XXIV- a spot of trouble

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(Y/n) was looking forward to having Wednesday afternoon free from work. She was thinking about how she'd spend her free time when all of those potential plans were squashed by Rudy wanting to meet her that evening.

It wasn't that he'd take up all of her time - she got off at one and he didn't want to see her until ten. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel intimidated by him, and just knowing of their impending meeting made the whole lead up nauseating. He wasn't even a particularly frightening person when she got to be around him, it was only ever beforehand where all she could picture was waking up with that knife against her throat.

Of course when the time actually came to seeing him she'd remember that he wasn't some criminal mastermind, and that he was mostly whiny and insecure.

But when she met up with him later that night in the bright lights of the all nighter fast food restaurant with a portion of fries he'd ordered on the table, whiny was the last word she'd use to describe him.

"And we text, like, everyday." Rudy boasted.

He had been pleased to report that things were going swimmingly with Sofia. A rare genuine smile was painted across his features the entire time, and in a morbidly sweet way (Y/n) sometimes even found herself happy that things were going so well for him.

Then she'd remind herself that Rudy was a stalker and had threatened to kill both her and her best friend - it was in Sofia's best interest to run as fast as she could.

"That sounds good... Is that all you wanted to tell me?" (Y/n) asked.

Rudy's face to his usual expression of displeasure. "Shit, I didn't know I was cutting into your crazy Wednesday night schedule." He said sarcastically.

"I just don't see why you couldn't have texted me this."

His light brown eyes flitted downwards. "Well.." Rudy went quiet and then firmly furrowed his brows. "Whatever. You can go if you hate me so much. I probably hate you more anyway."

There it was.

The whiny childish attitude (Y/n) knew to expect from him.

But despite that she found herself sighing and saying: "I don't hate you.. and you don't hate me. I think you invited me out because you actually enjoy my company."

Rudy scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself, lady."

"Sooo.. you do want me to leave?"

Alarm flashed in his eyes. "No, I just- shut up."

(Y/n) snickered and shook her head lightly. While his wasn't the desired way to spend her evening, she was glad that she could at least kid around with the threat of her own death far away from her mind.

"You really do like hanging out with me, huh?Whatever would Sofia think?" She said sarcastically.

"Don't joke about that." Rudy mumbled with a defensive tone.

This made (Y/n) clear her throat awkwardly. It was always a rude awakening when talking to Rudy or Malachi when she got reminded of their obsession. Of course it was for different reasons that she was always so struck by it, and really she should expect this from Rudy at the very least considering how they met.

"Well, Malachi doesn't seem aware that you and Sofia are getting closer."

"Great. I don't need him fucking anything up." Rudy said decisively. "Not like I couldn't kick that twerp's ass if I wanted to." He added. "I just... Don't have the time."

"Right, because you're so busy with... Whatever it is you do for a living."

"Exactly." Rudy said with a grin. He grabbed the last few fries and shoved them into his mouth, quickly chewing a swallowing before he held his hand out to (Y/n).

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