XXXV- man of her dreams

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(Y/n) taped a new band aid over her cut. Being a medic meant she was constantly washing and sanitising her hands, this wore out her band aid pretty quickly so she took a few extras from the supply room at the end of her shift.

A text notification caught her attention and (Y/n) took a look at her phone.

Sofia: hey girl! if ur finished up with work can u come over?

She blinked at the message, wondering what Sofia wanted her for. Though it was possible she could just be wanting to simply hang out, (Y/n) doubted that was the case.

(Y/n): Just about to clock out.

(Y/n): If I get the bus I should be there in twenty or twenty-five minutes :)

Sofia: awesome! see you soon <33

'At least I've got something to do for the rest of the day now.' (Y/n) glanced at the time to see it was only the mid-afternoon.

She headed for the exit door, letting Darcy know that she was leaving as she did so.

As (Y/n) made her way to the bus stop, an eerie feeling settled in her chest. Something seemed off.

She looked around her and saw nothing wrong but the undeniable sensation of eyes fixed to her did not subside.

If only she knew just how many people Āvo had tracking her almost constantly. His anxiety following his accidental denial of his feelings had skyrocketed, making him very focused on getting his plans for (Y/n) back on track.

He was tapped into her phone and knew that she was headed for Sofia, the access he had to her microphone would also allow him to know exactly what the two of them said.

The dinner party had given Āvo the tiniest of tastes of what it would be like to actually have (Y/n) in his life, and he was through with waiting around for shit to happen.

"Great, you're here." Sofia breathed out when she answered the door.

(Y/n) noted that Sofia's orange hair stopped just short of her shoulders, a change from the lengths it once reached. "Your hair looks cute."

"Oh, thanks." Sofia smiled sweetly and twirled some of her hair. "You should come in."

The medic observed Sofia's nervous mannerisms as she retreated to the living room.

"Any reason you asked me to come here?" (Y/n) asked gently, taking a seat opposite Sofia.

"Uh, yeah, I wanted to have a little guy talk." Sofia winced a little. "It sounds dumb but... I'm just conflicted on what to do." She started to fiddle with her fingers as she explained. "I really like Rudy and I think he likes me too but he's not making a move. I don't want to screw things up but... I don't really know what he wants."

"You could-"

"And then there's Malachi." Sofia continued with a huff. "I feel like I've been too harsh on him because he-he's so sweet, he really is, but I don't like him like that and I know he's into me. He acts all clingy and I'm obviously avoiding him but he won't take the.. the damn hint!"


"God, I feel so bad. I know you're super close with Malachi and it's nothing personal against him but... He's never been in a relationship, has he?"

"Not as long as I've known him." (Y/n) said, choosing to leave out that most of the reason for that was because he was infatuated with Sofia.

"I can really tell. I wish he'd just ask me out so I could reject him once and for all and just... Just get it over with, you know?" She rested her chin in her hands and pouted. "I can't tell him to leave me alone for no reason. He hasn't done anything wrong."

(Y/n) was physically stopping herself from pointing out all the very wrong things that Malachi had done. "I get what you're saying."

"I just know dating Rudy would break Malachi's little heart." Sofia stuck her bottom lip out to accentuate her frown. "But I don't even know for sure if Rudy likes me anyway so maybe I'm overthinking it."

"I can have a word with both of them if you want me to." (Y/n) regretted that sentence as soon as she said it. 'Malachi may literally jump off a bridge if I tell him what Sofia's said.'

"No, I don't know what I'm gonna do yet."

'Thank fuck.'

Sofia stood up. "How rude am I being talking about myself? Let me get you something to drink." She walked into the kitchen but thanks to open spacing in her apartment, (Y/n) was still able to speak to Saffi.

"I think waiting is your best option." (Y/n) figured telling Sofia to wait was the best method of keeping her away from both of them without outright telling her. Maybe if she waited long enough someone else would come along. "Just get both of them off your brain for now." God, she hoped this advice wasn't going end up with someone dying.

Sofia emerged with a glass of water. "You're probably right. You know what? I'm gonna go out tonight and just let loose."

"And stay safe doing it. Have money for a cab home and stuff." (Y/n) pitched in.

Sofia laughed heartily. "You should come too."

"I've got to go to work tomorrow, I can't afford to be hungover when treating a patient."

"Makes sense." Sofia smiled. "Now help me pick out a dress!"

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