Chapter 37:

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    The prison used to block the Lord of the Snake Cave is located deep underground.

    The reason why the confinement field is set here is not to isolate the influence of external pheromones on the man, but to prevent the collapse of the man when he is completely crazy The spiritual power and pheromone with strong corrosiveness will not kill everyone in the other courtyard immediately.

    The entire confinement field is an unusually spacious cylindrical deep well structure, with a huge glass curtain wall dividing the deep well into two halves. One side is the location of the insiders of the snake cave. "Vipers" wearing white coats and black combat uniforms are busy in legends, and everyone looks solemn. Countless complicated monitoring equipment and confinement device control terminals are scattered all around, monitoring the man on the other side of the curtain wall all the time.

    The other side of the separation curtain wall was dead silence.

    There was a man hanging there.

    The head hangs down, and the long black hair hides the handsome and charming face. The man spread his hands out, like a victim on an ancient religious totem, and the whole person was firmly pinned in mid-air by a ring-shaped strong magnetic restraint.

    His upper body is naked, but from the waist down, it is blocked by layers of black python-like alloy iron cables, and cables are connected to every interface on the metal spine and drug injection lines.

    Every inch of the man's skin is pale, beautiful and elegant, like a marble statue left by ancient gods in the world. However, if it was a real stone statue of a god, there would not be so many terrifying wounds on his body that have not yet healed.

    Compared with those wounds, even the huge wound left by forcibly nailing herself to the deck in order to let Su Liang escape seems insignificant...

    "How could this be?"

    Although I had a hunch that Mr. Si's condition would not be very good, but after seeing the other person's current appearance with his own eyes, Su Liang still felt a huge shock, as if he even Souls were immersed in ice water.

    "I don't understand..." Su Liang muttered.

    Isn't Mr. Si a member of the Snake Cave?

    Should he not receive the most delicate and secure care?

    However, why can Su Liang wake up in the comfortable and soft treatment chamber, but now that man is like an alien beast captured by the hunting team Such cruel indifference?

    "There is no way."

    The artificial intelligence that brought Su Liang here spoke calmly beside him.

    "He's in very bad shape, but we don't have the means to give him further treatment at the moment. All the confinement measures you're seeing are designed to make He was able to remain dormant. This was a plan that had to be taken to allow him to maintain a basic survival and for the safety of all people's lives."

    "Stay... hibernate?"

    Su Liang frowned. In the housekeeper's explanation, Mr. Si seemed not to be a human at all, but a biochemical weapon in a state of being out of control.

    "Once he has permission to move, even if he's unconscious, we can't resist his indiscriminate attack—"

    As if to prove that what he said was true, the butler waved his hand gently, and following the silent instructions of the artificial intelligence, the other staff began to exit.

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