, but she also knew that trying to escape would completely obliterate all the trust she had earned and would not only put her back to square one but would put her way before where she started if Āvo caught onto her manipulation.

Would there ever be another opportunity to escape? Or would she always be second guessing herself?

By now, the meeting must have started around ten minutes ago and still (Y/n) was going back and forth in her mind as she pottered around the room, taking a look at the guards outside to see if they were paying full attention and if she thought she could take any of them.

They were and she most certainly could not.

(Y/n) was just about ready to out the whole idea to bed and give up when she heard some commotion from outside. Something quiet and muffled came out of the reciever of one of the three guards and they looked to each other.

"Should we take it? We're supposed to be at the door." One said.

"He asked for all personel in the building, we have to go!"

They all ran off in the same direction and shortly after she saw other guards running right past her, all towards the office.

Something was going down but (Y/n) didn't think too much about that- if everyone in whole building was occupied with that then this was her chance!

She put some shoes on and dashed in the opposite direction without so much of a thought about it, just focusing on the possibility of long missed freedom.

"No one will see me." Cosmo said, adjusting the cap to sit lower of his head.

"I'm not gonna lie to you...that disguise is terrible." Malachi could quite easily tell that it was Cosmo considering all he had done was put a blue baseball cap on.

"It doesn't matter, I'm stealthy and no one's gonna see me."

Malachi was inclined to believe Cosmo since he had heard all about his daring missions in the past, but this was about (Y/n).

"You sure you'll be able to find her?" Malachi checked.

"Put some trust in me, okay?" Cosmo checked the time on his watch and his green eyes shot wide open. "We need to get inside quick."

Rudy had been quiet this whole time, he wasn't as on board with this as Malachi was. He didn't trust Cosmo at all.

Malachi nudged Rudy's side and the two went inside, being recognised by henchmen lining the place as those who were invited to see Āvo. Cosmo subtly walked in with them, slipping away once they were inside while the other two headed to the desk.

"Um, we were invited to-"

"I know who you are." The woman sitting behind it said. "Head up to the waiting room, you'll be called in when Mr Lūsis is ready to see you."

Rudy looked to Malachi to lead the way, having never been here before. He was more on edge than he'd like to admit about being here. Cosmo and Malachi were accustomed to this, he was not.

Anything for (Y/n) though.

"He said nothing about what this is about?" Rudy checked as they sat down outside the office.

"Not a word." Malachi responded with a shrug. "I didn't even know he knew you existed."

"Neither did I..." Rudy mumbled, his voice trailing off in uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Cosmo was crouched around the corner of one of the halls. He kept looking at his watch...waiting for the other shoe to drop so he could strike.

He had a handgun on his hip in case of any trouble but hoped he wouldn't have to use it, if all went according to plan then he wouldn't have to.

The clock had gone past twelve so Malachi and Rudy were likely already speaking to Āvo. Cosmo bit on his tongue anxiously, despite being confident in his plan, doubt was beginning to creep in. What if they get cut short and all the timing is shot? What if he gets seen and is taken away before he even knows where (Y/n) is?

(Y/n). She was the only thought that could calm him down. The thought that she'd be with him soon. So so soon. Assuming everything went as expected, there was little margin for error.

Suddenly, he heard some sirens and clambering from downstairs. Cosmo grinned as he heard frantic and heavy footsteps from all around.

He stood up and strolled down the hall in search of where (Y/n) was being kept.

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