LVII- pretending

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(Y/n) hadn't left the room in three nights. Āvo would come in a few times everyday to talk to her and bring her food, though she never said very much back. She had turned away from trying to physically break out, seeing as that seemed impossible for the time being, and was focused on trying to get on good terms with Āvo so he'd trust her more.

But that felt difficult. It was undoubtedly hard to pretend that being locked up didn't bother her when it truly did. He could always tell that she was sad and resentful and he, in turn, mirrored her sorrow.

She was never much of an actress but had partaken in the rules of polite society long enough to know how to fake a smile. So why couldn't she just fake her way through this too?

"I've got you your lunch."

Her first goal was to at the very least make it to the dining room. She didn't care if it was accompanied by a whole damn army of guards, she just needed something in the form of progress.

(Y/n) forced a sweet smile. "Thanks." She said with a small nod. "Do you want to stay while I eat?"

Usually she was left to eat alone, Āvo thought she'd prefer it that way anyway. He was cautious to tread the line between totally ignoring her and giving her space. In his mind, he was at odds with himself.  His heart told him to latch on at every possible moment but he knew that (Y/n) felt bad enough as it was and he didn't want to make it any worse for her by breathing down her neck. Simultaneously, he feared that she thought he was going out of his way to not be around her.

The question took him aback but he couldn't say he didn't like the idea of staying for longer. "Of course I would."

The bedroom was spacious enough to have a small round table and an armchair which was where (Y/n) typically took her meals. Āvo pulled up the stool from her vanity in order to sit opposite (Y/n).

"You'll have to forgive me that I've already eaten." If Āvo had known that (Y/n) wanted to eat with him then he would've brought food for himself as well.

"That's okay." She didn't want to lean too far by being too nice. 'Keep it believable.' She thought to herself before deciding that the most believable thing to do would be to remain silent.

(Y/n) would hate for him to catch onto her plot so instead of loudly welcoming him, she'd just leave him a tiny opening.

"I want you to know that...even if I disagree with how you're going about it, I understand." She said after a mouthful of food.

Āvo never really wore his emotions on his sleeve but he did look genuinely shocked when she said that. "You do?"

(Y/n) nodded, not really looking at him to avoid letting her true feelings show. Locks of (h/c) hair fell in front of her face as she looked downwards. "And I'm grateful that you want me to be safe."

"I'm so glad you feel that way." For the first time since the ball (Y/n) saw Āvo smile. "I love you and I would be in such pain if anything happened to you."

There were many things that (Y/n) wanted to say..but most of them were pretty counterproductive to her plan. So instead she said nothing and just went back to eating her lunch.

Malachi had applied to multiple jobs over the past few days, he hadn't heard much from Cosmo much to his own dismay.

The exact way he felt about Cosmo was lost on him. He understood that being civil was necessary to save (Y/n), but he also hated the other man for rivalling his love for (Y/n) and then to complicate things even more there was that part of Malachi that fanboyed about all the cool things Cosmo had done in the past.

But right now he just wanted to receive more word from Cosmo to verify what they would do.

Another polite rejection email came through on his phone as Malachi walked through a neighborhood he often wandered. He wasn't sure why exactly he'd ended up in that place but was reminded when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I...oh!...Hello, Sofia." This was the first time he was seeing Sofia since falling out of love with her. When he saw those lips that he used to fantasize about the way they'd turn up into a smile, all he could think about was what a waste of time it all was and how this woman kept him from (Y/n). She was the blindfold that had been over his eyes for far too long.

"Hey!" Her hand clasped Rudy's tightly who was stood beside her, but oddly Malachi would've preferred to see Rudy over Sofia. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." Malachi just wanted to get out of this interaction. "I actually-"

"You don't know where (Y/n) is, do you?" Sofia cut in with a frown. "I haven't heard from her and I've been so worried."

"We've been so worried." Rudy corrected, sounding more annoyed with Sofia than the comment would truly warrant. He then looked to Malachi with a death glare, Rudy had his own assumption of what happened to (Y/n) and it heavily involved this twerp.

"I don't know." Malachi said. He wasn't interested in acting his usual self, he wasn't interested in talking to either of them.

Sofia let out a noise that wasn't far from a high pitched whimper. "Really? Do you think we should go to the police?"

Malachi shrugged. It wouldn't make a difference if they went to the cops or not, Āvo had enough people on the inside to get away with something like this and much worse. "Do what you want. I need to go." He said and pushed past.

He now remembered why he always used to walk here- it was right in Sofia's area and made stalking her easier.

Malachi inwardly scorned himself for picking up such unconscious habits.

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