Chapter 67:

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The entrance to the Throne is very narrow, and most of the area is hidden underground. It is said that this is the origin of the name "Snake Cave" in the rumor.

The aircraft folded its wings and landed in the indoor parking lot. Su Liang followed Lu Taipan step by step into the empty space composed of black and white.

Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, the living base of the owner of the snake cave should be different from ordinary people's residences, but after witnessing the scene in front of her eyes, Su Liang was still a little surprised. Eye. After all, this "residence" looks too cold from any point of view.

It can be said that even the medical center where Su Liang stayed for a while is more suitable for living than here. Cold lighting, unusually thick alloy walls, most of the geometrically shaped furnishings are weapons and defense facilities, and there are no extra people, not even bionics. It was as quiet as the mausoleums that the rotten emperors prepared for themselves in the interstellar restoration era.

It's not so much a so-called "residence", but rather a huge coffin made of weapon facilities and alloys.

But Lu Taipan turned a blind eye to the deserted place here.

After a long and complicated passage, Lu Taipan brought Su Liang into his bedroom.

Thank goodness, unlike the rest of the dead silence, this bedroom finally seems to have a slight trace of living.

The space here is not large, and there are also a few simple pieces of furniture. But everything still looks hard and cold, and the warmth is comparable to the federal single-person prison for felons. The quilt on the bed in the center of the room was probably the only soft thing in the room.

After entering the room, the first thing Su Liang saw was the bed.

There is only one bed in the room, this is the first thought that flashed in his mind after entering the room.

His heart beat a little faster and he was a little flustered.

"I asked the housekeeper to prepare the bedding according to the standards of Miyuan."

Lu Taipan said a little stiffly.

"However, life-like artificial intelligence cannot be enabled in the 'Throne', but if you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me directly."

"Everything is fine."

Su Liang said immediately.

He lowered his eyes, quickly concealed his mood swings, and then began to put his luggage in the room as calmly as possible.

His suitcase is very light, and naturally there are not many things in it. There are only a few thin pieces of clothing, a few books, and a handheld computer, which record the lesson plans that Su Liang has painstakingly written over this period of time.

Looking at Su Liang's few daily necessities, Lu Taipan finally couldn't help frowning.

"You have too little.

He said softly.

"It's the things the housekeeper prepared before that doesn't meet your requirements..."

"No, it has nothing to do with the housekeeper."

Hearing Lu Taipan's questioning, Su Liang stopped for a moment, and then said.

"I'm just used to it."

His expression was very indifferent.

But only Su Liang knows how this "habit" is formed.

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