Chapter 7

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The library under the sunset was shaded by dense trees, and the light was dim.

To be honest, Su Liang came here occasionally a few times before, and felt that the atmosphere of the old library was a little gloomy. Today's library is even more quiet and less crowded. There is no one in the huge lending room. The only sound is the automatic robots that are busy everywhere in the library, and the hissing from gears and sliding belts that have not been maintained for a long time. Hiss, from a distance, it sounded like some ghosts whispering in the dark.

However, staying in such an old library, Su Liang never felt uneasy at all. On the contrary, he even felt more relaxed and comfortable here than anywhere else.

It was an indescribable feeling.

Su Liang leaned on the back of the chair, looking at the rustling bushes outside the window, enjoying the soft touch of the breeze blowing on her cheeks, from her fingers to her hair, she couldn't help but relax. Obviously, he came to read the book on purpose, but Su Liang was a little distracted, and the whole person fell into an inexplicable laziness.

Su Liang has not been so relaxed for a long time.

Whether it was in her previous life or in this life, Su Liang was tensing her nerves almost all the time. In the last life, the elopement with Lu Zhizhao was stupid and difficult. In this life, if he wants to change the trajectory of his life, the clockwork in Su Liang's heart is even tighter.

Study hard.

To help my sister and brother-in-law leave the Lu family.

Save money.

Find a way to distance yourself from Lu Zhizhao and Ning Jiayi...

There are so many things that Su Liang has to face, and he can't bear to breathe at all.

Until this moment, he was sitting in the empty old library, and his restless heart became quiet little by little.

He didn't even notice that he was casually flipping the pages of his fingertips, but his body was getting closer and closer to the window.

The wind is cool.

There is a faint, unusually faint smell floating in the air. The smell reminded Su Liang of moist fog, moss, and the incense buried in ice and snow.

The aroma has become so faint that it is almost impossible to distinguish, but Su Liang still thinks it smells good.

Whoever left the perfume here before?

Su Liang thought.

If only I could find out what perfume it is - Su Liang, who is not interested in perfume at all, regrets it at this moment.

The smell made Su Liang feel a little familiar. It seemed like a long, long time ago, somewhere he had smelled it.

But Su Liang tried her best to think about it, but she still didn't remember it.

But in any case, even if it was just because of the fragrance in the air at the moment, and the silence and tranquility of the entire library, Su Liang was willing to stay here.

However, it didn't take long for his communicator to light up, it was news from Lu Zhizhao.

[Xiao Liang, we need to talk. 】

Lu Zhizhao came to several newsletters, from the message, it seems that something happened.

Su Liang frowned slightly as she stared at the screen, and her original good mood faded instantly.

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