LVI- without a trace

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Malachi could hardly believe it, even if it was something he should've saw coming if he was going to go in and insult Āvo like that it never so much as crossed his mind.

What was he supposed to do now?

He had no credentials outside of working for the Lūsises. Malachi walked home feeling even more empty than he had before.

What if (Y/n) was hurt? And cold? And alone?? It haunted his thoughts like crazy.

But what could Malachi possibly do to help her? He despised the feeling of being so helpless as (Y/n) endured who-knows-what.

He walked back home in a haze. How was he meant to pay for his rent...or for his.. anything??

Part way on the walk, Malachi stopped in the middle of the street. A sense of determination filled him. He remapped the route in his head and began to walk instead towards (Y/n)'s apartment building.

Perhaps there would be clues as to how to get to her. Malachi was fairly sure that if it was Āvo who had her then she'd be in his house, but more context wouldn't hurt.

Once he was outside, he had a choice. Either climb the fire escape and break in again...or try to go in the front door. Though, without a key that seemed impossible. Malachi inwardly apologized to (Y/n) for breaking her window lock as he clambered inside.

He groaned at the unpleasant feeling of landing on the wooden floor and then felt an even more unpleasant feeling of try he barrel of a gun pressed to his temple.

"We meet again."

Cosmo Exeter stood in front of Malachi, scars adorned his face like he was some kind of battle hero.

There was once a time where having the Cosmo Exeter pointing a gun at him would've been the highlight of Malachi's year. But that wasn't quite the case when Cosmo had broken into (Y/n)'s home.

"What're you doing here?" Malachi barked, keeping his hands visible.

Cosmo pushed the gun further against Malachi's head. "Where's (Y/n)? I know you have something to do with this."


"I know you've got her locked up in your basement or something." Cosmo's unforgiving glare burned into Malachi, despising the man for both the torture he'd endured because of him and because he suspected Malachi to be behind (Y/n) not returning. "So out with it and I'll make your death nice and quick."

"I'm flattered you think I can afford somewhere with a basement, but I don't have (Y/n). I'm here to investigate what happened."

Cosmo narrowed his eyes, trying to assess if Malachi was lying or not. Eventually he lowered the gun and stepped back, allowing Malachi to stand. "Investigate?"

"Āvo has her. I need to get her back."

"Āvo..." Cosmo muttered, he hadn't expected her to fall into his hands but it didn't make things easy. "It's not because of me, is it?"

"I don't know why." Malachi walked past Comso and started to look around. "That's why I'm here."

Guilt and anxiety washed over Cosmo. If (Y/n) was being punished for her involvement in his escape then he'd never forgive himself. "Āvo was fond of her, wasn't he?"

"Does it matter?"

"You're not gonna find her on your own." Cosmo went up to Malachi and placed his gun on the coffee table. "Not when you're just some guy who works for Āvo."

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