Chapter 48:

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Bai Nian's hands and feet are indeed very hidden, but this is a snake cave.

Lu Taipan immediately started the investigation process after finishing the mental conditioning session safely, and the housekeeper found him with little effort.

"You are the first Snake Cave member on the trust list to commit such a betrayal."

In the cell, the butler spoke to the extremely haggard youth in front of him in a very calm tone.

Considering Bai Nian's past work in the Snake Cave and his serious betrayal this time, Bai Nian will immediately be sent to the most remote alien galaxy for up to three years of control Labor, he will be revoked all privileges, and will be completely removed from the snake cave.

In addition, during his lifetime, he will never step into the territory of the Earth Alliance.

If it is a gray area, it will be your restricted area if it is inclined towards the Earth Alliance or within the control of the Snake Cave.

The housekeeper announced the sentence word by word to the Leia youth in front of him.

"It's not fair..."

Bai Nian was panting heavily, bloodshot in his eyes.

His voice was a little slurred due to the gnashing of teeth.

"I admit that I really shouldn't touch the instrument, it's against professional ethics." He kept repeating the whispers he had said countless times these days, "But I'm not guilty of this. I didn't even want to hurt that Beta, I just caused a little trouble. Just because of such a little thing, I'm getting kicked out? How can you treat me like this?! No, no, it must not be possible It was the decision made by the Snake Master himself. He saved me so desperately at the beginning. It is impossible for him to treat me so harshly. What's more, in the entire Snake Cave, no one is more loyal to him than me. He knew, he always knew..."

When I first heard about the punishment of labor control and the cancellation of privileges, Bai Nian was able to maintain the most basic decency, however, when I heard that he was expelled from Snake Cave, and never again After not being allowed to step into the territory of the Earth Alliance, the Leias even trembled in their pupils.

In the end, he couldn't even clench his fist directly and punched **** the completely sealed alloy ground.

Cold sweat dripped on the ground along the corner of his forehead.

"Deported person Bai Nian, please keep calm, or we will use coercive measures to restore your senses."

The housekeeper kept his silicone face and said indifferently to Bai Nian.

It's a pity that his reminder did not make Bai Nian return to his senses, on the contrary, he became more and more excited.

In Bai Nian's plan, things should not be like this.

He was deliberately secretive, it was just a very small adjustment.

If it were in the outside world, I am afraid that no one would know that the parameter caused the accident, and the person who told him the method had also assured him of this.

Hidden, less damaging, but extremely effective.

The man swore to say so.

Bai Nian always felt that even if what he did was really discovered, he would at most be sentenced to family service or controlled labor in an alien galaxy.


"How could I possibly be expelled from the snake cave...I cannot be exiled...I absolutely cannot..."

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