LXI- meeting the enemy

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Āvo ran over what he should say in his head as he stood outside of (Y/n)'s room.

It was bad news. Bad bad news that would make (Y/n) very upset.

He'd received word that Sofia had been murdered in what appeared to be a burglary gone wrong which landed her the unfortunate fate of being suffocated by a pillow.

If he had things his way then he wouldn't be telling her this at all, Sofia shouldn't be of any concern to her anymore. But it seemed disingenuous to keep it to himself. He promised to do all that he could for (Y/n) even if it meant he had to be the bearer of bad news.

He exhaled and looked up at the ceiling before finally biting the bullet and knocking on her door. By then, the door was no longer locked although (Y/n)'s movements remained heavily monitered.

(Y/n) was a perfect picture of domestic bliss to Āvo when she opened the door, still in long silk (f/c) pyjamas with her hair an untamed mess from the night. He couldn't wait until he got to wake up to her like this everyday, but that wasn't at the forefront of his mind right then.

"Morning." She yawned slightly. "Do you mind if I shower and get ready before breakfast? I don't want the guards to see me all messy like this." A small smile crept onto (Y/n)'s face at the end and she tilted her head to the side, noticing Āvo's apprehension. He was already fully dressed for the day which wasn't unusual since he had to work while (Y/n) didn't, but he already looked worn out. "Is something wrong?"

He frowned softly at her. "I think you ought to sit down."

"What.. happened..?" (Y/n) asked.

Āvo placed his hands on her shoulders and gently guided her back into the bedroom and sat her down the edge of her bed. "It's Sofia Bell... Her boyfriend discovered her dead in her apartment this morning."

(Y/n)'s eyes shot wide open, the words hit her like ice cold water and chilled her just the same. "Oh my god." The emotions weren't quite hitting the same, the shock overshadowing her grief. "Fuck, what happened?"

"They suspect it was a break in gone wrong, but of course her boyfriend is a suspect too."

'Poor Rudy...shit, he must be feeling terrible...wait- What about Malachi? I know he said he was totally over her but not long ago he would've gone literally insane without Sofia...'

"Do you know how Malachi is?? Is he skipping work?" (Y/n) shuffled forward to ask. Both Rudy and Malachi would be massive liabilities after this, she could imagine both of them doing serious damage to others and themselves without Sofia.

Āvo tightened his jaw and stiffened up at the mention of Malachi. "I'm unsure. I no longer employ him."

(Y/n) glanced down, if she had Āvo wrapped around her finger then she may as well use that. "Would you talk to him..a-and another friend of mine, Rudy Russel? Make sure they're okay?" She wasn't stupid enough to believe that it wasn't possible either Rudy or Malachi did it. Even if (Y/n) thought Rudy still loved her she knew he wasn't the most mentally stable person in the world. Whether they did it or not, the mental toll of losing someone who was so important to both of them at one point or another would be huge.

"I suppose I could do that..." Āvo muttered. "Are you okay?"

She shrugged. "I don't know." (Y/n) sighed. Sofia had always been an appendage of her relationship to both of them and while she did like the woman and was sad she was dead, she couldn't feel the remorse as she normally would. "I'm just in shock right now."

"I'm really sorry." Āvo's fingers twitched to hold her but he wasn't big on initiating stuff like that with (Y/n), much preferring for her to do so he knew she was comfortable with it.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned forward, feeling slightly sick.

"I understand if you'd prefer to take your breakfast in here rather than joining me in the dining hall-"

"Can I actually not eat right now?" She requested, an almost pathetic edge to her voice. "I'd like to be alone please."

"O-of course." Āvo stepped away, putting distance between them. "Press the button if you, uh, need me. Some food will be brought up if you don't get some yourself. I know it may be difficult but you need to eat."

She nodded at him with a sad smile. "Thanks, Āvo."

He said goodbye and walked out, gulping when he thought of what (Y/n) had tasked him with. He needed to set a meeting with Malachi and Rudy and somehow make it through without killing the both of them.

(Y/n) lay down on the soft bed after he left, feeling numb. She wanted to think about Sofia but all she could think about was how awful Malachi must be feeling.

The pop of the champagne bottle resonated around his kitchen. "I'm so glad she's dead. I knew you'd do something helpful eventually." Malachi gluttonously poured champagne into the three flutes that were laid out until they overflowed.

"You've always been a pillar of class..." Cosmo said carelessly. "I don't understand why this calls for celebration..." He added, leaning on his elbows on the counter. He grabbed the flute closest to him and took a sip anyway, not really caring either way about Sofia's death so long as he didn't get caught up in the proceedings.

"Who cares? Free alcohol." Rudy took a flute and clinked it against the one a very smiley Malachi was holding. "And it's only nine in the morning."

"Yeah, don't you have work, Malachi?" Cosmo asked to which Malachi made a decidedly dismissive 'psh' sound.

Rudy just laughed, always finding Malachi's displays of extreme emotion, negative or positive, hilarious.

"(Y/n) will be so happy when she finds out!" Malachi cheered, the only thing that could have made this better was if he did it himself.

Rudy and Cosmo shared a look of confusion, knowing that (Y/n) would not be at all happy.

"I know she makes a whole thing of hating murder and blah blah blah, but she's been seriously jealous of Sofia for years now." Malachi rambled. He was about to continue explaining himself when his phone rang. The number was unknown, he didn't think much of it when he picked it up though. "Hello?"

"Malachi Sashar?" A woman's voice came through grainily.


"Āvo Lūsis is requesting a meeting with you and Rudolph Russel-"

Malachi snickered childishly at Rudy's full first name.

The woman on the other end paused, he thought he also heard a sigh before she continued. "This Saturday at midday. You're expected to be there." She hung up quickly after, not giving Malachi time to respond.

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