XLVI- saffi saffi saffi

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(Y/n)'s sigh of relief lifted a great weight off her shoulder, Malachi had just pulled over in front of her and she wasted no time getting in the passenger seat of his car.

"Oh my god, thank you so much." She didn't even care about the inevitable tension between them, (Y/n) was just happy that she was safe..for now at least.

"What happened?" Malachi quickly pulled away and started to drive (Y/n) home. "You said there was an emergency."

She looked up and grimaced. "You're not gonna believe me...but I saw Cosmo and..he tried to, I don't know, kidnap me?"

"Shit, are you serious??" Malachi almost slammed his foot in the break after hearing that. "Did he hurt you?!"

"No...I may have, uh, stabbed him." She heralded the bloodied knife slightly out of her pocket. "I had to get away!"

"It's good you could defend yourself but... I think you should tell someone he's still here in case he tries again." He looked in the mirror. "Do you know where he is? I could take him in-"

"No!" (Y/n) said, startling Malachi with her volume and making him jolt the car. "Sorry...it's just that I don't want him to be tortured again. I'll...figure this out."

"Are you kidding me? He's trying to kidnap you, (Y/n)!"

"I don't think he deserves to die..." She muttered, knowing that she was likely being too lenient towards his behaviour.

Malachi scrunched his face up. "I want you to be safe, even if we're not really speaking right now... I still care about you, sunshine."

(Y/n) smiled softly. "I care about you too. Again, I'm so sorry for waking you up and I really can't thank you enough for this."

"You don't have to. I was awake anyway."


"I should be asking you why you were out here in the first place?" Malachi said, trying to turn the conversation back to (Y/n).

"I needed some fresh air." She summarised swiftly. "Now you."

Malachi huffed childishly. "I was at Saffi's." His eyes were devoid of the usual glint he had when discussing the object of his affection. "I've been...thinking a lot lately and I don't know why, maybe I'm just stressed out, but I feel like... God, it sounds terrible but my I think my love for Saffi has been...fading." He looked at (Y/n) only with the corner of his eyes.

She appeared shocked. "Really?"

He nodded shamefully.

(Y/n) felt a little happy but didn't show it. It wasn't that she wanted to swoop in and take Malachi for herself, it was moreso that she was glad that he was maybe realising how unhealthy his attachment to Sofia truly was. What he didn't mention was that the possible reason for his feelings for Sofia fading was feelings for (Y/n) coming to the surface.

"I was in her apartment tonight to try and get back what we once had." He turned down (Y/n)'s street. "But no joy so far. I still love her...I must do." It sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that fact more than anything. "It feels a bit different is all."

The car slowed and (Y/n) looked out of the window and then back to her friend. "Well, I hope you get some clarity soon." She said, keeping her stance on the issue vague. "Do you..want to come in?" (Y/n) offered, she was desperate to be friendly with Malachi again and would feel an awful lot safer if she had someone with her.

He wanted to to say yes. Of course he did. But Malachi couldn't bring himself to do it. He was trying to fall in love with Sofia again, staying the night with a woman who has feelings for him (feelings he might return) was not the way to go. "No, it's okay. I think I'm gonna head back to Saffi's until the sun comes up."

"Oh...thanks for picking me up." (Y/n) said as she shifted out the the car awkwardly.

"I said I'd make up for last time, right?"

She laughed a little and nodded. "Consider it made up."

Cosmo had stumbled back to his apartment, having used one of his sleeves to bind the stab wound that he was now sourly nursing.

He was more mad at himself than anything...but it was okay, next time he'd get it right and learn from his mistake. Cosmo didn't hold any ill will towards (Y/n) or her actions because he was the one who brought the knife into the situation. Poor thing, he shouldn't have startled her with such threats, she was only playing his game when she stabbed him after all.

The burner phone he was using lit up, he snickered when he saw the message that told him (Y/n) had gone back into her apartment. What a sweet thing, she was lucky that Cosmo had only the purest of intentions for her because she was utterly hopeless at remaining under the radar.

The message was from one of (Y/n)'s neighbors who was threatened by Cosmo into letting him know whenever she left her apartment or re-entered.

He didn't take the defeat too hard, he just had to try again and eventually he'd get it right and (Y/n) would be by his side.

Cosmo was never one for elaborate plans if that wasn't obvious already. He didn't know how long he could stay hiding in this place before he got caught, and staying away from all of his enemies would only be harder if he had to worry about (Y/n) too.

She was more than worth the trouble, he knew that, although he felt no guilt about taking her in the future, he did feel guilt about the running around they'll need to do. He'd always put (Y/n)'s safety first but he couldn't promise anything, he knew she wanted to settle down and live quietly but what he didn't know was if he could provide that.

But Cosmo was far too impatient to fix his life and then take (Y/n) so she would just have to get accustomed to that.

He patted his bandaged thigh, as if the encouragement would will it into healing faster.

She was a harder catch than he thought she'd be, but that just added to the fun.

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