Quite Special!

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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise

There was a reason why I was here. Did I wanted to be here? No. Did I chose to be here? No.

So why was I here?

Oh yeah.. I killed my own parents.


It was an accident too.

Oh how dumb I was back then. If I knew that this would be happen who knows. Maybe I wouldn't have picked up the gift my father got me... But oh well time can't be changed or reversed.

I am living my life as if nothing happened.

Now do I miss them?


Do I feel bad about killing my mom and my dad?


Should I?

Oh whell, something is wrong with me and that something was my quirk. Normal people don't get exited when they get blood on their hands. Normal people don't smile like a Cheshire cat with a weapon in their hand. Well normal isn't my standard anyways.

Who needs normal?

You might be curious who I am and where I am.


Is that really important now?

??? : Hey!

Me: Mh?

I was mopping the floor of the orphanage while hiding my true character. There was this problem that I had. Tho to be honest the solution was quite simple. Kill!

Oh I would love nothing more than to kill this person in front of me but I couldn't!

??? : Didn't you hear what I said?

Me: I am sorry.

Can you shut up!

I am already doing what you told me to do.

Want me to stick this mop up your ass?


Then leave me be!

??? : I told you to get the other kids to line up. People are coming over to look at you all. Not that anyone would want a quirkless bastard like you.

Me: Anything else?

??? : No. Now get going.

Me: Yes, Sir!

The thing about me being in this godforsaken orphanage was that people found me in the room woth my parents and covered in blood. Back then I didn't understood what was happening but for some reasons it never faced me at all. The police thought I was in shock since the scene was pretty gruesome but the thing was... It was me who killed them. Not only that but the dagger my father got me as a Christmas gift was also the weapon I used for that.

At first I was shocked but that was all. I wasn't crying for them. Nor did I feel bad. Actually thinking about it, it felt oddly refreshing for some reason.

Never really thought about it.

Oh well, not as if I had the chance to do this again.

Now that guy called me quikless which was obviously a lie. Well for me it was one for them not really. The thing was... I was misdiagnosed and not only that but my own quirk was a passive one too.

In order for my quirk to worl, I need a trigger objects. Now if you thought it was a dagger than you were right but also wrong. I needed any kind of weapon. Just having it in my hand was enough to make me see red for real. Besides the obvious killing intent, I could also see how many ways there were to kill a person and I wouldn't stop until the person was dead.

What a truly marvelous quirk I had.

Also running was always an option.

If you face me then be prepared to run... Oh but I forgot to mention... You can run but you can't hide from me!


Why am I still playing pretend?

This is sickening!

I had it!

It's not as if they were actually treating me nice or something?!

Like seriously why am I even doing this?

Some say I had a nice character and some say I was useless. Guess what? I was only hiding my true intentions all along. A genius is what I am... Or more like a psychopath!

I like the sound of that!


Call me a maniac or a psychopath, I don't care.

But call me DEKU and fave the consequences.

There were occasionally some stupid kids that would call me DEKU. I hated them. They also never lived long to tell their tales to anyone.

What I dod to them?

Why you think it was me?

I am innocent!

Yeah... hahahaha....Nah!

It was totally me!

Well there was an attic and a basement in this orphanage. I also found out that there was a main heating system in the basement. It was one that actually used gass and flames and oh well this is starting to get boring. How about I tell you all how I did it?

It was simple!


You don't believe me?

I just showed them down the stairs toward the basement after luring them to come there. Just a metal pipe. That was all it took for me to break their skull and silence them before they could even make squeak.

They were all soo noisy!

Why couldn't it be quite?


At least it is more quite now than it used to be thanks to the mysterious disappearing of these two boys. Let's just say their bones were still there since the heat wasn't enough to incinerate them.

If this building wasn't haunted by now then what is?

Me: Everyone get downstairs!

I was still holding the mop in my hand while also calling the kids to come downstairs. One by one they did what I said and I could quietly continue what I was doing.

Now the big question was... Why was I still here?

You see... I was actually thinking about a way to fake my death and what better way than to kill everyone off inthis building and make their bodies unrecognizable?


This was just perfect and it needed time to take place.

Who would have only guessed that thanks to the visitors I had to put the plans into action a lot sooner... Definitely not me.

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