LXXIX- intensity

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Prin was a crying mess, and Malachi wasn't much better.

They all arrived at Prin's house only to find that (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen.

Prin had initially explained to them that (Y/n) had gone out earlier for groceries but had not yet returned, hours passed and still nothing was seen of her.

This kick-started an emotional reaction in Prin as she realised that (Y/n) wasn't coming back and she had sold her friend out for nothing. She really hadn't wanted to rat (Y/n) out, but she was sure she'd be killed if Lūsis found out Prin was hiding his beloved (Y/n).

"S-somthing must have happened!" Prin cried out. "She wouldn't have known you were coming! She-she said she'd come back!!" She raked her hands through her hair, they shook as she did so.

Āvo was unimpressed with her display. He felt as though he'd been led on a wild goose chase that had brought him to right where he started, still no clue of where (Y/n) was. He huffed and turned away from Prin, walking to a different area of the house where some of his workers lingered.

Malachi, Cosmo and Rudy were left with Prin as she tried to stop more tears from falling.

"A-are you going to kill me-?" She asked pathetically, making Rudy roll his eyes but not really answer her question.

"Malachi, is there anyone else who she could have gone to?" Cosmo asked, totally ignoring Prin's question too.

Malachi sniffed and lifted his head from his hands, revealing that the corner of his eyes had grown red. "No... I-I don't know...I just want my (Y/n) back." He trailed off and began to mutter to himself.

Cosmo deemed him useless for the minute and looked away with an uncomfortable sneer. It wasn't that he also wasn't disappointed, but his hopes weren't quite as high as the others. He was simply focused on getting (Y/n) back, trying to treat it as clinically as any other mission.

"She wouldn't have just left." Prin squeaked. "She had to have been taken...oh god, do you think she's okay??!" She launched into more tears and as she did so her forearm was gripped.

"You crying doesn't help anything!!" Rudy barked out. In all honesty, he was lashing out to hide his own anxiety that (Y/n) had indeed got hurt.

"I'm s-...sorry."

"Taken..?" Cosmo pondered aloud. Who, if not one of them, would take (Y/n)? There was of course the chance that this was random and she had got unlucky, but nothing seemed random when it came to (Y/n). "Perdax." He landed on eventually.

No one was listening. Malachi too lost in his own sorrow, and Rudy glaring down Prin who was still crying her little heart out.

Cosmo briskly walked out to go find Āvo with his new revelation. He was glared at by the henchmen and even some of the upper members of Lūsis' staff, likely because he was the known enemy and some of them had been friends of those that he killed in his escape.

"Lūsis." He said after the blonde man who was discussing something with Agnes.

Āvo turned to him, clearly tense and not in a friendly mood. "What?"

"I think Perdax has her... I think...he may know she has ties to me."

Agnes watched as Āvo's already stressed out physique began to twitch.

"Well then he is a dead man, I will-"

"Sir." She interrupted quickly. "I think it would be wise to solve this diplomatically rather than with a war that could possibly endanger your girl."

Āvo narrowed his eyes at her, hating that she was right.

"We'll set a meeting with Gregor Perdax as soon as possible."

"Ha!" A loud and uncharacteristic laugh was practically yelled out. "Are you kidding me? He won't do business with me."

Cosmo had been observing the two and thinking about his own solution as he did so. "Offer me up." He said whilst stepping forward. "He only took her for the information I had so make a trade. I'll break out afterwards. Easy."

Āvo and Agnes looked at each other.

"It's your call, sir." She said.

The meeting that took place less than a day later was viewed as a momentous occasion on both sides.

Rumours of a new alliance were being whispers about with most not knowing what was turly going to be discussed.

They met in a neutral outdoor location, a clearing by a wood just outside of both of their territories. Both men bringing just two other people as their only security, Āvo unsurprisingly chose Ross and Agnes.

"I looked for the (Y/n) (L/n) girl you wanted." Gregor spoke first. He let out a low whistle. "No joy, man."

"Really?" Āvo was a expert in keeping his voice steady, not letting a thing away. Inwardly, he was itching to get (Y/n) back and hearing that he couldn't find her shattered his heart for the nth time.

"No one by that name works for me or has been taken in. We looked all over our systems."

What neither of them knew that there was a (Y/n) (L/n) working for Perdax, only she went by a different name.

"We can keep looking." Gregor folded his arms around himself, shivering slightly from the cold. "We'll be able to look even harder if we don't have to worry about that Exeter guy spilling his guts."

Āvo didn't much care about his part of the trade anymore. As far as he was concerned he didn't need Cosmo anyway if he and Perdax were to enter more kind terms. He just didn't want to believe he'd hit another dead end.

"I want to mark this alliance." He said.

Gregor chuckled. "Pfft, who said anything about an alliance?"

"This... this cold war has gone on for long enough." Āvo held his hand out, if he could just get close enough to Perdax to get into his headquarters then he could truly begin to search for (Y/n). "I give you Cosmo. You keep looking for (Y/n)."

"I guess we may as well make it official." Perdax put his hand into Āvo's much colder one.

"Excellent. If you wouldn't mind, a few of my colleagues and I would appreciate a short stay at your head of operations." Āvo wouldn't release Gregor's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Just to make sure all those who work for you know."

Gregor tilted his head to the side, not thinking much of the request. "We'll have something set up in no time. You just hand Cosmo Exeter over and I promise you, you'll be treated like family."

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