LXXX- call the doctor

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(Y/n) had not a clue what to do once the whispers reached her.

Whispers of an alliance with Lūsis.

Was it arrogant that she immediately assumed this had something to do with her? Or was it just pure intuition for what was absolutely true?

It would be an understatement to say she was freaking out about it. Things were bad enough as they were with...you know, being kidnapped and all.

She had a full day of going from one patient to the next everyday, only taking breaks when it was time to pile into the overcrowded cafeteria and eat some unidentifiable beige gloop. (Y/n) was pretty much resinged to her little cinder block room as soon as she clocked out.

In a way, it would've been better to get stuck with Āvo again. But upon second thought, her current situation seemed to have an end in sight while a relationship with him would not.

Either way, she felt utterly screwed by this development. (Y/n) was eating away at the practically textureless food on her plate, her eyes were kept up and vigilant of everyone around her.

Her time for lunch would only last a further five minutes and then she had to move right on to stitching up some victim of Perdax's torture.

Having so little control over her schedule meant that if Āvo did indeed discover she was there, then there was no getting away from it.

It truly felt like this was it.

The area of the headquarters that Āvo ended up in was a world of difference. It was modern and luxurious and adorned with forward thinking technology.

He'd just handed Cosmo over before being led to where he was to stay over the next week or so. There was no clear plan from here on out, Āvo didn't even seem to care about what happened professionally so long as (Y/n) was returned to him.

Rudy and Malachi were (unfortunately) still tagging along but Āvo saw neither of them as great threats and thus they were granted similarly grand rooms to stay in.

The conversation he'd had with Cosmo before giving him over to Perdax hung on his mind:

"You won't be killed." Āvo said monotonously. "You still have government protection, Perdax won't kill you he just wants you to keep quiet."

"If you screw me over..." Cosmo muttered, looking away as he trailed off.

"What? I'll regret it?" Āvo's tone held a hint of mocking.

"I, alone, have bested you twice already so I wouldn't be so cocky....so, yes, you will regret it."

The pair held onto each other's glare, neither wanting to be the first to look away.

A pounding came at the door.

"That'll be for you." Āvo said, breaking the stalemate. "You need to trust me on this one."

The right side of Cosmo's lip quirked upwards at that remark. Āvo asking for his trust was just about the biggest joke he'd ever heard. If he'd been told that those words would be uttered by ĀVO LŪSIS to HIM when he was locked up in room seventeen then he would've never believed it. Not in a million years. Even now, he found the sentiment amusing.

It was all for (Y/n), that was what Cosmo had to keep telling himself. It was all for HIS (Y/n).

Cosmo was a concern that Āvo couldn't so easily wash away. None of them wanted to share but all were playing a character who could bare it.

Āvo shook his head, deeming this a problem for the future. So long as he secured (Y/n)'s position beside him then all would be okay. He had to remind himself that he was still the one with the power, and not only did that give him a leg-up over Cosmo- but (Y/n) too.

Malachi burst into Rudy's room as soon as he was done unpacking.

"Let's go look for (Y/n)! I can't wait any longer!" He announced like an overexcited child, beginning to rock back and forth on his feet after he'd halted.

"We don't know where she is yet." Rudy sneered. "We don't know where anything is." He was perched on the end of the bed, mildly uncomfortable with how... expensive everything appeared to be.

"That's because we haven't even looked yet!" Malachi whined. "I'll go without you if you don't." He folded his arms.

"I literally don't care what you do."

Malachi stuck his nose up with a pout. "Fine. I guess I'll go all on my own." He slowly stepped towards the door, seemingly trying (and failing) to use some sort of reverse psychology to get Rudy to come with him.

"Okay...I don't care?" Rudy was confused as to what gave Malachi the slightest idea that this would work.

"I guess if I see (Y/n) then I won't tell anyone...I'll just steal her away for myself." Malachi announced whistfully, placing his hand on the doorknob.

Rudy rolled his eyes. "Why do you want me to go with you? I thought you hated me."

"When you loved Sofia I did. Because you were competition." Malachi paused and looked down at the floor. "But then you killed that inconvenience and I'm in love with (Y/n) now so we don't have to compete anymore!"

A small scoff left Rudy. It was truly astounding quite how ignorant Malachi was, such naiveté was only cute on (Y/n).

"Nice heart-to-heart." Rudy stood up but made no moved to go with Malachi. "Now get outta my room, whether you go out and look for her, go back to your own place, or jump off a cliff...-" He approached Malachi and shoved him lightly over the threshold of the door. "-I don't care." Rudy slammed the door in Malachi's face.

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