LIII- pushy

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The novelty of being randomly invited to Āvo's office had pretty much worn off for (Y/n) when Darcy asked her the next morning.

She shifted where she was sat in the waiting room, no longer super intimidated by the much more powerful people she was surrounded by. Not to say she was entirely comfortable, she had just done this enough times to not be quivering where she sat by now.

It didn't take long for a guard to step out and address her silently, indicating for her to enter.

"It's a lovely morning, isn't it, (Y/n)?" Āvo said with a smile when she entered. It was shocking just how rapidly he went from being a domineering presence to a terrified one to a quite friendly one now.

By now, she didn't need to be told to sit down and just took her seat. "The weather has been getting nicer lately. I went out on a walk with some friends yesterday."

Āvo just nodded in polite interest, he already knew of her little walk with Sofia and Rudy. He greatly disapproved of it, didn't (Y/n) realise that Cosmo was still a threat to her?? Not to mention Āvo not enjoying her warming up to Rudy, or vice versa.

"Have you been well?"

(Y/n) had been having trouble answering such a simple question lately. Even though her relationship with Āvo treaded the line at times of professionalism, she still didn't want to indulge her boss in the intricacies of her weirdass personal life. "I've been okay." She settled on a vague answer that hopefully wouldn't invoke any further questions. "How are you?"

"I'm actually quite happy at the moment, a little stressed with work but..." He went pink from ear to ear, a small smile was carved out. "Everything seems to be coming together."

"That's good to hear."

"No more run-ins with Cosmo?" Āvo already knew her answer but couldn't be too careful in case he missed something.

"Nope." (Y/n) said, she was still a bit on edge and was unsure if his silence was a good sign or not. "Am I allowed to know about how the search is going?"

"We believe that we're closing in." Āvo look to the side towards the window that was being hit with the morning sun. "One can't be too sure for now."

She was slightly disappointed with the slow progress but didn't show it, despite growing more at ease around him she still knew to keep her guard up and not do anything to upset him..just in case.

"I didn't just invite you here for a chat." He then said, bringing out a piece of cream colored card. "There's another event that I'm expected to attend, and I thought who better to bring with me than yourself." Āvo handed her the card which was the invitation he received.

(Y/n) looked at it, her eyes growing as she read. "A ball? I didn't know those still existed." She couldn't say that the idea of one didn't appeal but she was hesitant to accept at once. "It's this Friday?"

"Yes, you don't have any plans, do you?" He knew she didn't but just assuming so would be rude. Āvo may stalk (Y/n) but he'd still remain as polite as possible.

"No, I don't-"

"Excellent. I'll send you your dress and shoes again, transport will be provided and as before, it's best you stick by me." Āvo took the invitation out of her hands again and clasped his hands over it.

"Are...are you sure you want me coming to something so...I don't know."

His face softened. "I know these sorts of events can feel so large and intimidating but you handled the last dinner so well."

(Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck anxiously, she couldn't really say no. The power imbalance was immense and although nothing about his behaviour had suggested it, the mere context felt like the only possible answer could be yes.

"Thanks, I...would love to go with you."

(Y/n) tossed her bag to the side when she walked into her apartment, kicking her shoes off afterwards.

The bus had been a nightmare and she was glad to finally be home so she could fix herself some dinner. (Y/n) walked over window that had been boarded over to protect herself from the cold, it was meant to be getting fixed tomorrow. She winced at the thought of how much it would cost.

'I need to get that money off Malachi.'

At that thought, her door was pounded from the outside (Y/n) wondered who it could be but prior to any assumption...

"(Y/n)? Sunshine! It's Malachi, please let me in!"

Just who she wanted to see...kind of, though something told her he wasn't here to repay her for the window.

(Y/n) opened up her front door and then quickly stepped into the doorway. "Hello?"

A lovestruck smile took over his face when he saw (Y/n). She was just so beautiful, and now she was right in front of him!

"Hi, please may I come in?" He kept his voice tuned to sweet and desperate.

(Y/n) looked back into her apartment and then back at Malachi. "..why?"

"I want to talk things through, sunshine." He tried to reaches out to take her hands in his but (Y/n) pulled her arms away. "Please, I love you so much."

She looked down at her feet when he said that, even if she knew he was bad news there was still that sense of undeniable guilt. "I'm sorry but... I think you should leave."

"(Y/n), can you just hear me out?" He pleaded, putting his big brown eyes to good use. "Please?"

"Fine." (Y/n) stayed in place, she knew if she let him in then this would be a bigger thing than she wanted it to be. "Say what you need to say."

" so in love you." He couldn't help the smile that came to his face when saying those words. How could he be upset when declaring his love? "I really want to be with you, and I want to prove that to you."

"I believe you. You don't need to prove anything. I just don't return those feelings." (Y/n) remained civil, she knew how bad it hurt to have the one person you want not love you back. "I know it's been all over the place lately but please give me some space. When I'm ready, I'll reach out and I understand if by that point you don't want to hear from me."

Malachi laughed a little, although he didn't seem all that amused. "You know me. I'm not the best at being patient."

"If you want to prove your love then that's how." She said off the cuff.

"If I wait..." Malachi paused and then his eyes lit up. "You'll be with me?"

(Y/n) frowned at him. "That's not what I said."

"I don't know how much longer I can take this."

Her mouth formed a line as she thought of what could end this conversation. "This weekend. We can have it out this weekend, okay?"

"R-really?" A beam spread across Malachi's cheeks. "This weekend? As in Saturday?!"

"Uh, sure."

(Y/n) could already tell from the look in his face that she was going to regret this. 'Maybe we should go somewhere in public.'

"And bring the money for my window." She added.

"Done! Oh, sunshine, thank you so much!" Malachi exclaimed cheerfully.

Something about his reaction didn't sit right with (Y/n). He seemed far too pleased about the whole thing. But at the end of the day, she couldn't deny that she cared for him.

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