XXX- an obligation

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(Y/n) bit at her nail anxiously while sitting in the back of the car that Āvo had sent to collect her. It was just her and Āvo's driver who informed her that they'd be driving to pick up Āvo and then to the event.

She was in the gold dress and heels he'd sent, her new lipstick swiped across her lips with the tube in her purse in case she needed to reapply.

The source of her nerves was more from the idea of going to an upscale party than they were from seeing Āvo, although he didn't help. (Y/n) appreciated that he tried to be less intimidating around her, but she couldn't just forget everything she'd heard about him.

The car pulled up and the driver called an assistant to fetch Āvo.

"There's no need to be nervous, (Y/n)." The older man said after hanging up with a warm smile on his face that (Y/n) could see in the mirror.

"You could tell?"

"Mr Lūsis wants you to enjoy this evening."

She nodded slowly. "I've never done anything like this before."

"I'm sure it will be a fine experience." The driver assured her. Their conversation was cut short by the car door being opened and Āvo climbing into the back to sit beside (Y/n).

Even though she was sitting down so he couldn't quite see the dress in all of its glory, Āvo's breath still hitched when he saw (Y/n). She just looked so beautiful he wanted to pull her out for the car and take her inside, he didn't want anyone else to see how gorgeous she looked for he was sure they'd fall for her.

Her lips looked amazing coated in the red he'd asked her to wear, even more enticing than usual if that were possible.

All these thoughts were kept locked up in his head. Instead he greeted her with a small smile.

"Hi," (Y/n) responded sweetly. "You look great."

Āvo was shocked he didn't melt on the spot at her innocent compliment. He was wearing a simple suit, hardly more formal than what he wore to work anyway. "Thank you." His voice had gone quiet. "You also look lovely."

"It's all thanks to the dress you sent me." (Y/n) said while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

He wanted to tell her that if it were anyone else in that dress that he wouldn't have looked twice, he wanted to say that she made his heart skip a beat. "It really suits you." Was what he actually ended up saying.

Cosmo knew exactly where (Y/n) was that night.

Meanwhile, he was stuck in this same old room, stuck in this same old chair. He wanted to make another attempt at breaking out but knew that considering last time this couldn't be and impulse decision based on anger.

Why was he even angry?

Sure, he liked (Y/n) but he knew that they weren't going to be together. Maybe it was because she was with him: the man who had him trapped in this godforsaken place.

Cosmo was sure he wouldn't be nearly as jealous, nearly as offended, if it had been anyone else on this planet that she was going on a date with.

Even if she maintained that this thing wasn't a date and there were no ulterior motives behind Lūsis's actions, Cosmo didn't buy that bullshit for a minute.

His crush was going on a date with the current bane of his existence- of course he was going to be pissed off!

He scoffed at the stupidity of it all. He'd been in positions like this more than his fair share of times and had never caught himself throwing himself an internal pity party over some girl going on a date.

Cosmo thought about what she may look like right now. She'd gushed about this long gold dress she'd been sent, he wished he could see her in it. All he ever saw her in were her scrubs.

What was she doing right now? Was she being lured in by his lies and empty promises? It made Cosmo sick to think about (Y/n) being used by someone as evil as Lūsis. She didn't deserve to be caught up in this life, she deserved better than Lūsis, better than that stupid friend Malachi she was in love with for some reason... Better than Cosmo himself.

Yeah, she deserved a whole lot better than him.

"You should stay close to me." Āvo advised carefully as the car slowed.

They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and they home they approached looked even larger than the Lūsis base where Āvo resided.

"Whoa.." The mansion didn't even look real to (Y/n), too large to possible comprehend. There were columns, domes and what looked like...battlements? She probably had that wrong but it was still impressive as hell.

The car door was opened by their driver, Āvo stepped out first and then held his hand out to (Y/n).

She thanked him with warm cheeks. It wasn't even that she saw him in that way, it was just nice to be around someone so gentlemanly.

Her heels clicked against the stone pathway that led to the front door, she could feel her heart rate quickening -unaware Āvo's heart was doing much the same for a different reason.

"The actual dinner doesn't begin for an hour or so." He said after ringing the doorbell. "I don't mind what we do until then."

"Are any of your friends here?"

"Friends...would be a generous way to describe them." Āvo winced slightly. "I won't force you to mingle with anyone. You and I can just spend some time together if that's what you want."

The door was opened up by a butler who greeted them both, knowing Āvo by name, and let them in.

"That would be nice." (Y/n) replied as she entered, genuinely interested in getting to know Āvo better.

The interior was as lavish as she expected. It had a slightly more modern vibe to it than Āvo's place.

"We can escape to the garden until the food is brought out." His finger twitched as a voice in the back of his mind told him to take (Y/n)'s hand. But he didn't listen to that voice. If Āvo wanted to make this last then he needed patience.

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