OmO... Thank you TT.TT

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I don't know how long we were running... I was just getting tired and then it happened! Just one moment. It was just one stupid moment of me looking back and it was over. 



It was stupid, I know and I shouldn't have looked back but I kinda got worried and I felt someone approaching me... and that FAST! Like ASAP fast as shit and I thought it was Eraserhead so I turned around just to look for him in the crowd and then it happened. I stumbled over something which was on the ground. I was stupid for not looking ahead of me but I don't know. It was this feeling that I had that made me look around. It was also not Eraserhead since he was a bit further behind.

Of course I brased myself for the impact since I was running pretty fast and of course I thought this was over and waited for the scarf to wrap around me and just pull me or jank me back. However that never came. Instead I felt a pear of arms catching me and then pulling me up again.

???: Gotcha kiddo.

Me: Huh?

It all went soo fast and I was even more stupid to shut my eyes and not look at what was going on the moment I felt myself falling. Now I looked dumb like shit but hey, I think I got away?






This can't be!

I definitelly thought that I was actually halucinating for a second because I was sure I just heard Stains voice but nope... people started screaming after he kind caught me and pulled me up but also run in the next moment towards Eraserhead. Yeah... can I remind you all it was still brought daylight and Stain was not known to attack this early in the morning. The street was even filled with people, innocent people and here he was attacking a hero risking to injure soo many others. That is not his pattern but he was doing it for me.

For now that was what I heard but when I turned around looking at the scene, I was dumbfounded. This was definitelly something he was doing to safe me but I never actually thought I will see Eraserhead try to fight for his life while Stain was actually trying to pay me some time to get away.


Eraserhead is pretty fast...

I can't believe he actually can keep up with Stain.

I mean I thought Stain and he nearly lost...

But damn!

This is really something else...


I should start running again!

Tho I am soo out of breath right now!


NAh not doing that again.

My eyes went to the sewer system for a second before I shock my head and started running again appreciating the safe. This was definitelly the best thing that happened. I was also running out of option here. I knew if I continued running cluelessly like this, I would end up attrackting more and more attention which was bad. So Stain coming in for the safe was the best thing that happened. 

On the other hand, it was also the worst thing that happened because now I was starting to get a bit worried about Stain. Maybe there would be more heroes around. Maybe Eraserhead called for more help or maybe there was All Might and Endeavor and Hawks near this place. Well shit, my damn mind went into a spiral of thoughts... negative ones. Everyhting could happen and I knew this for sure. 

However there was one thing I was soo not gonna do.

Stain just saved my ass and he also risked his free life right there. So I wouldn't for sure ruin the chance h gave me. So I ran all the way to a place which was more than just crowded to slow down and kinda mix under the people in order to get back home.

This took hours!

I was supposed to go in there, get the outfit, get the mail send and everything and done but nooooo!

I had to fucking ran into Eraserhead and then get chased through what? Quarter of the district to escape him just so Stain could safe me....

What a damn day this was...

I was done with it.

The moment I would get home, I set my mind on just going to bed and leave it for now.... well I of course also had to make sure Stain was safe but he would probably return later than me.

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