Chapter 33:

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The person who came to pick up Su Liang was Xue Yinhuan.

The mecha training ground of the "Snake Cave" belongs to the restricted area level, not a snake guard of his level. The ordinary "Poisonous Snake" can't bring Su Liang into it. Of course, Su Liang didn't know about this. He was only keenly aware that Xue Yinhuan seemed to be looking towards him along the way.

"I'm asking Mr. Si to teach me mecha this time, isn't it... a bit inconvenient?"

Finally, when Xue Yinhuan secretly looked at him for the nth time, Su Liang asked in a low voice.

"No, no! Don't think too much! We in Snake Cave most welcome others to come to us to discuss the knowledge of mecha!" Xue Yinhuan hurriedly opened his mouth, desperately talking nonsense, that is, at the end, Still couldn't help lowering his voice and leaned over to Su Liang's side, and asked carefully, "...I can ask, it's really that, um, our teammate took the initiative to tell you that he wants to teach you mecha?"

"Yes, Mr. Si is really nice." Su Liang replied inexplicably.

"Ah, haha, yes, he's a nice guy...but normally he doesn't teach others in particular, you have a really good relationship with him."

Xue Yinhuan smiled a little stiffly.

He didn't dare to tell Su Liang the truth, when they were still fighting people in Snake Cave, only the most powerful people in the team were qualified to accept Lu Taipan's writing "training", which was really "suffering" "Beat" mech guide. But for any evasive action done a little too slowly for a moment, the price is to go to the medical room for a day trip to the in-depth treatment cabin.

In the face of the "poisonous snakes" who were beaten to the point of crying, the master of the snake cave was always indifferent.

"Too weak."

He always gives such comments coldly.

But now, the boss of his own family actually said that he would take the initiative to teach others to open armor, and the object of this teaching was still a beta, never received any training, and had no foundation . Thinking about the unusually rich alpha pheromones on the combat uniform in Miyuan Villa, Xue Yinhuan felt as if she already knew the truth.

Is this the rumored old house on fire?

The young and simple "Viper" is also amazed today...

Su Liang, who didn't know what to do, just followed behind Xue Yinhuan, whose eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, went through countless security checks, and came to the other side of the courtyard. This is a heavily guarded mecha training ground.

The moment she stepped into the training ground, Su Liang involuntarily let go of her breath.

Even the air seems to be different here. There is a faint metallic smell in the air, and the lush vegetation is replaced by a flat, smooth hard surface.

In front of them was a huge plaza with a pale white curved dome spanning a grey platform the size of more than ten football fields. The light well was not fully lit, only a row of spotlights on the edge of the square was lit. The blue-white beam of light fell straight down, illuminating the huge mecha standing silently below.

The giant human-shaped mechanical creature just stood there, but at a glance, Su Liang couldn't help but take a breath.

These mechs completely different from the ones he had seen at school.

The teaching mecha used by Xingchuan University is already the top of the Earth Alliance, but compared with these war mechas that have been on the battlefield, those bright metal creations are like large-scale like a toy.

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