XVI- setting it up

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"Where to now, sir?" Ross asked as he pulled away from the sidewalk.

Āvo looked in the car's rearview mirror to see (Y/n) laying across the backseat. He had been upset when he was told she was going to Malachi's apartment that evening and felt even worse when they went out together, she never really got drunk so this was an entirely new situation for Āvo.

He definitely didn't trust Malachi to get her home safely so as the saying goes... If you want something done right then you have to do it yourself.

He had contemplated taking her back to his instead, nursing her hangover the next day and using it as an opportunity to get closer to her but... No, he was terribly unprepared. What if he said something wrong? (Y/n) may never want to see him again.

"Go to back to her apartment." Āvo ordered.

Yes, that was much easier for him. Ensure she got into bed safely and then be on his way. She wouldn't even remember by the time the morning rolled around and strangely enough Āvo was pretty okay with that.

(Y/n) woke with a gutteral groan and what was about the worst headache she'd experienced in her entire life.

She recalled going out with Malachi, getting shit faced at the bar... And not much after that. But she was back in her own apartment and unharmed so it couldn't have been that bad.


Conviniently, some aspirin was on her nightstand. She couldn't imagine putting it there so naturally assumed that Malachi left it out for her after taking her home.

'That's sweet.' She thought as she picked up the large glass of water that he'd also left and took two tablets.

After swallowing them she picked up her charging phone. (Y/n) winced as the bright light worsened the pain in her skull.

Once her eyes had adjusted she saw many calls and texts from Malachi, most of the texts inquired into where she was late last night and she assumed the calls were doing just the same.

'But that doesn't make any sense... If Malachi took me home then surely he'd know that I'm here?? Unless he was drunk too?'

Deciding to confirm a timeline, she called his number and lifted the phone to her ear.

"(Y/n)! Thank God!!"

(Y/n) cried out as his voice was far too loud for her horribly hungover ears. "Can you keep it down??" She requested while lowering her volume.

"Where are you?!"

"I'm at home... What happened last night?"

"I went to get you some water to sober up and when I got back you were gone! God, sunshine, you can't worry me like that! I thought you had been taken o-or dead or... Fuck, I was so worried about you." He rambled, losing his breath quickly between his words.

"I'm so sorry... If it makes you feel any better, I'm being punished by one hell of a hangover." (Y/n) mumbled.

"How'd you get back last night? There's no way you made it to the train station alone, no taxi driver in their right mind would take you."

"I... Have no idea." (Y/n) scratched her head and looked back at her aspirin that had been left out. "I can't remember much."

"Did... Did you take someone with you?"

"No, Malachi!" (Y/n) exclaimed in exasperation, her emphasis accidently kick-starting her headache again. "Ah! My head... No matter how drunk I get I'm not gonna take some stranger into my house."

"You were pretty out of it last night... I'm just glad you're safe, you must feel pretty wrecked."

"Yeah..." (Y/n) glanced back at her nightstand, figuring that she must have somehow left out the medication herself since that was the only logical explanation. "I've taken an aspirin though."

Much to her own dismay, (Y/n) was out later that day to go to the grocery store. It was the afternoon so her hangover had mostly subsided, she still felt a bit light headed but aided by the pain meds the feeling was slowly but surely subsiding.

She examined the food products that lined the talks shelves and pushed the ones she wanted into her cart.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?"

(Y/n) swivelled her cart around to see Rudy, his curly back hair was a mess and the eyeliner beneath his eyes had become smudged.

"What's up?" She asked, taking in his haggard appearance.

"Oh. It is you." He sounded almost disappointed.

"What? You talked to me."

Rudy released a huff and picked some eggs from the shelf and put them into his basket.

"You should really get the free range ones, they-"

"I don't give a shit." He interrupted her. "I was only asking to confirm if I saw you... Not becuase I wanted to talk to you or anything..."

(Y/n) hummed, unconvinced.

"Have you heard anything from Sofia?" He asked her.

"Not since we last spoke, I-" Her own point became refuted right as she made it since her phone began to ring. (Y/n) pulled it out of her pocket and read the caller ID. "It's Sofia."

"Well, answer it then." Rudy said impatiently.

(Y/n) accepted the call. "Hey."

"Hi, (Y/n)! How are you doing?" Sofia greeted cheerfully.

"Um, I'm a little rough... But you know how Sunday mornings are..." (Y/n) trailed off with a bit of a laugh. "What about you?"

"I'm clearly not living it up like you are." Sofia giggled. "I'm having a pretty quiet weekend."

Despite the very recent death of her boyfriend, she seemed worlds better than she had been not long ago.

'Good for her, I guess.'

"I was actually just calling to seeing you wanted to come round to my place next weekend." Sofia said.

"Oh?" (Y/n) locked eyes with Rudy, who couldn't hear what was being said. He mouthed the word 'what' to her but (Y/n) kept going. "Is Malachi gonna be there?"

"I was hoping he wouldn't." Sofia spoke tentatively. "But I get that you're friends so if you wanna invite him-"

"No, it's fine..." (Y/n) bit her lip for a moment and then smiled at Rudy. "There's actually someone else who I want to introduce to you, do you mind if he comes along?"

Rudy's eyes went wide, those unexpected words seemed to shock him to life.

"Oh, um, do I know him?"

"No, he's just a friend of mine who I thought you might like." (Y/n) said, praying Sofia would accept. She may have been throwing the other woman under the bus but the sooner she got her together with Rudy the sooner he'd either be off her back or he'd get killed off by Malachi.

"Sure then! I'm always open to meeting new people! Does next weekend work for you and your friend."

"That sounds great, his name's Rudy and I'm sure you'll love him. See you around!"


(Y/n) hung up the phone and then grinned at the dumbstruck man ahead of her. "You better thank me, I just got you invited to her house."

"I didn't ask you to do that!" He exclaimed in a panic.

"So you want me to pull you out of it?"

"No! I-... Uh... Shut up! You're giving me a ride there." Those were Rudy's parting words before he marched down the ailse in a tantrum.

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