LXXXIV- our last goodbye

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"Malachi." (Y/n) breathed his name out, though it wasn't so much of a sigh of relief as it was her trying to catch her own breath. She had little to no clue what was going on, but Cosmo, Āvo and Rudy seemed to be conspiring together and since she knew of Malachi's feelings towards her...she wasn't going to rule him out.

"Hey, sunshine." The softest of smiles lay on his lips, a warmth erupted in his chest at the sight of her. It took all the self control in the world for him not to take (Y/n) in his arms and never let go. "Drink?" He held out one of the glasses towards her.

She looked at it suspiciously, Āvo had drugged her in the past and while she had missed Malachi dearly, she wasn't in the position to trust him. She took the drink anyway, not making any moves to consume it.

"You're with them?" She asked simply, the way her hair fell out of place and the slight sheen of sweat she'd collected made it clear that she'd been running away.

"It's temporary." Malachi assured her. The bedroom they were in was large enough to have a low table along with some cushioned chairs around it. He sat down, (Y/n) followed suit. "It can be just us soon."

Her head shook from side to side in a slow motion. "I don't want that." Her (e/c) eyes were pleading with him for assistance, it was to the point where Malachi had to look away in order to not give into her whims. "Please, you must know that."

"I...I don't think you know what you want." He frowned. "You love me. You said it yourself."

A sharp sigh left her. "...How did you know I'd come in here?"

"I didn't." Malachi replied with a slight laugh. His smile died off when he saw how folorn (Y/n) appeared. "I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you."

"You can't promise something like that."

His eyes flicked down to her glass where he saw that (Y/n) was yet to take a sip. Malachi had tried to be subtle about his glance but (Y/n) knew him too well not to notice his small mannerisms.

"Why can't you..." (Y/n) paused, she had to distract him in some way if she wanted any chance at escape. "Why can't you just let me live how I want to?"

"You think I'd survive without you??" Malachi exclaimed, he stood up very suddenly. "These past few weeks have been hell, I've missed you so so much! I don't think I've ever cried so much and-"

"What about Sofia?"

The passion in Malachi's face was sucked away, his eyes narrowed. "What about her?"

"Did you..were you the one who k-killed her?"

Malachi scoffed, finding some kind of amusement in (Y/n)'s words. He ran his hand through his hair and walked to another part of the room.

Taking a chance when he wasn't longer facing her, (Y/n) speedily leaned towards to table. She switched the position of their drinks and lifted her new glass to take a sip.

"I didn't." He stated, sounding almost annoyed at the fact he hadn't been the one to do the deed. "But I didn't give a shit when she died. She kept me away from you for so long, I'm-" Malachi cut himself off with a small giggle. "I'm shocked you didn't kill her."

"I'm not insane, Malachi, I thought you knew that."

He shrugged and approached her again. "Love makes people do crazy things."

Once again, he looked at (Y/n)'s glass and pleasantly smiled upon seeing that she had begun to drink it. He went to drink some of his, making (Y/n) gain an inward smile of her own.

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