LVIII- time

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"Baby, you seem tense.." Sofia murmured groggily, running her hand over Rudy's chest as they lay together that morning. "What's up?"

He shook his head, mostly to himself. "I'm fine." He said sternly. That was far from the truth, Rudy couldn't get (Y/n) off his mind. He was more than just concerned about her.

"Is this about (Y/n)?" She asked, Rudy had been acting off ever since they'd reported her disappearance to the cops. "I'm worried too but that's in the hands of the police now."

"They won't find her. I know there must be something that I'm missing." Rudy sat up, pushing Sofia away from him in the process.

"You don't have to feel responsible-"

"Shut up." He snapped. "You don't know what you're talking about." Rudy got himself out of bed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I know you're stressed but you don't need to take it out on me." Sofia sounded hurt and also pretty annoyed. She let out a small 'hmf' before laying back down.

Rudy knew he ought to make up with Sofia but, oddly enough, he didn't really care to. His mind was preoccupied, and for the first time in while his relationship (or lack thereof) with Sofia was not the thing occupying it.

He was filled with concern for (Y/n)'s wellbeing, his heart always twisted with the thought of her discomfort. He didn't like what Sofia said about it. He knew (Y/n) better, he was convinced of it.

(Y/n) brushed through her hair eagerly. She'd been stuck in this room for a week straight but today seemed like the day that Āvo would be loosening her restrictions.

She was in the ensuite bathroom and getting ready for the day, this included spalshing some water in her face to prepare herself to keep her eyes peeled for any possible exits.

"Are you almost ready?" Āvo asked from just outside. He'd made it clear that they were just going to breakfast together and she wasn't being given full free reign just yet but it was still progress.

(Y/n) threw the door open. "Ready!"

"You look lovely." His blue eyes radiated pure warmth and love, part of (Y/n) felt special for seeing such a different side to Āvo.

"I've got to look good for my first day out of my bedroom." She took the hand he had held out for her and began to walk with him down the hall.

"It's just breakfast." Āvo beamed, finding her optimism sweet.

They ended up in the same dining room where (Y/n) had shared breakfast with Āvo before. Two of the most beautiful looking cooked breakfasts were placed there with steam rising over them. The smell wafted over to (Y/n), making her rush up to her seat.

She had to hold herself back from digging in before Āvo had even sat down but was quick to get started. Even if she wanted her freedom more, she had to admit that the food she was getting here was damn good.

Āvo released a hasty breath as he amped himself up to speak, he had a lot of things on his mind and wanted to be as honest with (Y/n) as he could be.

"You're probably wondering why this is all happening." He said, causing (Y/n) took slowly lift her gaze from her plate. "I know I said that it was to protect you and that I love you..a-and that's still very much true but..." Āvo gulped nervously, regretting that he even started talking in the first place. "Don't worry about it." He muttered.

"Just say what you're thinking." (Y/n) said, putting her cutlery down and resting her face on her hand.

"I've just...I've loved you for a very long time. I saw after you were brought to work here how gentle you are, you don't meet many people like that around here. I thought that would make you weak but it didn' were still gentle and yet so strong." As Āvo spoke, he visibly relaxed and softened. The pure act of just talking about the love he had brought him joy. "I know it sounds silly but for years I was scared. Scared of what you might think and...scared of you being sad with me." The joy faltered and he reduced back into his she'll. "I suppose like you are now."

(Y/n) moved her hand to scratch the side of her neck. "You don't make me sad." She said, unsure with herself even quite how honest she was being. "I miss my freedom don't make me sad."

She found the sentiment of his words quite sweet even if there were details she didn't appreciate. How would he even know about her supposedly 'gentle' and 'strong' nature if they had only spoken very minimally and in a very professional context?

Āvo's lips turned up to from a bittersweet expression. He knew she was lying, he knew how she cried every night and he often found himself sobbing with her. "I really do love you, (Y/n)." He shifted forward. "I want you to know that I'd do anything for you. Anything. Apart from..the obvious thing of letting you leave me- but I'd do anything else!"


"Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you." He clutched the table cloth tightly, jolting everything on the table. "Anyone you don't like, I-I'll kill them for you! I'd get on my hands and knees if you wanted me to, (Y/n), I'd burn the whole world down!!" Āvo was becoming increasingly erratic and desperate. "All to make you happy! Tell me what would make you happy so I can just do it already!" His words were overcame by heavy and shallow breaths, his shoulders rose and fell. There were a million more things he wanted to say but his brain couldn't seem to activate the synapses to say them, all his brain could do was send him deeper into this spiral.

(Y/n) could quickly indentify that he was having a panic attack, she could practically seem his heart thumping out of his chest. "Breathe, Āvo." She was able to keep her composure, having been trained for this situation and having helped guide Malachi through some panic attacks of his own. "Can you breathe in with me?" She took a deep and deliberate breath in for ten seconds, Āvo was attempting to follow but his breath was hitching and leaving him quite often.

She slowly went to stand, not wanting to make any sudden movements that would panic him more. Even if she wasn't in the best place with Āvo right then, (Y/n) still felt dutifully dedicated to helping anyone who needed it. The way she saw it was that he was sick and in pain, and she had the ability to help.

"Is it alright for me to touch you?"

He barely managed a nod, grabbing the table cloth even tighter.

(Y/n) went around the table to hug him from the side, tenderly rubbing his arm as she kept trying to guide him through some deep breathing. The affection she showed brought Āvo instant relief, though it wasn't a total remedy.

"It's okay." She spoke in a soothing and nurturing voice. "You can get through this."

He sniffled slightly, trying his best not to cry. "I just want to make things better for you, (Y/n)....but I can't let you go. I'm a bad person and I don't deserve you, I'm too selfish and I hate myself for it. I fucking hate myself!"

(Y/n) held him a little tighter, trying not to let her empathy get the best of her and force her to make some promises she couldn't keep.

Cosmo wasn't too shocked when he saw that the apartment he'd been staying in had been wrecked.

Everything was either broken, thrown on the floor or both.

He groaned inwardly at the sight of it, while this would be easily overcome it represented something much more.

A warning.

Likely one from Perdax that he was closing in. From the years he'd worked undercover with Perdax, he knew that this was definitely more his style whereas Lūsis was more likely to just get him back as soon as possible rather than doing a flashy build up.

On top of the fact that his location had be pinned down by only one of the conglomerates that wanted him dead, was that his friend would be returning any day now.

Cosmo had known for a while that Perdax was getting closer and he needed to get out of town and fast- but he refused to leave without (Y/n).

He was sure he could make this quick as long as he could use Malachi to his advantage.

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