VIII- first impressions

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(Y/n) searched her fridge for something she could throw together quickly for dinner and settled on a microwavable meal that would be done in two minutes.

It was days like this that had (Y/n) really questioning her friendship with Malachi. He was quite objectively an awful person, she had always promised herself that she wouldn't allow him to do anything to Saffi but several dead suitors later (Y/n) was realising that she was possibly out of her league when it came to stopping his insatiable determination.

Having these... feelings for him didn't help either.

There were just these golden times when she could forget about all of this and just be so happy to be around him. But those were becoming all too rare.

(Y/n) poked holes into the film of the cold meal with a fork and then threw it into the microwave.

Her phone began to ring, it was from her mother.

"Hey, mom." (Y/n) answered the call.

"Oh hi, sweetie, how was your day?"

"It was..." Well, she had to watch her crush spend hours with the 'love of his life' and had someone threaten to kill her. "Good, I guess"

"That's nice to hear, you'll never guess what your father and I saw today. There was a barn swallow in the backyard, at this time of year!" Her mother exclaimed. "He thought it was a crow at first if you'll believe it. I truly think he's losing his sight."

"Really?" Most of the time (Y/n) was pretty engaged with her parents but listening to her mother talking about birds was something that tended to bore her. She still tried to sound interested since she knew how entertained they were by it.

"Yes! We got a bunch of pictures that I'll send you in just a minute! It was only there for a few minutes but I got a new brand of bird feed and so I'm gonna see if it comes back with more of that."

"Sounds great, mom." (Y/n) glanced at how much time she had left on her food. "I'm just making dinner right now-"

"Oh, of course. What I was calling to say is just to let you know that we'll have to delay our visit a bit more, it's difficult for your father to get time off work and you're just too far to travel for a weekend." Her mother said with a sigh. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart, we can try to come down in a few months."

"I mean, I could visit you guys?"

"Not at all, I wouldn't ask you to take time away from your work. I know how important what you're doing is! Plus your dad and I would love to see you in action and visit the hospital you're working in."

(Y/n) froze up. That...wasn't good.

"Um.. I'm not sure if you'd be allowed to do that, I'd need to check with the hospital's director and that's a whole... Complicated process."

There was a pause on her mother's end that (Y/n) winced during.

"... It's a hospital, surely we'd be able to just walk in..?"

"It's a little more tricky than that." (Y/n) said hastily. "Look, I can get time off whenever you guys are free! And we don't need to sort this out now!"

"Are you sure you're okay, (Y/n)?"

The microwave pinged as it's humming stopped.

"Oh, I've gotta take my food out, mom. Talk soon, I love you!"

"Love you t-"

(Y/n) hung up with a small breath of relief.

It wasn't a pleasant sight that (Y/n) woke to.

Nor a pleasant sensation.

Despite never having felt it before, she instantly recognised the uncanny feeling of a blade pressed against her throat.

Rudy was holding it there.

"What the fuck??!!" She screeched, pushing him back and hopping out of bed so they were standing on opposite sides of her room. "How did you get in here???"

"Your window lock may as well be string." He scoffed, still holding the knife out threateningly. He stalked over to her light switch and filled the room with light.

(Y/n)'s vision traced to her window that had been gracelessly opened and was now allowing in a draft. "Get out of my house." She stated with strength.

"Who are you to be making demands right now?"

"What do you even want?!"

Rudy paused and grew closer to (Y/n), the only way she could go would be to back up against the wall and (Y/n) refused to give him that sort of advantage so she stayed put.

"You need to stay away from Sofia. She's too good for you, you don't deserve her..." Rudy was close to (Y/n), she hoped her shaky breaths didn't betray the confidence she was trying to show. "Only I do."

"I'm really not interested in her."

"Well, your friend clearly is." In a flash the knife was back against her neck, she grabbed his wrist on instinct to prevent him from drawing any blood. "Maybe I could send him a message of what I'll do if he doesn't back off."

If (Y/n) knew anything about Malachi then she knew that even her own death wouldn't ward him off of Sofia, in (Y/n)'s view he'd keep persuing Sofia until his dying breath... No matter how fruitless it was.

"That won't work." The only reason (Y/n) hadn't passed out from fear was becuase she was imagining Rudy as much the same as Malachi, his affection towards Sofia seemed to be anyway. "He's never going to leave her alone." She said sourly.

Rudy raised an eyebrow and pulled the weapon away. "And what? You're his little helper?"

"No." (Y/n) shot back quickly. "I don't get involved in his shit with her. He's crazy... No offence. I just can't listen to him talking about her all the time and how great she is-"

"Are you jealous?" Rudy asked in confusion at the direction this confrontation had gone in.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, her knee-jerk reaction was to deny it, but for once this crush could work to her advantage. "I... Have feelings for Malachi."

Rudy snickered at her confession and backed up, (Y/n) released a long held breath as it seemed like he wasn't going to harm her.

"Can you go now?" She requested.

", I still need you."

"Yeah? I need you to leave my house right now."

He ignored her and smiled. "Here's my proposal: you will help me get closer to Sofia and in return I won't kill you."

(Y/n) grimaced, she didn't really wish the fate of a lifetime with Malachi or Rudy upon Sofia.

"Well??" Rudy impatiently asked. "You can say yes or I can slit your throat. The choice is yours."

"...ugh, I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Calm down, I'm not gonna make you kill someone."

(Y/n) saw the blade glint under the light momentarily, and as morally opposed she was to getting involved with this, she wasn't about to get killed over it.


"Great. If I need to contact you, I'll find your number so don't bother giving it to me." Rudy headed towards her door but she stopped.

"No way, you broke my window lock. You will let yourself out the way you came." She pointed at her now defunct window.

His gold eyes narrowed at her. Part of her knew she was pushing her luck, but she was allowed to be mad! It had been a long day and now he'd woken her up in the middle of the night to make it even worse.

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