LIX- all the mistakes

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(Y/n) took a deep breath before knocking at the front door. She was trying hard to keep the knowing smile off her face but it was too hard to resist. Malachi had invited her over with 'something important' and she thought she knew just what it was.

Today would be the day when he said those three little words she'd fantasized about for so long!

Malachi opened the door quickly, grinning when he saw his best friend. "Sunshine! Thanks for coming on such late notice, I just had the insane-est epiphany!"

She walked in with giggle. "I'd love to here all about it." Her hands were clasped in front of her as she patiently waited for him to say just what she wanted to hear.

"I feel like I'm tripping right now, it's crazy." He put his hand to his heart to feel just how fast it was beating. "(Y/n), I've fallen in love."


"You know that girl we saw in town the other day?"

(Y/n)'s smile momentarily faltered but then she put it back on a tilted her head to the side. Maybe he was leading this confession with some weird anecdote? ""

"Seriously? Was she not the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen?!" He threw his head back with a small laugh, feeling giddy just thinking about her. "I saw her again and this time I just thought I'd follow her for a bit. She went into the gym and I found out her name's Sofia and-"

"Whoa, what?" (Y/n) interrupted, still unsure with where he was going with this. Her face had been pulled into a frown. "That's...really creepy."

"I know it sounds bad but it's not, because..." He bit down on his lips, trying to build the anticipation. "I'm in love!"

"...Did I just black out for the part of the story where you actually spoke to her?"

"We haven't spoken yet but I know I love her!" He rushed up to (Y/n) and gave her a hug. "Aren't you happy for me?!"

Happy would not be the way (Y/n) would describe how she felt.

She didn't know what was more jarring- the heartbreak of him loving another woman or the fact that he stalked said woman and hadn't even met her.

"That's... impossible." (Y/n) was still in disbelief. This had to be a joke, right? "You can't love someone you've never spoken to."

"It was love at first sight!!" He whined, pulling away but still holding onto (Y/n)'s shoulders. "You know when you see someone and you just have that...that instant connection!"

"That's called being horny." (Y/n) deadpanned. "I think you're getting confused with-"

"I'm not confused! This is the most clarity I've ever felt!" He was so filled with joy that (Y/n) was slowly starting to realise that he wasn't kidding. Malachi couldn't fake that kind of happiness.

(Y/n) was sure that she was going to be sick. She just kept her head down and kept digging, trying to ignore the sight and smell.

"We just need to get the hole deep enough for the sniffer dogs not be able to find it." Malachi said, panting as he planted his shovel into the soil. "Do they still use sniffer dogs? Is that a thing or is that only in TV shows?"

"Can we not small talk while burying this guy please?" (Y/n) requested with a cringe.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." Malachi said sheepishly, his genuine guilt was evident in his tone of voice. "I knew no one else would come this late."

He knew she would do nearly anything for him, but that didn't come without her being pissed off about it.

"Whatever. I'm never doing this again."

"I'd never ask you to." He swore, placing his hand on his heart. "Scout's honor."

"You were not a scout." (Y/n) chuckled at him.

"I managed to make you laugh though." He pointed out humourously.

"You did. That doesn't mean I'm not mad." She turned up her nose, digging at a faster pace now in order to get the gruelling task over and done with.

"I do promise not to get you to help me hide the body again."

And he did actually keep that promise.

"Can't you just,... And tell me if I sound crazy, not kill anyone?" (Y/n) ventured. "I don't know if you know this but people who aren't murderers aren't usually tasked with hiding bodies. Unless, of course, they have a super annoying best friend."

Malachi clicked his tongue. "No can do, sunshine."

Malachi was filled with self hatred. He despised how most of his cherished memories with (Y/n) were jaded by his attraction to Sofia. He blamed himself for being led astray but also Sofia for coming in between them- it was easier for him to believe that Sofia was some evil witch who hates true love than to think of her as an innocent party in all of this.

He wanted Sofia dead.

This already existant self hatred came in clutch when he thought about how he could have prevented her from being kidnapped by Āvo... If only he'd done it himself sooner.

He was at home alone, scrubbing his apartment and phone of any trace of Sofia. All of the items he stole, the pictures he'd taken, all of those memories- gone.

It would take time to build up his shrine to (Y/n) but it was a challenge he'd happily take up. Though, he wouldn't have as much time as he expected to.

Miraculously, one of his job applications had scored him a job. It must have been the only company on the face on the earth that Āvo hadn't managed to get Malachi blacklisted from. This tiny local shoe shop must have been pretty fucking desperate if they hired him of all people without an interview but he was just as desperate for work.

A small smile came to his lips when him scrolling through his photo album landed him on a picture of him and (Y/n). He'd always liked this one, and knew it was (Y/n)'s favorite too as she'd had it as her phone background since it had been taken.

"I'll save you, sunshine." He whispered, staring into the pixels that made up her (e/c) eyes that twinkled in the sun. "Then I can make up for everything."

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