LXXI- an outing

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(Y/n) had no clue how Cosmo could be up on his feet cooking her breakfast the next day without so much as a limp but there he was, pottering around the kitchen as if nothing was wrong.

His breakfasts were never much, his cooking as a whole left a lot to be desired but Cosmo was working on it.

This morning she was being treated with some pancakes that could be put in the toaster, having bought them as a backup in case the homemade ones failed.

"Eat up. We've got a big day." He pushed the plate towards her along with some syrup.

(Y/n) made a confused expression, her eyebrows furrowing inwards in, according to Cosmo, the most adorable fashion.

"I'm taking you out." Cosmo said with a proud smile, not revealing the real reason that he wanted her out of the house. He knew it was no longer safe there and he had to run some errands that day, even if there was the chance of her causing a scene he'd rather that than leaving her alone and vulnerable to attacks. "Just for a few hours. We can grab some lunch if you're good."

She found herself utterly taken aback, not saying anything but nodding eagerly. (Y/n) hadn't expected to reach this point so soon and expected there was a little more to it than he was letting on.

"Once you're done with that we can head out. Okay, sweetie?" Cosmo walked around to place a kiss atop (Y/n)'s head, lingering in order to breath in the scent of her hair. Despite all of her instincts fighting to pushing him away, (Y/n) stayed put for the sole purpose of not fucking this up.

"Okay." She sort of curled inwards and started to eat, signalling that she no longer wanted to be touched.

(Y/n) ate the mediocre food while deep in thought. This would be the first time in weeks that she could go out in public, she barely knew what to do with herself. Āvo's close connection to the local police meant that going to them wouldn't help her much- no, she had to work this out on her own.

'I can do this.' She thought. 'Even if I don't escape today then it's still a way to build up trust...yeah, I'll act all nice so he'll take me out more until I can make a better plan.'

With that concluded in her head, she began to eat at a faster pace, wanting to get out of the house as soon as possible.

The tips of (Y/n)'s fingers felt numb with how tight Cosmo was holding her hand, he was practically cutting off the circulation.

She didn't mind too much though, too happy to be outside and around other people. She vaguely recognised the area they were in, but it wasn't a part of town she frequented. At least now she knew she wasn't miles and miles away.

"It's a nice day out." She commented, the sun forced her to squint a bit because of how long she'd been out of direct sunlight.

"Yeah." He smiled lovingly at her, pleased that (Y/n) wasn't making any stupid mistakes. "I was worried you'd be cold after being inside for so long."

"I'm alright."

Their conversations had dulled from what they were before he'd taken (Y/n) captive, but Cosmo didn't mind - he was just happy she was even speaking to him! He was sure that her spark would return in no time. It wasn't like her mentality was totally broken, she was just being guarded.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Oh, uh, I need to grab some groceries and then pick some stuff up from the dry cleaner."

She raised an eyebrow. "You go to a dry cleaner? I thought you were trying to lay low?"

Cosmo gulped, turning slightly red in embarrassment. "Well, I never really got taught how to wash my own clothes and..." He trailed off.

(Y/n) laughed a bit. Even if he was the butt of the joke, Cosmo was glad that she could find some humor in his uselessness.

"We can get some lunch afterwards." He continued. "That sound good to you, honey?"

She turned away at the petname and now it was Cosmo's turn to laugh at her embarrassment.

"Let's go to the grocery store first." He pulled her around a corner. "I don't need much, just some stuff for the rest of the week."

(Y/n) got dragged along the street and soon enough was dragged into the store, keeping vigilant over everything and everyone around her while Cosmo did much the same thing with an extra eye of (Y/n) beside him.

His hand was held over (Y/n)'s as they pushed the shopping cart down the ailse together, Cosmo tossing things in that they needed and occasionally asking (Y/n) if she wanted anything else.

Cosmo was saying something about wanting to buy one of those reusable bags but (Y/n) wasn't paying much attention to him.

Her eyes drifted to one side, looking to the end of the row whilst Cosmo was carefully examining all the different loaves of bread that were on offer and trying to figure out which one would be the most difficult to mess up.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at two figures that she thought she might recognise.

'No...it can't be.' She said to herself. 'Is it...? Shit!'

They hadn't seen her yet but right on the other end of the ailse were Rudy and Malachi.

(Y/n) turned her head, not wanting to be spotted. It may have been foolish of her, but she believed what Cosmo had told her about Malachi. She was already in two bad situations and didn't need to add another to her list. She wondered if she should tell Cosmo to get out of here but that might make him do something brash.

'Think, think, think, (Y/n)!'

Even as her breaths quickened, Cosmo wasn't noticing a thing. So long as her hand was firmly underneath his then he seemed to have not a worry in the world.

(Y/n) wanted to turn back around and check if they were gone- but then they might see her face!

But perhaps it was for the best that they did see her.

And what were they doing together anyway? As far as she knew they despised each other!

Whatever her thought process was, it was already too late.

They had both already seen her.

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