XIV- just platonic

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"Rudolph Russel."

"Rudolph?... Like the reindeer?"

"He goes by Rudy." Agnes pushed a picture across the table towards Āvo, her boss.

Āvo lifted the picture and frowned. His beloved (Y/n) was sat opposite another man, he assumed this was Rudolph... or Rudy or whatever the pest wanted to be called. He wanted to call out Agnes for having this picture taken since he'd requested (Y/n) to be left alone for the time being but seeing this made him glad that he had someone tailing her.

"And he is... With (Y/n)?"

"No, no, he is also in love with Sofia Bell..." So Agnes explained all the information that had been gathered over the past few days, alarms blared when Reed died by gunshot wound when it was common knowledge that Malachi wouldn't dare use such a painless weapon. "Would you like him disposed of, sir?"

Āvo rubbed his chin in deep thought. Rudolph had threatened (Y/n)'s life and was still using this against her, Āvo's poor darling was still probably frightened for her life.

... But this Rudy was preventing her from being able to pursue Malachi. Agnes had confirmed that Rudy was yet to hurt (Y/n), and while Āvo didn't want to sit around and wait for the worst to happen, he figured he could allow Rudolph to live as long as he was obscuring (Y/n)'s relationship with Malachi.

"No... Keep him alive until he lays a hand on my girl."

Cosmo got so bored these days, so when (Y/n) walked into room seventeen his green eyes lit up... Even though she couldn't see it since it was so dark.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that." (Y/n) said as she grew closer to him and frowned in confusion when she saw that he had very few new wounds to deal with. She was happy he was okay but simultaneously co fused as to why he wasn't being hurt. "When did you last get interrogated?"

"Āvo came in yesterday, he didn't do anything though." Cosmo paused and then snickered a little. "He thinks he's tough shit..."

She softly shook her head. "Are you sure that was yesterday?" (Y/n) swore she'd seen Āvo in the arms meeting she'd stumbled into.

"Pretty sure... But then again who knows what time it is in here?"

"What did he come in for?"

"Fuck knows, he was only here for five minutes... I think he's giving up on me." A slight smile tugged on the corner of Cosmo's mouth. "That means I can get out of here soon."

"I wouldn't put money on it." (Y/n) lifted up a water bottle, figuring it was one of the only ways she could help him at this point.

"No thanks... And I could totally break out, Āvo's soft.. and not nearly as smart as he likes people to think." Cosmo criticised and then looked at (Y/n) to see her with a disagreeable expression. "What?"

"He's my boss... Cosmo, I'm not..." (Y/n) sighed. "I can't just laugh along to stuff like that, I work for him and he's the only reason I still have a place to live."

"I didn't take you as the type to be so..."

"What? Loyal?" (Y/n) asked defensively.

"No." Cosmo repsonded quickly. "Forget it."

"I know you don't like him. Obviously. But I still work for the Lūsises, my loyalty lies there... I'm not trying to get in trouble." (Y/n) glanced towards the door. "I should go."

"You've not been here for long." He commented.

"I know but there's nothing I can do right now. You're not injured enough for me to help." She stood up and brushed her knees down. "Unless there's something you need me for..?"

Cosmo really didn't have any medical needs in that moment but... He didn't want (Y/n) to go, he liked talking to her even if she was apparently stiffly loyal to Āvo.

"Nah." He ended up saying in a relaxed manner. "You're good, I'll see you soon though?"

"I think after the weekend." She said with a smile and brushed some hair from her face before setting off with a goodbye.

Cosmo leant further into his chair, trying to feel slightly more comfortable even if he was strapped down.

He rocked the chair slightly by accident but was able to stabilise it before it fell. An idea struck Coamo as he used his feet to balance himself... If he could injure himself with a fall then (Y/n) would stay longer the next time she saw him.

It was strange that he actually wanted to get hurt now... He just couldn't take the bitter loneliness.

Malachi coughed uncontrollably at the smoke that filled the air, he thought he would've been used to it by now. He was half convinced he had undiagnosed asthma.

"You good?" Taylor asked, he'd been a casual friend of Malachi's for several years since they'd worked together for so long.

"Would you mind breathing that in the other direction?"

Taylor chuckled and flicked some of the ash off his cigarette, the two of them had a pretty uninvolved friendship despite knowing each other for so long. They rarely spoke outside of work, even now they just had nothing to do so Malachi decided to join Taylor on his smoke break.

"I think I have weak lungs." Malachi muttered while leaning against the wall and clearing out his throat yet again. He brought his phone out of his pocket and clicked his tongue when seeing that Saffi still hadn't responded to his latest string of text messages.

Taylor looked over his shoulder at the phone as Malachi wrote out another text inquiring into her wellbeing.

"Whoa, give her a chance to respond." Taylor commented jokingly.

"I just get worried." Malachi hid his phone screen from view and sent off the message.

"She your girlfriend?"

Malachi smiled brightly, though something sinister was evident behind his dark eyes. "I wish."

"Is she that girl I see you with? (H/c) hair? I think she's a doctor...or a nurse or something."

"(Y/n)? No! No, no, no, no." Malachi repeated the negative statement into a small laugh. "She's my best friend but we are... Just that, nothing else. The girl I'm texting is-"

"Seriously? She's hot, you should go for it before someone else does."

Malachi stared at Taylor for a moment, his smile gradually fading. "Wh-... What..?"

"Assuming your friend, (Y/n), is single then it's not long before someone goes for her... I mean, if you're into this other chick then I might try my chances-"

"Nope." Malachi said immediately.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said." Malachi snapped, he didn't even know why the prospect of (Y/n) getting into a realtionship upset him so much. He supposed he was possessive of her in some sense... He always liked knowing that he was a priority of her's. "Just becuase I don't want to date her doesn't mean I want someone else to."

Taylor tilted his head to the side. "You sure you're just friends? Friends don't get jealous like that."

"Jealous??" Malachi began to laugh, he could acknowledge that he was jealous when it came to Saffi. To him, that was a sign of true devotion. But if he admitted his jealousy over the possibility of (Y/n) having another man in life then...

Well, then it would mean he'd have to rethink some other things.

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