Chapter 15:

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The aircraft quickly arrived at its destination.

Although Su Liang has relaxed a lot because of the company of Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba along the way, but when he stepped out of the aircraft and stepped on the land of the "snake cave", it was inevitable that he still felt A touch of apprehension.

He looked up at the grand, quaint building in front of him. This "snake cave", which has gone back and forth among countless people, seems to be the devil's cave where the devil is imprisoned. It is actually quite beautiful and magnificent.

It is located on a small island in the middle of a mighty lake. A gust of wind blows, and the dark green woods rattle, revealing the flying eaves that are not common in the outside world. This is an ancient style unique to China many years ago. It can be said that compared to the luscious Lu family mansion, the quaint old-fashioned buildings on this lake island can better reflect the splendor of the Lu family many years ago.

Su Liang blinked, he found that this place is not at all the same as the rumored eerie and terrifying, and it can even be said that it is quite beautiful, more charming than many hype-like attractions .

A gust of wind blew, bringing a cool smell of vegetation, accompanied by the moist water vapor of the lake, making Su Liang feel very comfortable.

He didn't notice that when he involuntarily took a deep breath, and then showed an unconsciously relaxed expression because of the fresh air on the island, Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba exchanged a tacit understanding behind him. eyes.

[I said, he must have something to do with the boss! 】

Xue Yinhuan quickly sent a secret message in the channel.

! 】

The Black Mamba glanced at him.

I ignored Xue Yinhuan's nonsense, but did not refute either.

Indeed, as Xue Yinhuan said, many years ago, the island where the "Snake Cave" is located, after eliminating the false rumors from the outside world, can indeed be called a picturesque and very pleasant But since Lu Taipan's mental power throwing led to the outbreak of pheromone disorder, this other courtyard is a frightening and eerie place for the untrained and afraid of ordinary people - Lu Taipan's overflowing mental power will counteract the All the creatures that entered it caused great pressure. It was a sense of fear and rejection that came from the bone marrow and instinct. That is to say, the "snake group" had been by Lu Taipan's side for many years and had long been accustomed to this kind of spiritual power. Only by stimulation can you freely come and go in the "snake cave".

Before the aircraft arrived, Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba had prepared special mental relaxation medicines to relieve the discomfort caused by Su Liang's first arrival at the "Snake Cave". As a result, I didn't expect that Su Liang not only did not develop the so-called "first-arrival snake cave syndrome", but looked extremely relaxed and happy, and performed better than Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba at the beginning.

Then, on the next road, even the most old-fashioned and calm Black Mamba, when treating Su Liang, seemed more cordial.

Of course Su Liang was unaware of this... He just felt that the "Snake Cave" might be more worth looking forward to than he thought.

He originally thought that he would spend the next six months in a dark and gloomy "prison", but the real Lujiabeiyuan has a beautiful scenery and clean air. However, as several people gradually approached the main body of the "Snake Cave", Su Liang could still perceive some special features of the "Snake Cave". The icy weapons have a subtle dissonance with the island's architecture. More discordant, however, is a pitch-black column that is more frequently visible than the defense droids, similar to telephone poles pointing toward the sky.

These columns are out of tune with the overall environment, ugly and abrupt, just like the lesions on the bodies of beautiful and gorgeous creatures, making Su Liang feel particularly uncomfortable.

stopped in front of the ancient gate.

Black Mamba gestured towards Su Liang, signaling Su Liang to stop.

He looked at Su Liang, and there was a faint apology in his clear eyes.

"This is the end of our **** mission," he said. "Next, someone will take you to the center of the other courtyard."

Then Xue Yinhuan also spoke quickly, after the task was completed, he was finally relieved of the **** task and kept silent: "Don't be afraid, although this place looks a little scary, but the people of our snake group are all It's very good, just look at me and the Black Mamba! When you have any questions, go to them, anyway, they are your own people, don't be shy. Speaking of which, why don't I exchange a communication method with you-"

In the end, Xue Yinhuan's words were not finished, and her voice suddenly became stuck.


His lips were closed, his face flushed red

Although he didn't make a sound, just looking at his eyes, Su Liang had a strange feeling, Xue Yinhuan was probably swearing wildly in his heart now.

Well, Su Liang did not guess wrong.

Xue Yinhuan was indeed cursing in the bottom of his heart at this moment, because he received the command of the headset again, and then he once again entered the sad period of silence for mandatory tasks.

He began to wonder if he was being targeted by that **** and gossip artificial intelligence. After all, with the character of the boss, it was impossible to trouble him again and again.

Black Mamba looked at his companions with some sympathy. Xue Yinhuan, as the loudest person in the snake group, suddenly encountered such a severe silent order, it was indeed difficult for him.

It's just that since it's the boss's order, the Black Mamba is helpless in addition to sympathy.

He could only tentatively interpret the look Xue Yinhuan gave him at this time, and then turned to look at Su Liang.

"Then wish you a pleasant service period in Snake Cave, Xue Yinhuan and I will leave first."

He said calmly.

When dragging Xue Yinhuan, who was struggling frantically, away from the entrance of the "Snake Cave", Black Mamba did not miss Su Liang's slightly apprehensive gaze and the other party's unconscious reluctance.

But just now, the Black Mamba had a glimpse of the person who came to invite Su Liang by virtue of his detection ability far exceeding that of ordinary humans.

That may be the most trustworthy being in the entire Earth Alliance.

The moment he saw that guy, Black Mamba was sure that Snake Master Lu Taipan attached great importance to the Beta boy. Since Su Liang will have the safest and most peaceful life in the Snake Cave anyway, Black Mamba and Xue Yinhuan should also rest assured and entrust Su Liang to that person.

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