chapter 8

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Su Liang saw Lu Zhizhao at the school gate.

There are almost people and small attendants who can't be driven away in groups. Probably even they could sense that Lu Zhizhao was in a bad mood at this time, so they wisely chose to avoid it so as to avoid bad luck.

—No matter how kind, cheerful, and good at making friends, the heirs of the Lu family are always high and powerful, and no one is stupid enough to take risks and cause unnecessary trouble.

Except for that stupid guy named Su Liang in his previous life.

Su Liang paused when he saw Lu Zhizhao's figure, but soon he continued to walk towards him.

"Lu Zhizhao."

He shouted.

Lu Zhizhao immediately raised his head.

"Little Liang, you are finally here!"

Lu Zhizhao wanted to pull Su Liang's hand as usual, but Su Liang cleverly avoided it. Lu Zhizhao looked at Su Liang in astonishment, but Su Liang just looked back at the person in front of him very calmly.

However, the meeting between the heirs of the Lu family and the gifted students in the school is really interesting enough. Su Liang already felt that some people in the school were looking at him, and he frowned imperceptibly.

"Let's get in the car first."

Su Liang got into the suspension car, and soon Lu Zhizhao also got into the driver's seat.

The car vacated and drove smoothly.

"Didn't your class end very early, Xiaoliang? Why did you come out so late, it made me very worried, I almost went in directly to find you..."

Lu Zhizhao said to Su Liang while driving the car, his tone sounded as gentle as before, but after living with this man for too long in his previous life, Su Liang effortlessly He noticed Lu Zhizhao's tension hidden in his soft tone.

He ignored Lu Zhizhao's seemingly small talk, but looked ahead and asked directly, "What do you want to say to me?"

Lu Zhizhao made a sound.

After a while, Lu Zhizhao said solemnly: "Jiayi, he entered the emergency medical cabin today." After a while, he added, his voice even lower, "What did you say to him? Is it? After he went to you to apologize, his health deteriorated directly."

Although she had already prepared for something that Lu Zhizhao wanted to talk to him was probably not pleasant, but after hearing Lu Zhizhao's vague words, Su Liang's eyes widened in surprise.

He turned his head and looked at the man beside him, who was already showing a bit of a burnout.

"Ning Jiayi came to me to apologize, and I accepted it. Then he entered the medical cabin, what does it have to do with me?"

Su Liang spoke very calmly.

But perhaps it was this calm and almost indifferent attitude that made Lu Zhizhao, who had been extraordinarily weak just now, a bit stronger.

Lu Zhizhao stepped on the brakes and heard the car on a quiet road.

He stared straight at Su Liang, as if he could see why Su Liang had been so abnormal all this time.

Then he took a deep breath.

"Jiayi is in the pre-differentiation period, I have told you this before, you should know that he can't have too much mood swings or be stimulated, because once His emotions are out of control, and he may even be in danger of life." Lu Zhizhao's face was gloomy, he rubbed his eyebrows, "Xiao Liang, he has been pampered since he was a child, and he has never suffered any grievances in his life. So he came to you to apologize, maybe his attitude is not right... But even if you are still dissatisfied with him, you can bear with it, at least wait until he successfully differentiates!"

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