XXXIV- the bigger picture

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(Y/n)'s time with Malachi was cut short by a text from Rudy. While she'd much rather be spending time with her best friend, that wasn't quite how the whole threat-on-her-life thing worked. Although he didn't have anything against her, the situation was such that she had to do as Rudy wished if she wanted to live.

After blustering out some reason to leave, (Y/n) caught a bus into the center of town where Rudy had asked to meet her.

He said he was by the fountain but when she reached it he was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/n) sat on the edge and looked around. There were couples holding hands, families going on walks, people coming home from work but no Rudy.

"Hey, idiot!" She heard as a hiss behind her.

Peaking out from a nearby bush was just the man she had been looking for. Rudy's frown was directed at (Y/n), his yellowish eyes drilled into her skull.

"Charming." (Y/n) muttered and rolled her eyes before going to join him. "Why are you in a bush?"

"Why are you not??" He countered. "Get in here." Rudy turned around and pointed to a salon across the street, it had glass walls which allowed passersby to see inside. "Sofia will be going in there any minute now."

"Oh. I get it." (Y/n) said as she crouched beside him. "You're being weird again."

"I'm not being weird." He whined. "I'm being... Protective."

"Uh huh."

Rudy's gaze returned to the shop window. "She's getting her hair cut to her shoulders. I love it long but I bet it'll look so adorable shorter." It was always fascinating when (Y/n) saw him talk like this about Sofia. Not when he was being crazy possessive or just mentioning her in passing, when he genuinely went soft over her. It would be sweet if it weren't so scary.

"How do you even know what she's doing with it specifically?"

"Usually it would've been as simple as tapping her phone," Rudy stuck his chin up in preparation to brag. "But this time she told me in real life. She even said she wanted to do something that she was sure I'd like."

"Good for you." (Y/n) said unenthusiastically. As nice as it would be to not deal with Rudy anymore, Sofia falling for him would send Malachi into a spiral and Sofia would be screwed once she realised how toxic Rudy truly was.

She heard an airy gasp come from beside her. "There she is~" Rudy swooned. "Doesn't she look beautiful?"

(Y/n) looked at Sofia uncomfortably, she wasn't too keen on the whole stalking thing. "Yeah, she looks great."

Rudy's mood took a total spin and he glared at (Y/n). "Calm down. Don't forget who she belongs to."

She wanted to roll her eyes into the back of her head at his over-the-top jealousy. "Fine. She looks terrible."

"How dare you??" He spat, taking great offence to (Y/n)'s obviously sarcastic comment.

"She looks... Okay?"

"Just 'okay'???? Are you blind?"

"You. Are. Impossible." (Y/n) stood and dusted her knees down.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find a wall to bash my head against."

Rudy scoffed and pulled on (Y/n)'s head to get her to crouch next to him again. "You don't need to stay for long. I just wanted to ask if there was anything new with Malachi."

" general?"

"No. I clearly meant in regards to Sofia."

"Well, no. They text sometimes but she's not into it and he's terrible at taking hints." (Y/n) answered. "Rest assured. He's still obsessed."

Rudy had actually known all he needed to on the Malachi front. Stalking Sofia all on his own didn't excite him like it used to. Of course he never got bored of his darling Sofia... But having (Y/n) there (even if they bickered the whole time) was still nice.

Being around (Y/n) was nice for him.

Not that he'd ever let her know it.

"There's not much else to say." (Y/n) sighed. "Was that all you wanted to hear? Can I go?"

"No!" He said a little too quickly. "I... Just stay longer, okay? Or I'll fuckin'... I'll mess you up, yeah?"


" was your day?" He asked meekly.

"It was, uh... definitely a day."

Rudy looked away from the salon towards (Y/n). "Care to elaborate?"

"I'd rather not get into it while crouching in a bush like I'm about to jump someone."

He looked around shiftily, flicking between (Y/n), the salon and the surrounding area. "Let's walk then."


"Yeah, Sofia will be in there for like an hour. Can't even see her properly from this angle." He stood up and held his hand out to help (Y/n) do the same.

She got up and they set off away from the salon. "I'm in a bit of a fix right now." (Y/n) said. "There's this guy at work and... And he's basically being held hostage for information but he's not gonna give it up for shit."


"Oh, this is all confidential by the way."

Rudy snorted. "Remind me not to tell you anything."

"I usually don't give up secrets so easily but I figured I've got so much shit on you I may as well." She said with a slight shrug. "Anyway, we kind of became friends and now I think he wants me to help him break out and-"

"I'm gonna stop you there. Don't."

"That's what I thought at first too but I don't think he'll be able to get out on his own... And then he's gonna die and- and I know it was dumb for me to get attached since I knew this would happen." She ended with a grunt of irritation, hating her position.

"You don't want to get caught up in that. If you help him you put a target on your head." Rudy shook his head with a sour look. "You can't trust guys like that. He acts like your friend because he's playing with your emotions. He wants you to be feeling like this. He's gonna use you and then let you take the fall. Mark my words, you're not dumb enough for that."

(Y/n) pouted slightly, she looked down at her feet. "You don't know him." She mumbled.

"I know his type." Rudy said and then laughed a little. "Exhibit A." He pointed to his healing black eye.

"I guess..." (Y/n) trailed off, not marking her final decision either way.

They continued to walk and talk. At some point, (Y/n) found herself forgetting just who she was talking to and actually enjoying his company.

They didn't even return to the salon.

(Y/n) hummed to herself as she cut up some food for her dinner. 'What an eventful day.' She thought whistfully.

The most prevalent thought in her mind was Cosmo and what to do about that whole situation. The fact that she'd possibly pushed Āvo away from helping her out didn't assist in that regard.

And there she was thinking about Āvo. She truly hoped that all the tales of his wrath were myths because otherwise she could be in hot water for incorrectly suggesting he had feelings for her. Although, he didn't seem too mad if not quite uncomfortable.

She hissed as the blade of her knife cut her the tip of her finger, bringing a small amount blood to the surface of her skin. "Ouch, shit!" She yelped and dropped the knife to the chopping board.

(Y/n) held the cut finger up as she went to grab a band aid. She had no idea how Cosmo dealed so well with being literally tortured even if it was happening less often.

'Maybe helping him is a bad idea. I don't know how much help I'll even be.' She covered the cut carefully, allowing the absorbent part of the band aid to soak up her blood.

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