LXXVIII- in the hot seat

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(f/f/n)= fake first name
(f/l/n)= fake last name

This third kidnapping felt like the worst by far to (Y/n). She was tied to a chair but not nearly so many accomodations had been made as when Cosmo first took her, it was far more uncomfortable than before.

The room she found herself in was dark and humid, she could almost feel her sweat evaporating into the thick air around her.

She inwardly wondered who had got her this time.

"Good. You're awake." An unfamiliar voice emanated from an unfamiliar silhouette in the doorway.

Any light that was leaking in was soon gone as the door was slammed behind this new figure, but a dim lamp in the corner was switched on in return.

"You're Exeter's friend...aren't you?" (Y/n) was unable to pick up many distinguishable features from the man who was talking. She quickly was coming to realise that this wasn't someone else who was infatuated with her and couldn't quite tell if that was for the better or for the worse.

"S...sorry?" She said, her head consistently pounding.

"Cosmo Exeter. You know him."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as the realisation dawned on her that she was about to become one of the victims she had to tend to.

"...what is this?" She asked.

"I'm here on behalf of Gregor Perdax-"

(Y/n)'s stomach had never dropped so fast.

"- your bastard boyfriend betrayed him and we wanna know exactly what he told Lūsis."

Her eyes fell on a table not far from her, it was filled with recognisable metal tools.

"Look, I really don't know anything-"

She was slapped. Hard. She'd been expecting a strike of some kind soon but was still shocked by it, and seeing it coming didn't diminish the pain in her cheek.

"Don't give me that bullshit, we saw you with him."

"He didn't tell me anything though!" She was being completely honest. (Y/n) didn't have a clue what Cosmo even knew because he hadn't said anything in his interrogations. "He hasn't said anything to Lūsis either."

"Who do you work for?"

Her perfectly true answer went ignored, deemed as nothing but natter to save her own skin.

"No one." (Y/n) said quickly, the sting that remained in her face was enough to prompt a fast response. "I'm just a nurse, and...I-I barely know Cosmo."

He hit her again, this time from his backhand. The ring he wore assaulted the other side of her face, that point hurting particularly. (Y/n) grunted with the impact, trying to fight the urge to tear up.

"You went into the same residence as him. That doesn't sound like you barely know each other."

(Y/n) froze up, trying desperately to kick start her brain. "I...was invited to come in. We don't live together, I'm not from this area."

Her anxiety was creeping up on her, he was going easy in her for now but she knew such a luxury wouldn't continue forever.

But to her relief, he seemed to consider her statement. "You say you're a nurse, huh?"

(Y/n) nodded enthusiastically.

He crouched in front of her, allowing (Y/n) to more easily see what the torturer looked like. He seemed to be pushing forty with his hair being thin and grey, deep set wrinkles emphasised spots of sun damaged skin.

He undid her wrist restraints but instructed her to not do anything yet. (Y/n) listened, knowing he still very much had the upper hand.

"Fix this then." He lifted a small tool from the metal table and used it to make a deep and long incision in her arm. A scream was torn from (Y/n)'s throat, the pain being more than what she bargained for. He casually tossed a first aid kit to her feet and stepped back to observe if she could make good on her claim.

Using pure adrenaline to power through, (Y/n) ignored her bloodied arm (frustrated that he'd chosen to cut her dominant arm) and scrambled to put the first aid kit in her lap.

She opened it up to see that it was half empty, a real pitiful sight as she saw that most of the essentials weren't even there but there was an old piece of gum, a cigarette and a lighter.

Knowing it was a fast option, she took the lighter and heated the first metallic object she spotted which happened to be a small pair of scissors. There were a few moments where she fumbled with trying to get the lighter going but luckily there was enough fluid in it to start a flame.

(Y/n) heated up one of the scissor blades, the reflective surface turning to a cherry red from the heat.

She knew cauterisation was a painful process but it was one that would stop the bleeding quite quickly and heal scar tissue over the wound.

Once the blade was sufficiently heated, (Y/n) drew in a deep breath before she pressed the smooth side again the rapidly bleeding cut. Other than a small cry, (Y/n) tried to internalise the searing pain.

Over the next five minutes, she repeatedly heated the the scissor blade and held it to the gash. (Y/n) concluded her ad-hoc treatment by wiping away all the blood dripping over her arm.

She exhaled sharply and examined the forcibly healed over scar that remained. "I promise you, I'm just a nurse and I don't know anything about Cosmo."

There was some silence that followed. (Y/n) gulped, tasting a sickly feeling in the baking of her throat.

"What's your name?"

"... (F/f/n) (F/l/n)." There was some hesitation before (Y/n) came up with a fake name. She couldn't risk being linked back to Āvo.

There wasn't anything more said between them. The man left silently, turning off the lamp as he did.

It couldn't have been more than twenty minutes before he returned. (Y/n) was released but not too far. She was told that she was to work for Perdax as a medic and live in at the headquarters until further notice.

A small portion of those that worked for Lūsis were given some pretty rough housing that was attached to the headquarters if they had nowhere else to go and it seemed (Y/n) was being put in something similar to that.

It was a tiny room with just a bed that had some storage space underneath and a nightstand.

There was a shared bathroom and living area though (Y/n) didn't think she'd put the latter to good use. She had to get out of this place! But she was quite heavily monitored, along with all the other flight risks, that strict surveillance would remain until she'd proven to be loyal to Perdax.

'This is a fucking joke.' She thought as she sat on the edge of her new bed. It was just one shitty situation to the next for her it seemed.

(Y/n) looked at her injured arm with a wince, it still hurt but it wasn't like there was anyone that was going to tend to that.

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