XLIV- feel good

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It didn't take long for Rudy to take Sofia out again, it was inevitable considering how much she enjoyed their first date. This time around, the two of them were sitting in a scenic park having a picnic that Rudy had taken the time to lovingly prepare.

He wasn't always the best when it came to food, but he hoped that his efforts would shine through and somehow make it edible.

"I'm so glad (Y/n) introduced us." Sofia smiled, the mid afternoon sun gave her skin a heavenly glow. "She's so great. I've got to organise something with her, we haven't spoken in so long."

Rudy would be lying if he suggested that the mention of (Y/n) hadn't caught him off guard. Hearing Sofia talk about (Y/n) just reminded him that none of it was real, it reminded him of all the manipulation that went into getting Sofia in front of him. If it wasn't for all the stalking and studying he'd have no clue what she liked in a man.

"You know, I'd see her more often but I know how close she is with Malachi and he gets on my nerves." She massaged her temple, seeming to get annoyed by the mere thought of him.

"Oh yeah, he's a total jackass." Rudy said heartily,  having no problem feeding Sofia's dislike of the other man.

"I have no idea how (Y/n) puts up with him."

Rudy tried not to glare. Why were they talking about (Y/n)? More importantly, why did it bother him?

It wasn't the usual irritation he felt when Sofia was talking about someone else, no, this wasn't his insecurity or jealousy. Whenever Sofia said (Y/n)'s name he wasn't mad at the latter as he usually would be. He wanted to tell Sofia to shut up possibly for the first time.

He hummed in response, hoping that Sofia would read him well enough to see he didn't want to talk about this.

She didn't.

"I guess they've known each other for longer..."

Rudy bit on his tongue and listened patiently as Sofia rambled, he usually found her voice very pleasant but in the context of speaking about (Y/n)...it was grating.

Malachi found himself in a staring contest with the door. He knew for a fact that Sofia was out on another date with that garbage-in-the-shape-of-a-man, Rudy. Still, he couldn't find the drive within himself to get up and do something about it.

Don't get it confused, he was mad, alright. But it was less of an anger that spat fire like it had been on the first date, but more one that could burn quite quietly and eventually fizzle out.

What was the point of it? Rudy would best him again and probably brag not only about claiming Sofia but (Y/n) too.

Not that Malachi cared about (Y/n) liking Rudy over him...at all. He was obviously totally A-OK with his best friend of three years siding with this sack of shit.

Not. Bitter. At. All.

It was a strange sensation for Malachi, he'd never been so disinterested in Sofia.

She was his true love! His cutie pie!! And yet, his energy was too depleted to rescue her from that villain.

Malachi felt like utter shit, he was a disappointment. Of course his love wasn't enough, nothing he did would ever be enough.

He desperately needed to bring back the love he once had, or at least revive it so it had the energy it used to, the energy that made him see stars everytime she so much as made a move.

Finally looking away from the door, Malachi stood and went into his bedroom. He had a neatly kept box that held things that reminded him of Sofia, it was mostly pictures and stuff he'd stolen from her house.

Some of the the earlier pictures used to be up on his wall years ago but (Y/n) told him they were 'creepy' because she didn't even know his name at that point... And he listened to her, he didn't throw them out but he took those pictures down upon (Y/n)'s request.

Malachi pulled one of those photos out, it must've been the first one he'd taken of Saffi. A small smile crept onto his face when he saw it, the day was still vivid in his mind. It was the first time he'd seen Saffi and she was just so beautiful he knew he had to take a picture so he wouldn't forget (how could he ever forget?).

The blue sky in the image made him fondly recall that there was great weather that day, weather so good that he was on a walk with (Y/n). It was uncharacteristically warm for so early on in the spring, (Y/n) was in the prettiest (f/c) sundress and was just so excited to have her first opportunity to wear it that year and-

Wait- why was he thinking about (Y/n)?

This was meant to rejuvenate his love for Saffi- not that it was gone! No, no, no, it was just that tiny spark that was lacking because Malachi was so down.

It didn't help that his attempt to reignite that spark ended with him thinking about the wrong girl. His hands began to shake until he could no longer hold the picture. It felt as though Sofia was physically falling through his fingers. But that wasn't quite right, if Malachi was being honest with himself he would own up to the fact that he never even got close to making Sofia his. Instead, he was slipping from her fingers, the fingers he was once so tightly wound around.

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