L- bullshit

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Cosmo left the apartment he was staying in less often. He could tell that either Lūsis or Perdax was closing in on his location, he thought it was more likely to be Perdax since he recognised a few faces that were continually walking past the same spot over and over.

He felt idiotic being cooped up like this, things should have gone so much differently but he had to go and be impatient. He regretted freaking (Y/n) out in the first place, it would've just been so much simpler to keep her in the dark. In the good intentioned sharing of his feelings, he was revealing himself to those who wanted him dead.

Getting caught by Lūsis was his best bet since they still wanted information out of him, if Perdax found him then his treatment wouldn't be so kind.

This was exactly the kind of thing he wanted to protect (Y/n) from, but if he were to take her then he'd just be putting her in more danger. His decision to keep persuing her was telling of what Cosmo's true priorities were. Of course he'd never say it out loud that he was putting his own selfish wants and desires over what was best for (Y/n), he kept on telling himself that he'd keep her even safer than she was now.

Cosmo knew fully well that the ache in his heart was from missing (Y/n), he'd do anything to make this pain go away.

"Oh, god..." He breathed out with a pout, pouring himself a drink. The room was only lit by artificial lighting since he had to keep all of the curtains drawn and blinds down to prevent anyone from seeing inside.

He wondered if she missed him too, there must have been some part of her- the part that wasn't needlessly afraid- that missed their time together.

The spirit swished around the bottom of the wide glass. Cosmo never drank that often, only really indulging in it as a social thing or when he needed to loosen up. This was definitely a case of the latter.

Small sips were taken as he tried to imagine (Y/n) in the apartment alongside him, although he'd need to get out of here soon and find somewhere else for them to stay.

It was weight on his mind, but (Y/n) was just the motivation he needed to make it through.

(Y/n) felt light on her feet the day after she'd let go of Malachi. She freshened up in the shower and took her time getting dressed and ready before strolling out of her bedroom. Sure, she had Cosmo to worry about but she couldn't bring herself to care now that she felt liberated from the chains of unrequited love.

If only she could be so lucky.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" A voice cheerfully rang out from her kitchen.

(Y/n) froze on the spot. 'Um...what the fuck?'

"Hello..?" She kept her guard up when slowly approaching her kitchen only to be... Well, filled with mixed feelings at the sight of Malachi going through her fridge.

"I'm making your favorite breakfast, you just go relax then we can talk."

(Y/n) stared at him in confusion. Who did he think he was? "No. You're going to get out of my apartment."

Malachi didn't even respond, he just started to happily hum a song that (Y/n) didn't recognise. Her frustration was growing by the second as she tapped her foot on the tiled floor, her earlier good mood being cast out of the window.

"What are you doing here??"

He visibly saddened at her irritation, feeling guilty for making (Y/n) feel any negative emotion at all. "I just want to know how you're doing." Malachi said, placing down the food items he was holding.

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now