XL- in my heart

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Treating his own wounds wasn't nearly as nice as having (Y/n) do it for him, but Cosmo couldn't allow any open cuts to become infected.

His work has afforded him many enemies but also friends which was how he ended up in a fairly nice apartment to himself. The owner owed him big time and he knew they were never around this time of year anyway.

Cosmo was hesitant to remove the bandages (Y/n) had so carefully wrapped around him, even though they were soaked through with blood. In a way, these dirtied bandages were the last he had of (Y/n).

Although it had to be this way, Cosmo wasn't quite prepared to accept that he'd never see (Y/n) ever again. They were much safer apart but that didn't mean he didn't want to see her.

It had been a little over a week since his daring escape and he should have been thinking about getting further away, leaving the country or even the continent- but instead his thoughts were consumed by the pretty medic he had left behind.

A good half of said thoughts were about that kiss- however brief it was, he was addicted to the way it felt, the way she felt.

He was regretting not just... taking her. She didn't want to go with him but what would've happened if he just didn't listen, if he just took her anyway. He would keep her nice and safe! And he wouldn't be so lonely!

Okay, so his feelings for (Y/n) were escalating at an unforeseen pace since he left.

Cosmo just couldn't fathom the fact that he would never see her again. He needed to see her again.

But he couldn't just swoop over to her home (yes, he knew her address, finding it was one of the first things he did once he was free) and snatch her.

That was still too risky at this time, going back too close to the center of town and having to worry about getting caught by someone who worked for Lūsis or Perdax.

At the same time, he wanted her to know. Cosmo couldn't sit around without (Y/n) knowing what he knew.

He'd discovered that he..really really really liked her.

Screw it, he'd discovered that he loved her.

He couldn't have (Y/n) thinking the kiss meant nothing, that she meant nothing. Cosmo had left her all alone and she was probably heartbroken too!

A small cry involuntarily left his through when he realised he was getting a bit carried away with reapplying the gauze to one of his several broken fingers. He momentarily brought himself back down to reality and wonder d how his mind had drifted so far- he had to get out of here! No matter how badly he wanted (Y/n), she wasn't his to take...

But she could be.

Cosmo paused his medical procedure with got up to take out a piece of pen and paper. Despite the broken bones in his hand, his insanely high tolerance pain allowed his to power through.

Hey babe

"Nope." He immediately scribbled that out. "That sounds dumb. I need to make this serious."

Dear (Y/n),

I love you

Cosmo crumpled up that piece of paper and threw it over his shoulder. "Too forward."

Dear (Y/n),

He paused and really thought about how he wanted to begin this, the tone he wanted to strike. Cosmo wasn't stupid, he knew that it he were to take (Y/n) that she'd be unhappy about it. But she'd live with it and eventually return his feelings, that was the vague plan at least.

I know things have probably been stressful for you. They've been stressful for me too. I've been missing you a lot and I often wonder if you miss me too.

I wish you would have taken me up on my offer and came with me. I know you don't want the life I have but I'd protect you from all of it! I'd find somewhere for us to settle down and no one will find us. I'm starting to feel more and more that we don't really need anyone but each other.

Doesn't that sound nice? Just you, me and the kids? If you don't want kids then that's chill too, but the you and me part is non-negotiable.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. I'm doing pretty well at the time of writing this, I hope you're alright too. You just sit tight for now while I figure everything out. This is gonna be great for us, I promise.

I love you and you're gonna love me too one day.

I'll make sure of it.


(Y/n) winced as another howl of pain left the woman she was treating, she was suspected of being a spy sent by Perdax as were about a dozen others. She had long given up on soothing words and just quietly tended to the spy as she screamed out.

"Te-tell them-!" She choked out between cries. "It's n-not me!!"

"I'm sorry...I can't help you.." (Y/n) was sincere in her words. She was sorry.

"You..ah! Y-you believe me.. right?"

It always hurt watching anyone cry, and they did quite often. 'Cosmo never cried.' She couldn't help but think.

Even if she was frustrated with him for kissing her like that, she still missed him and was glad that he had somehow evaded certain death.

"It doesn't matter what I believe." (Y/n) spoke calmly. "From what I've seen you have a better chance of living if you just say what you know and-"

"I don't know anything!!!" The bruises left on this woman's neck translated into the raspy way she spoke.

(Y/n) hadn't felt so awful about her job in a while. Maybe she was naïve to instantly believe in this woman's innocence, but even if she wasn't she didn't deserve the horrifying pain she had sustained.

Cosmo had been treated so lightly until the Malachi incident, (Y/n) had forgotten just how badly some people got marred.

'Stop thinking about Cosmo.' She caught herself. 'You're never gonna see him again anyway.'

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