LXXV- sweet sorrow

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a/n: Hi! I'm very sorry if this is disappointing to anyone but I wanted to alert you that I will be taking a break next week before section five. I've had some personal/family stress that I won't get into right now.

After next week, my uploads will continue as normal for the remainder of the story.

Thanks for reading and I'm very very sorry.

-L.T. May

It was still dark when (Y/n) woke up. Cosmo was still soaking up some much needed rest, with red cheeks that had been blotted with tear stains.

The alarm clock on the nightstand told her that it was just past five in the morning.

(Y/n) had originally planned to sleep on the floor but Cosmo's crying managed to convince her to share a bed with him that night. Following a few attempts by him for them to cuddle, she demanded they sleep on opposite sides of the bed.

She sat up and looked at him sleeping, it was nice to see him calm following his anxiety hitting a peak last night. Even if the only way he could be calm was in rest.

'I could take advantage of this.' She thought. 'Walk out the door right now...and it would be so easy.'

It would be almost too easy. As long as she didn't wake him up then escape was literally right there. For as much as Cosmo didn't trust her not to run, there was very little preventing her from doing so- thoughts of keeping her close in the short term had been neglected over worries about his lack of long term plans.

(Y/n) was facing a similar dilemma. In the short term she could leave the motel quite easily, in the long term she knew that Cosmo would track her down while she also had Malachi and Āvo to worry about.

She shifted herself out of bed and went into the bathroom to shed off her nightwear in favor of a simple outfit Cosmo had packed for her.

The time it took to change gave her time to really think about the action she was about to take- if she would even take it, and if she did then how?

(Y/n) walked back around the side of the bed to look at Cosmo. The more prominent scar on his cheek was accompanied with smaller ones that he'd accumulated in the two confrontations. She couldn't stop herself from caring for him, even if she feared his intentions at the same time.

Her finger ran across the large healed over gash, the oldest one that had been present since they met.

A deep breath left (Y/n)'s slightly parted lips.

She knew what she had to do.

A bittersweet smile crossed her face before she turned away from him in order to steal some of his money. She didn't want to take too much and leave him with nothing, just enough to get her on her way.

The guilt she was attempting to suppress kept on popping up. If he hadn't had his breakdown yesterday she probably could've left no problem, without so much as glancing over her shoulder as she went. But knowing his own internal panic made her feel culpable in whatever pain he felt as a result of her leaving him.

He was clearly clinging onto her as something good in his life, he didn't have a lot of other good things after all.

'It's not my fault.' She told herself as she stuffed some cash in her pocket. 'He took me against my will and... And he knows I want to leave so it's not my fault for acting on it.'

She was gentle with the door when opening and shutting it, a couple of seconds passed where she was just standing out in the hall to fully process that she had got away.

Well...almost got away.

That reminder of an uncertain fate jolted her to start heading for the stairs. Once she reached the lobby she saw that she was the only person there other than the lady who worked the front desk, but her head was resting on the surface as she was obviously asleep at this early hour.

(Y/n) took herself through the revolving door and out into the open.

Where she could go next would depend on what she happened upon. With no clear object in mind, she briskly began to walk out of the parking lot.

It seemed she'd hit a lucky streak when a bus stop came into view with a map of the route attached the the schedule.

Considering the time that she'd woken up, the first bus of the day wouldn't be for another thirty minutes. (Y/n) figured she could take her chances and wait for it, assuming that Cosmo wouldn't wake up and/or find her in that time.

The map told her the different locations where this bus route went and it seemed as though it headed back to near where her old hospital was. She read the name of an all too familiar bus stop that she would always take to get to Prin's house, Prin being her old best friend whom (Y/n) once worked alongside.

Seeing the route settled the plan in her mind. Bringing Prin into it was regrettable but the separation between the people in her life before and after she got fired made it so Prin wouldn't be on Cosmo's radar- neither Āvo's nor Malachi's.

(Y/n) sat down on a bench and hurriedly checked over her shoulder, fearful that Cosmo would have woken up and gone out to find her.

It was some hours later when Cosmo found himself being pulled away from sleep, he didn't know that (Y/n) was long gone.

He stirred with a groan and rolled over, hoping that his semi-lucid state would excuse the fact that he was intending to throw his arm over (Y/n).

But instead of her warm figure he just hit the sheets, that pulled him into full lucidity and his eyes shot open.

Alarm bells rang in his mind but he tried not to jump to the worst conclusion.

(Y/n) wasn't in bed, she wasn't in the tiny room at all.

Cosmo scrambled to his feet and went to the bathroom door where he knocked at it. "(Y/n)? Are you in there??" His hands stayed glued to the door desperately as he waited for an answer.

Only silence was returned back to him.

Panicked, he fumbled for the doorknob and became even more concerned when it was unlocked. He swung the door open and yet again there was no one there.

Cosmo hadn't even realised he was hyperventilating until that moment. He put his hand on his heart when the other shoe finally dropped in his mind.

(Y/n) had got away.

He backed away slowly, his breaths being the only sound he heard until he hit the wall and began to sink down.

Who knows how long she'd been gone for? How far she had gotten? She might have already been captured by someone else by now and Cosmo had no way of knowing where she was.

"N-no..." He sobbed out, his hands shakily rose to cover his face. Cosmo couldn't form anymore words after that, only incoherent weeping left his throat for what felt like hours.

His burning sorrow lit a fire beneath him, it reminded him that (Y/n) was precious and more than worth the struggle. Cosmo knew it would be difficult but he also knew that he'd stop at nothing to find her.

And when he did find her, she would never leave his sight again.


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