chapter 10

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Su Liang is not a fool.

He soon realized that this garden had an owner, and it was by the kindness of the garden owner who never showed up that he could rely on the orientation mechanism of the garden to escape the land. The harassment of the group of Alphas at home.

The young Su Liang is full of gratitude to the owner of the garden.

That is a very good person, although he has never appeared in front of Su Liang, but Su Liang can still feel the special tenderness and consideration of the other party.

For example, after the weather became cooler, a few persistent Alphas were still trying to contain Su Liang, but the barren garden was no longer suitable for children like Su Liang to stay for a long time.

And then suddenly one day, Su Liang discovered that there was a small flower house in the corner of the garden.

The dead branches and leaves that originally covered the flower house have been cleaned up, and the electronic lock of the flower house is flashing red, which proves that the electronic lock is in use.

Su Liang looked at the door of the flower room, hesitated for a moment, and tentatively pressed her hand on it.


Just as he expected, the flower house has already opened access to him.

After walking in, Su Liang found that there was something special in the small flower room. From the outside, the flower house and the garden look extremely dilapidated, but after walking in, you will find that the inside of the flower house is completely clean and tidy from the outside.

It is said to be a flower house, but there are no plants here. The walls and floors were made of a special white material that Su Liang couldn't describe. They were spotless, comparable to the operating room in the Lu family's private hospital.

There are almost no furnishings in the room, only a cold steel reclining chair in the center, and a half-human-high metal box next to it - it is a semi-automatic medical robot.

It looks quiet, empty, and unpopular.

Just like the garden outside, there is a cold atmosphere.

But, for Su Liang, it is very warm here.

Su Liang spent a long time in the corner of this flower house.

He is doing homework, reading, and even in a daze.

Of course, he has always been very careful. He has never touched the steel chair and medical robot in the center of the flower room. When he leaves the flower room, he will clean the place where he has been very carefully.

Out of some special intuition, Su Liang felt that the owner of the garden probably would not like others to leave too strong traces in his territory.

Su Liang thought that she would never really meet the owner of the garden.

However, suddenly one day, Su Liang saw that person.

Su Liang was struggling with his mecha work in the corner of the room with a bitter face, and then he heard a strange buzzing sound.

He turned his head in surprise, and saw a secret door appeared where he thought it was a white wall.

A man swayed slightly and walked in straight.

Su Liang looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the room.

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