Chapter 14:

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The aircraft took off, bringing a slight sense of weightlessness.

From the point of view of interior decoration alone, the military carrier aircraft dedicated to Snake Cave is actually not very comfortable, pure black spray, and cold seats, plus weapon reserves around the seats The equipment clearly showed that Su Liang was sitting inside a war machine made purely for killing.

—Strictly speaking, even the two people sitting opposite him can be regarded as war machines in the eyes of many people.

No one can forget how terrible the "snake group" under the command of the snake master Lu Taipan is. After slaughtering so many Canaanites, even the ordinary humans of the Earth Federation inevitably began to fear the blood on their hands.

Vipers are the ambassadors of death.

The most terrifying and cruel **** butcher.

This cognition is almost imprinted in everyone's mind.

At this moment, the aircraft that could have packed dozens of people was empty, only the pale-faced Su Liang and the two poisonous snake warriors in front of him who were wrapped in pitch-black combat uniforms.

To be honest, even with two lifetimes of experience, facing this situation, Su Liang is still at a loss at this moment, and she can't recover at all.

Then something that made Su Liang even more overwhelmed happened—

In front of him, the "Viper" warrior who was sitting upright and full of icy and chilling aura suddenly moved, and tapped lightly with one hand behind the mask, a streamlined shape His combat mask instantly disassembled, revealing a very young face behind the mask.

It was a baby-faced young man who smiled and had tiger teeth. His crescent eyes made it almost impossible to associate him with the name "Poisonous Snake".

And his next move completely broke through Su Liang's traditional understanding of the group of "serpent" warriors.

"Hello, Su Liang!"

Huya youth tore off his heavy helmet, shook his hair, and then jumped up from his original seat with a quick stride, sitting directly next to Su Liang.

He stretched out his hand towards Su Liang and shook it firmly: "I didn't scare you just now, did we? Did we act a little fierce? Well, there is no way, in front of the Lu family's gang of wine bags and rice bags. If you don't act a little bit stronger, it's easy to get slapped in the face by them... Ah, that's right, I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Xue Yinhuan, you can call me Xiaohuan, the tall guy across from me is called Hei Mamba, Is it particularly memorable?"

If it wasn't very clear that the other party was indeed a viper warrior, Su Liang would almost have thought that the Huya youth who was affectionately leaning on his shoulder at this time was some extraordinarily familiar and stupid in Xingchuan University Bai Tian's younger brother.

"You, hello..."

Su Liang hesitantly followed Xue Yinhuan's words and greeted them.

"Wow, your voice is also very good!" Xue Yinhuan laughed even more brilliantly, and even shouted at the taller and more silent companion opposite him who had been staying in the original seat. He got up, "Hey, Mamba, you have to say something, and people have greeted you!"

Black Mamba was still very silent, but inexplicably, Su Liang felt that he seemed to sigh.

Then the Black Mamba also put away the mask, his face is full of scars, looking a little scary, but his eyes are very clear.

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