XIII- distractions

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Gabe had been such a mess, too much blood for Āvo's taste and much too loud as well. He'd get one of his workers to finish Gabe off, torturing him was fun for a while but got boring quick.

Āvo wasn't usually such a sadist, those instincts were only really brought out of him when it came to (Y/n). People trying to take her away, people trying to hurt her and those who dared insult her were the only ones he really cared to hurt.

Malachi had once been high up on that list but he knew better than to take (Y/n)'s best friend's life. In all honesty, Āvo would rarely have to kill for her considering how much she kept to herself.

"Will you get rid of him?" Āvo requested as he exited past a few of his workers. He walked through the warehouse and paused outside of room seventeen. Āvo brushed a hand over his golden hair and grimaced when seeing that some blood must have gotten on it.

His beloved had been spending a lot of time in there, he had ordered it to be that way since having her working with someone of such high importance would have her in close proximity to him.

He hoped Cosmo wasn't being too much trouble. He'd had his men go easier on him so it would not only make (Y/n)'s job immeasurably easier, it also meant she didn't need to spend so much time with a another man. 

"Are you entering, sir?" A guard by the door asked nervously.

Āvo hummed with a nod and watched the guard fumble to open the door up.

Sure enough, the heavy door swung open to reveal a slumped figure.

The blond walked all the way to Cosmo, hearing the door slam and further dimming the already dark room. He touched one of the wounds that were visible beneath Cosmo's closely shaven dark hair.

It seemed old and was coated in dried blood, despite things calming down around Cosmo recently he'd still been severely hurt... Still, it didn't seem he was letting up any of the information Āvo wanted from him.

Āvo's hand then fell to the side of Cosmo's head and he pinched his enemy's ear sharply to wake him up.

Cosmo grunted and shook his head vigorously. "Good morning to you too..." He mumbled while blinking several times to adjust to being so rudely woken up.

"It's not morning." Āvo said without a trace of humor. "When did you last eat?"

The captive shrugged as best as he could. "I don't have much of an appetite anyway." He nodded towards an unsightly pile of vomit on the floor that made Āvo wince.

"We don't need to waste any time then." Āvo said bluntly. "You've lasted well."

"I'm flattered," Cosmo began. "But it's not like it's hard in here. It's like a five star hotel in here compared to some of the shit I've seen."

Āvo grinded his teeth at the notion that he was being at all soft. "That can change very easily."

"Your guys have been fucking petting me for the past week, I mean usually you make it get worse over time not the other way around."

"You were taking up too much time." That was a slight lie. Āvo only felt he was taking up too much of (Y/n)'s time. "Just tell me what I want to know."

"And what's that exactly?" Cosmo asked innocently while batting his eyelashes.

"You're pushing your luck."

"A 'please' would be nice. Where did your manners go to die?"

"God, you're annoying."

"I'll answer your question if you ask it properly!"

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