chapter 11

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Severe pain savagely smashed through her body.

Each nerve seems to be soaked in sulfuric acid and flame at the same time.

Medical base.

Even though he was enduring the hellish pain, Lu Taipan didn't have too many expressions on his face.

Only the slight staggering footsteps showed something wrong.

On the other hand, the suppressor that covered him and almost turned him into a humanoid machine also let out an overwhelmed whimper. Even without looking at the screen, Lu Taipan knew very well that his current spirit The disorder value has already exploded.

"With all due respect, my dear master, according to the data I have received, if you don't take care of yourself, there is a considerable possibility that you will completely collapse within three hours. In addition, the information gland is necrotic, as a high-level artificial intelligence butler that you trained by yourself, I very sincerely recommend that you take PlanB. Instead of continuing to return here to accept the temptation of your brothers according to the original plan. "

Accompanied by the start-up sound of the automatic medical robot, there is another sound in the flower room at the same time. The same as the one in the old library of Xingchuan University, it is also a synthetic electronic sound, the only difference is that the carrier of the sound is not the same. The bionic body that was able to crack the firewall in Xingchuan University has long since vanished, and what is now chattering in Lu Taipan's pocket is nothing more than an electronic chip. Charred and cut marks remaining around the electronic chip suggest that it had been roughly stripped from the android's body a short while ago.

They have just encountered a rather fierce battle: in addition to a certain artificial intelligence in a somewhat miserable situation, the traces of gunpowder smoke on Lu Taipan's exoskeleton light mecha can somewhat prove this.

"You need to return to the 'snake cave' immediately for deep mental calming hypnosis and pheromone compensation treatment, after all, you are now only a thin line from becoming a high-risk violent madman with only attacking instinct every

In some respects, it can be called a loyal artificial intelligence, and began to console the expressionless man in the middle of the flower room with a bitter attitude.

Just a dozen hours ago, Lu Taipan took an advanced artificial intelligence code-named "Housekeeper" and secretly took something from the old library of Xingchuan University. This is the last killing that the extremely crazy emperor of Canaan left to the Earth Alliance before he was defeated: some kind of cosmic-level high-energy weapon module with unknown principles and functions.

Lu Taipan's actions may well win back the next decade of peace for the Earth Alliance, but this is not without cost.

Like many people have already inquired about it, Lu Taipan's body does have serious hidden dangers.

His level is too high.

The overly powerful mental force was constantly oscillating in his spiritual sea, constantly impacting his body, and his pheromone was completely in an uncontrollable frantic state - and Lu Taipan was impossible at all Find a high-level Omega that can soothe his mental powers.

For the vast majority of his life, Lu Taipan relied on the inhibitor on his back and the mental blocking drugs to maintain his shaky sanity, but after the war five years ago, this kind of fragile The balance was completely broken.

In the past few years, Lu Taipan's suppressor has been increasing, and he has been taking more and more drugs, but his mental power is still skyrocketing wildly, and the degree of pheromone disorder is very early. The risk level prescribed by the doctor has been exceeded before.

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