XXXI- uncannily perfect

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(f/meal) = favorite meal

There were lights dotted around the garden which made it dimly glow despite the sky growing dark.

Āvo and (Y/n) were leaning against a marble railing beside the steps that led onto the grass. Most people were inside but the few who were out there didn't bother the two of them.

"This is why I want to leave the city." She remarked and pointed to the sky. "Can't see any stars."

She was right, there were only one or two stars visible that night as all the others were hidden by the light pollution of the nearby city.

"I know what you mean. I've lived here my whole life, but as a child I was sent back to Latvia for boarding school." Āvo smiled fondly at the memories of his childhood, he never saw much of his parents but remembered loving his time at school. "We had a lot of stars every night. Though, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time."

"I used to see the stars all the time too. I grew up in a pretty small town where my parents still are but.." She shrugged. "I wanted to work in a big hospital, so I moved into the city."

A pang of guilt struck Āvo. Ever since his feelings for (Y/n) had bloomed, he felt awful about taking her away from her work. She had been so passionate and had worked so hard but he ruined that for her. Despite her now soiled reputation, it would've been more than possible for Āvo to land her her old job back- or an even better one. But his stupid selfishness wouldn't allow for it. Having her work for him kept her close. He couldn't give that up, especially not now that she actually knew he was a person and not some emotionless figurehead.

He cleared his throat. "First opportunity I get I'll be going back to Latvia."

"Surely you could hop in your... I don't know, private jet made of gold whenever you like." (Y/n) joked.

"Most of my trips are for work. I'm not afforded much time for vacations." Āvo said. "I'll admit I'm a difficult person to pity."

(Y/n) leaned forward on the rail, her (e/c) irises shifted to peer at him. "That sounds hard, having your whole life be work."

He shrugged. "When you're born into it you know it's coming, so you don't expect anything different."

"God, that's bleak."

"I've brought the mood down, haven't I?" He said hastily. "Let's talk about the stars again."

(Y/n) laughed a little as they continued to talk. He told stories about his childhood, most of them about his time at boarding school and lacked any mention of his parents. In fact, she was sure that his housemasters, teachers and matrons featured as more prominent parental figures.

She, in turn, spoke about her own life and upbringing, not knowing that Āvo knew it all backwards. Not that he didn't love to hear it being told to him by her, even if he knew how each of her anecdotes ended it was still so sweet and engaging the way she told her stories and trusted him with those shreds of her life.

Time flew and soon it was time for the actual dinner. They walked into the expansive ballroom that had been repurposed to be dotted with tables with ten chairs or so at each.

At each place setting was a plate of an elavated and fancy version of (Y/n)'s favorite food.

She gasped happily and touched Āvo's shoulder in her excitement. "They're serving (f/meal)! That's my favorite food!" Her arm was retracted as quickly as it touched him but he smiled at her all the same.

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