VII- in the shadows

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Āvo's actual bedroom wasn't far away from the office he used for meetings. After a long day, a restful evening was what he needed and he often found just that in a space personal to him.

A few pictures of (Y/n) were haphazardly stuck to his wall though they were often removed and placed back up. He felt guilty for having them yet empty without them.

These feelings would grow and subside and how enthused he was with his obsession represented this. It must be made clear that the obsession itself never faded and his full heart always beat solely for her, but the way he showed it would change.

Most of the pictures Āvo had of (Y/n) were dated at almost two years ago, when he first fell in love with her the surveillance was almost constant. He couldn't help that concern that something awful would happen to her and there was also a more selfish part of him that just wanted to see her.

He called off the sketchy men in suits that were responsible for keeping tabs on her when he realised two crucial things. The first being that (Y/n) was never in any mortal danger and this may not be something to lose sleep over, and the second being that Malachi wasn't even a rival for him becuase the underling took no romantic interest in (Y/n).

Āvo would have her checked in on every now and then just so he could know what was going on, but didn't want to have her followed all the time. It felt just too wrong.

Most of what took place in her life was in her work too which was obviously a lot easier for Āvo to track since he employed her.

He'd heard word that she spent a significant amount of time with Cosmo Exeter whenever she was meant to be treating him.

She surely wouldn't be conspiring with him since her being a low ranking medic meant she knew only marginally more than the general public. If he could, then he would talk to her about it, but she flustered him far too much.

It was purely embarrassing for him, he had dreamt of reading his already written vows to her thousands of times but the thought of actually speaking to her in the conceivable and near future had him breaking a sweat.

He supposed it was the fear of rejection. (Y/n) never rejected him in his fantasies so there was nothing to afraid of, but in real life... He hadn't given her much reason to do one thing or the other.

There was a very present fear that one word Āvo said could mean that (Y/n) would never want to look his way again.

He decided that a better way to deal with the issue of her spending copious amounts of time with the agent was to have his men go easier on him. At this point it was clear that it wasn't the pain that would get Cosmo to crack, the isolation was more likely to do it anyway.

Cosmo wasn't too much of a problem, Āvo had patience and he would wait for as long as it took. Perdax wasn't too much of an issue in his mind either, for all Perdax knew Cosmo had already coughed everything up and was at the bottom of a river by now.

But maybe Āvo was only condensing these problems in his head to give himself an excuse to focus on (Y/n).

He just needed a way in, a way to get closer. He was averse to just taking her for no reason other than that he wanted to.

Āvo dreamed about that classic romance, he wanted to woo her and for her to love him the way he did her.

He pulled one of the images of (Y/n) off of the wall delicately, the fresh piece of tape curling as he did so.

It would be nice to have some new pictures of her as this one could be dated to about a year and a half ago but it was what it was.

Āvo didn't want her being constantly followed and he was happy with that decision thus far.

Malachi was throwing a childike tantrum as he drove (Y/n) back home, every time she looked at him he was showing a pout if some kind.

He was pissed off that she cut his time with Saffi short and had no problem showing it.

"You've gotta let me explain." (Y/n) said pleadingly. "He was threatening me!"

"Yeah, but..." Malachi paused and shrugged guiltily. "Couldn't you have left? Who was he anyway?"

"That's the thing, he's like... Crazy about Sofia. Your levels of crazy." (Y/n) explained.

"Gee, thanks." Malachi muttered sarcastically at the subtle dig, not really absorbing her words properly for a few moments before he slowed the car down and pulled over. "What do you mean by crazy anyway?"

"I mean he was telling me to stay away from her, all that 'she's mine' bullshit."

Malachi pulled a face of great offence. "It's not bullshit when I say it, right?"

"I don't think you're paying attention to the main issue."

Malachi knitted his eyebrows. "Did you get his name? Do you know if she knows him?"

"Rudy. I don't know his last name... I think you should leave this alone-"

"What? No! He's gonna try and steal her from me!"

"Maybe he'd try to do that... But you could get into serious trouble if you did something to him. You know I don't really like it when you..." (Y/n) trailed off, making her best friend tilt his head in question.

"Kill people?"

"I mean, that among other things."

He leaned back in the seat. "What else do you expect me to do with him?"

"You're friends with Sofia, you've got a leg up! Wait at least to see what happens with this guy." (Y/n) advised, she didn't want her best friend parading around murdering anyone who was interested in Sofia.

Malachi looked out of the window in contemplation. He hoped that Saffi was okay and that this Rudy hadn't pounced on her already. With that worry in mind he pulled out his phone a started to write out a text to her.

"Are you still mad?" (Y/n) asked.


"Oh, come on. If I hadn't told you when I did you'd be pissed at me for not saying sooner and now you're pissed for saying too soon. There'll be other opportunities for you to see Sofia, it's not like she's dying tomorrow."

"Don't say that!" Malachi hissed. "And no." He added. "I'm not mad."

(Y/n) frowned, unconvinced by Malachi's words. The last thing she wanted was for him to resent her.

He restarted the car and momentarily looked back at (Y/n). "I'm really not, sunshine, I was just... Frustrated is all."

'Frustrated, huh?' (Y/n) thought but stayed quiet.

"Saffi means the world to me and you know that-"

It was at that moment that (Y/n) stopped listening to Malachi. She used to feel guilty for retreating into her head for his rants and letting her mind wander as he poured his heart out, but when she actually decided to listen she knew that she firmly preferred the former.

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