XXI- flirtatious

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(Y/n) returned to work on Monday, after she had been given the better part of last week off.

She had to see Cosmo first so didn't bring many supplies with her apart from the basics. He was hardly ever hurt anyway so what was the point?

"How is he?" She asked one of the lower levelled henchmen. His usual report had always been that the injuries were pretty minor if there were any at all- well, that's what they had been for the past few weeks now.

So when (Y/n) received a very different answer she was quiet taken aback.

"You're gonna need more bandages than that. He bled a lot."


"Attempted breakout."

(Y/n) expelled a sigh. She knew Cosmo was frustrated and that trying to escape was understandable but surely he was smart enough to not do something so reckless without knowing it would bode over well.

"This bastard isn't letting anything up though." Irritation seeped from the interrogator's tone.

(Y/n) glanced down at the minimal supplies she had with her. "I'll be back in a minute."

She was careful when walking into room seventeen. "Cosmo? How are you feeling?" (Y/n) said with gentle concern.

In the dark, she saw his head tick up. "(Y/n)!" He sounded surprised. "What happened?"

"I was given some time off, but I think I should be asking you that." She cringed as she grew closer, seeing the extent of his injuries. His right hand was completely mangled, one of his eyes was swollen and bloodied, she could see that the gash he had on his hair was reopened and one of his legs was twisted unnaturally. "God, this may take a while."

"I... Wait, is the mic still there?"

"I'm not sure. I should probably start-"

"No. Please." Cosmo cut her off. "I need you to check if they can hear us."

(Y/n) sighed a little before stepping away to where she'd found the tiny microphone before. She expected to find the exact same thing but was surprised when instead of seeing the hint of light... There was nothing there.

She'd been confused as to why the room was being listened to in the first place, but the fact that it wasn't anymore seemed even stranger.

While (Y/n) would never guess the reasons for both actions in a million years, yet they both had pretty simple reasoning.

Āvo wanted to know that she was okay so there was a microphone to listen in... She then brought it up to him and he had it removed in case it made her uncomfortable. He had hoped that removing it would offer her some peace of mind but it just added to the convolution in her mind.

Surely after a breakout attempt there would be more precautions taken but it seemed they'd been taken away.

"What do you know? It's gone." (Y/n) said in surprise.

"The microphone?"

"Yeah... That's weird." She settled it with a shrug and went back over to Cosmo. "Now, I should really stitch up that head injury first."

His green eyes took the time to follow (Y/n) very carefully as she approached him and began to tenderly poke at the wound on his crown.

"How's it looking, doc?" He inquired with hint of misplaced humor when she got out some wipes to get rid of the excess blood and any dirt that could have gotten in the wound.

"You'll live." She stated simply. "It's a wonder that you don't react to this... Usually even with painkillers someone would be at least a little hurt by this."

"What can I say? I'm just so strong and manly." He said jokingly with a bounce of his eyebrows.

(Y/n) smirked down at him. "That's funny, tell another one."

"If I could kick you then you'd regret saying that."

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'd love to see you try."

Cosmo's eyes were trained upwards to try and catch as much of (Y/n)'s face as possible as she started to stitch up his skin. It was difficult to do and had him accidentally staring at her breasts for a prolonged period of time. Reddening at the thought, he looked downward at his own lap.

"Have you done anything new with your hair?" Was his first sorrowful attempt at flirting. Cosmo never really took much time with his romances before and they never had happened while he was in captivity. He deemed his nervousness to come from two places, those being that this was his first attempt at flirting in a long while and that (Y/n) was one of the rarer occasions where he held a deeper interest in her as a person past a date or two.

He knew that he liked her and that was about it. Cosmo wasn't sure what exactly he wanted to do with that information because it wasn't like they could form a relationship here and she was too loyal to Lūsis to follow him when he got out.

For now some harmless (and apparently terrible) flirting on his part would suffice.

"Uh, no. It's pretty much the same as last time." She said. "Though you've certainly got something new going on."

As with others in captivity, Cosmo's back hair would be routinely shaven down to little more than a fuzz. It was patchy and some areas were overgrown while some were shaven right down to the skin. Luckily where he was bleeding didn't have much hair obstructing (Y/n) from working on it.

"Courtesy of some jackass."

"I may have to give you some staples." (Y/n) said with a frown.

"Don't worry about it as long as I'm not bleeding out you can do whatever you want to me." Cosmo paused in embarrassment as he realised that 'do whatever you want to me' could be interpreted quite differently. "I mean, not like that but-"

"I know what you mean." She snickered. "Now hold still, this may hurt a bit."

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