XLIII- on two legs

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(Y/n) kept on staring at Malachi. She didn't need to even be in attendance of this meeting, but she could not keep ignoring him.

After seeing the texts he sent last night she knew she had to say something to him even if she wasn't quite ready to see him again. She had to explain herself! (Y/n) was unsure of how much he knew, but from what he'd sent it just seemed as though she was helping Rudy for kicks.

In this role reversal, she was now the one vying for his attention and intended to speak to him after the briefing. Maybe that would lead to some questions of his own about her confession but (Y/n) knew she couldn't hide from that forever.

Āvo wasn't meant to be in attendance either. But Ross, who was supervising, noted (Y/n)'s saddened expression and took it upon himself to alert his boss who slipped in the room partway through one of his employees was describing what this division were due to do over the following month.

It struck Āvo as odd that (Y/n) was there but when he saw just who she was looking at he could assume that it was Malachi's fault.

When the meeting was disbanded, (Y/n) leapt towards the door to try and catch Malachi before it was too late.

"(Y/n), could I speak to you?"

She recognised Āvo's slight accent immediately and knew that she couldn't exactly blow off her boss.

It took her a moment to pull up an obviously forced smile and turn around. "Of course."

Āvo could tell that he was keeping her from something from the way her eyes darted to the door, but if it wasn't serious enough to deny him then he didn't care very much. "You seemed distracted during the meeting. Is everything okay?"

"I did?" (Y/n) didn't realise how easy she was to read. "I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm perfectly fine."

"If there's something bothering you then you can tell me." He said sincerely, his eyebrows furrowed inwards slightly. "I can arrange for you to take some paid time off if you like."

'How the hell can he afford to keep on giving me paid vacations??'

"That's really not necessary, I-"

"Is it about Cosmo?"

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck-' While it technically wasn't about him, he was still a pretty big worry in her mind.

"No, I'm-"

"It wasn't your fault that he got away." Āvo reassured her.

(Y/n) frowned, he kept on interrupting her. "I promise I'm okay." She looked back at the door, hoping Malachi hadn't got too far.

It didn't take a genius to sense her frustration, Āvo wanted to lower his head in shame but he couldn't possibly do so in a work place. "I apologise for keeping you then."

It stung to see (Y/n) visibly pulling away and Āvo was ashamed he wasn't up to date enough to know what was bothering her. No one following her had noted anything because she'd spent so much time inside since Cosmo got out.  He just had to work harder to figure out what was going on..and then save her from it all~

She said her goodbyes quickly and rushed out of the door in order to catch up to Malachi.

Thankfully, he had got caught in a conversation while just part way down the long hallway. She rushed up to him, slowing to walk only when she was close. He was talking to a man she didn't recognise but looked over to (Y/n) with wide eyes that quickly narrowed when she got close.

"Sucks to hear about Phil, but can I catch up with you later?" Malachi asked the person he was conversing with who nodded, easily detecting the thick tension between Malachi and (Y/n).

He was glad to see (Y/n) in real life after so long but had to keep up the façade of anger for her. If he showed just how easily he'd forgive (Y/n)'s betrayal then it..it was like he cared for her more than Saffi!

"I need you to let me explain."

He folded his arms and stayed quiet, his silence allowing her to speak but the look on his face saying that her excuse would not cut it.

"It was so long ago. H-he- Rudy, I mean... He broke into my apartment, he put a knife to my throat, Malachi!" She was almost breathless in her explanation. "He said he'd kill me if I didn't do what he wanted. And what he wanted was... Telling him any of your plans and hel-helping with his."

Malachi's eye twitched. She was being threatened? That had to change things... His sunshine was just frightened and- no! Sofia was more important and not only did (Y/n) need to know that but his stupid brain did too.

"I just find it hard to believe that was the only reason. Why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you." Before she could even hope to answer him, Malachi kept going. "I think it's because you already didn't want me and Saffi to be together and this was your excuse to do something about it. You wanted me to yourself and you were jealous!"

(Y/n) blinked in disbelief at his accusations and then gathered herself. "Jealous? Can't you be slightly sympathetic that I literally had my life threatened."

Guilt flashed beneath the surface but went ignored. "I can't forgive you for trying to keep us apart."

She clenched her jaw to stop her emotions from overflowing. It was a mixture of despair and irritation at his willful misunderstanding. "Fine. Even if my reasons for this were to keep you two apart, it would not be because of jealousy. It would be because you're fucked in the head."

Malachi laughed joylessly.

"I know I still fell in love with you, but I'd rather you hate me than feel about me the way you feel about Sofia."

"How can you say you love me and tell me what a terrible person I am in the same breath?" He was doing a pretty bad job at hiding how hurt he was by her words.

"I don't think you're a terrible person." She said, sternly rasing her index finger to point at him. "I do think and know that you're a stalker, you're obsessed with her, way too possessive and a murderer, and that all you've done for Sofia is bring her pain."


(Y/n) released a deep exhale and took a step back from him.

"Is this how you usually ask for forgiveness?" Malachi murmured.

"I wasn't here to get you to forgive me. I just wanted you to hear the whole story." (Y/n) could tell that this friendship wasn't just going to kick-start again, this was by far the biggest fight they'd ever had.

"Well, I'm still mad at you." That was a lie. He was hurt to hear what (Y/n) thought of him, she was someone whose opinion he held to a very high regard.

(Y/n) watched him with a thoughtful gaze, he wished he could know what was going on in her head as she thought of what to say next. Should she continue the argument or just walk away? "Fine. You're allowed to be." Those were the words that (Y/n) left him with.

Malachi cringed as she walked away. He felt ill.

He truly wondered if she had meant all she said, after all, he hadn't meant all of what he said.

The words that had affected him the mostly deeply was when she said that (Y/n) would rather Malachi hate her than love her in the way he loved Sofia.

Fortunately for her, Malachi would never feel that love for (Y/n). No, the love he'd eventually feel for (Y/n) would be so much stronger.

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