XLI- making connections

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(Y/n) read through the texts Malachi had sent while chewing on her finger anxiously. She was close to messaging him back but couldn't bring herself to do it.

The calls and texts had slowed over the week, and in a way that made her feel worse. It was like he had given up due to her constant ignoring him. She couldn't blame him.

Eventually she had to pause her reading because the bus she was on had reached her stop.

It was a rainy afternoon, the wind was biting and made (Y/n) hold her bag above her head in an attempt to protect her hair but she couldn't stop the water that was spraying her down from other directions from the force of the wind.

"Ugh..." She groaned, speeding up in order to reach her apartment building sooner rather than later.

Thankfully, she lived quite close to the bus stop and was able to reach the warm and dry lobby within a minute or two.

She was surprised when she saw that her package locker had something inside. (Y/n) wasn't expecting anything to arrive, so she must've been sent something by somebody elze. 'It's probably mom or dad.' She thought since they had occasionally sent her old photos they had dug out, or something they'd baked.

Upon unlocking her locker, (Y/n) could see it was a relatively small package that had been held together with an ungodly amount of duct tape. She frowned when seeing the handwriting that had scrawled out her address, it didn't look like either of her parents'.

(Y/n) pushed the package under her arm, wetting the packaging with her clothes soaked from the rain.

Once she was indoors, (Y/n) was quick to grab a knife to assist her in opening up the plastic.

It was almost like whoever wrapped didin't even want her to open it with how tightly and thoroughly it had been sealed. Or at the very least they weren't used to packaging goods.

She grunted several times when trying to cut through the outside while avoiding damaging anything that was inside.

The first thing she noticed were soft tufts of fur. Pealing back more of the plastic revealed a cute stuffed bear.

It was pale pink with a big red heart shaped spot over one of its eyes. She held it at an arms length, wanting to ensure she knew who this was from before she got too close to the thing.

(Y/n) looked back at the packaging to see if there was anything she had missed, a note or something that would clear this whole thing up.

It might have been from Malachi and he was just trying to open up a dialogue between them again. Maybe if it was in fact him (Y/n) would have taken the bait, but the note she found proved it wasn't.

The letter started off innocently enough, it spoke about missing her and wondering if she missed the writer too. But the words quickly descended into something more sinister and almost threateningly affectionate.

Her eyes skipped over most of it to get to the very end.

'C.E.... Cosmo Exeter.' It had to have been him based on the context of the letter; wishing she had taken up his offer of going with him. 'This is the sort of shit that Malachi would say to Sofia..'

She inwardly scolded herself for thinking about Malachi but then the realisation dawned on her. "Oh shit." She said aloud. If Cosmo felt for her anything close to what Malachi felt for Saffi then (Y/n) was fucked.

Her eyes widened at the letter, her heart quickening as she read over it again, noticing new words and phrases that she'd skimmed over the first time. All of them came together to paint a horrible picture of a possible future in her head.

"Okay, okay, (Y/n)." She said to herself. "Calm down, breathe." Deep inhales followed but they were doing very little to calm herself down.

He knew where she lived!!

And who the hell was she meant to go to? He was already being hunted down by multiple parties and the lack of success they were having didn't give (Y/n) a whole lot of hope.

She threw both the letter and (regretfully) the bear in the trash, not wanting to take any chances and wanting them out of her sight.

Rudy hadn't bothered (Y/n) much since he last saw her. He knew that being around him could feel like a full-time job, especially when he was forcing her to put up with him. So until she and Malachi fixed their shit, he decided to give her some distance.

He'd be lying if he said it didn't bother him that (Y/n) hadn't reached out but that feeling was drowned out by something else.

He had a date! With Sofia!

Finally he had gathered the guts to ask her out and she said yes!

Rudy couldn't be happier as he sat across from Sofia for a dinner that day. (Well, maybe he could be happier if (Y/n) would express some concern for him vanishing on her.)

She was speaking in depth about how her day had been and even if Rudy wasn't absorbing every word she said, he was very content to just hear her voice and see how animated she was.

This was how it was supposed to be in his head. Him and Sofia dating. Soon she'd be his girlfriend, then fiancée, then wife! He could hardly wait!!

"I can't tell you how happy I was when you asked me out." She said in an uncharacteristically shy voice, Rudy found it positively adorable. "I was starting to think you never would."

"How could I not?" He grinned.

Sofia giggled and hid her blushing face in her hands.

Rudy sighed happily, so badly he wanted to pull her hands away and kiss that pretty face all over.

The restaurant was casual enough for a first date, he didn't want to go all out just yet. They were sat by the window that looked out to the rainy street.

Sofia had raved about this place before, she'd seen pictures of the food in the past. Each plate was so expertly crafted and even though Rudy would take a large portion of good food over and tiny plate of food that looks all fancy and shit, he'd put up with anything if it made Sofia smile.

"I think that's our food!" She gasped with joy when she saw their sever approaching with two plates of intricately designed cuisine. "I've got to post a picture. Esme will lose her mind over this, she's wanted to go here for like ever."

Sofia whipped out her phone and took a few photos from several angles. Rudy sort of tuned out when she mentioned Esme and other miscellaneous characters in Sofia's life, as far as he was concerned she didn't need any of them.

"And...posted!" She put her phone down. "Sorry about that, I know it's so rude to get my phone out at the table."

"Don't worry about it." Rudy's mood was too high to be diminished by something so small.

The two continued their date quite happily, blissfully ignorant of a certain someone who would spot the post's caption that detailed she was on 'the best first date ever'.

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