Chapter 43:

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Medical Center at Snake Cave—

"How could it be Beta? Obviously the fit is so high, and his spiritual power is so strong to appease the Lord Snake..."

"Yes, the extracted pheromone response is also very strong, this result is too strange."

In the testing laboratory of the Central Medical Center, the calm atmosphere of the past is more solemn than ever.

The capable, calm and professional researchers were also in a trance at this time, unwilling to accept the reality and repeatedly check the experimental results.

Bai Nian crossed his arms around his chest and stood in the corner of the laboratory indifferently, listening to his colleagues muttering in disbelief. In the end, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"That's not surprising at all, right? That Beta was attacked in the early stages of development, and the body was injected with a potion with a strong inducer. The opportunity for his information gland development came from the drug in the The inducer, and the inducer is extracted from the pheromone of Lord Snake." He said coolly, "...After that, it is normal for his pheromone to react to Lord Snake."

Soothing effect..."

"Yeah, I think there's something wrong with that result."

"Do you want to check again? I feel like we must be missing something..."

Look at other people still unwilling to give up.

Bai Nian felt a little irritable.

"I'm going out for a breath."

he said, and left the lab without waiting for anyone to reply.

However, she didn't take two steps after opening the door. When she looked up, two familiar figures came into view.

It's Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba.

"What are you still doing here?" Bai Nian's brows furrowed even tighter.

"The results have already come out, why do you want to continue to squat here for a 'miracle'?"

The Leia youth said angrily.

He was upset.

Before the final results came out, it was too busy outside the lab. Probably because they were too surprised that their boss was able to find an Omega. After training, the poisonous snakes often took the opportunity of treatment to walk around outside the laboratory, waiting for the final result to welcome the snake master's destiny partner. .

But the guy ended up being a beta.

Bai Nian thought to himself.

As long as it is Beta, it means that his pheromone can only maintain a very low value, even if his pheromone is mature.

This level of pheromone and low mental power will never be able to form an effective calming and combing effect on Alpha like a mature high-match Omega.

This also means that even if Su Liang's mental power is really useful, he can at best ease Lu Taipan's superficial problems, but he can't solve the root cause of his illness. Once Lu Taipan's mental condition continued to deteriorate, the worst moment would come.

Bai Nian originally thought that the group of poisonous snakes had all gone, but at this time, she suddenly saw Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba, her irritability became stronger, and her tone was particularly unpleasant.

After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong's Uncle's Destined Omega (BL)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now