What now?

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I was finally free from anything. Nothing was holding me dead, now that I was a dead person after all. I could go on killing sprees without anyone ever knowing who it was. Still it was too early for this. It wasn't that I wasn't enjoying myself or killing but the fact that I needed a place to stay as well as get my head straight for now.

If I wanted to do this for the long run then I also needed money as well as a new identity. Everything that I needed could only be bought with money. As of now, I didn't had any at all.


A place to stay...

Should I go for an abandoned building?

But I definitelly don't want to stay in a fielthy place like that.

Guess I have to and earn some money first.

But how?

I am not good with a lot of stuff....

I am a minor too.

Forget working like a normal person!

Maybe I should go for the underworld?

Maybe the blackmarket....

What then?

I am a no one after all....

One thing was for sure, I needed a way to actually earn money. There wasn't a lot I could do. I wasn't about to enter any cyber crime since I never held a laptop or PC in my hand my entire life. Besides programming and hacking would need time which I didn't had. Tho I was good with my blade. Even some bodyguard job would be fine with me as well. No matter what it was, it was for sure not a job that I would get on the normal job market.

So without much thinking, my feet got me to a place I only heard from rumors. It may be true that I stayed most of my life in an orphanage but I wasn't dumb and rumors such as heroes stories or villain stories as well as blackmarket place was something that can be heard everywhere in a nice and dark courner. 

Of course there were also some children coming from that place in the orphange from time to time. This was why I knew roughly where it was lokated.

Okay, I need a knife before I get inside...

Why not just steal it?


Look at  that man and his knifes!

I like it!

A simple trick one might say but it was enough for now. I went ahaid right towards that man and ran right into the man. It was something you could see on the streets sometimes while walking back from school and so on.

What I did was simply steal the knife before immediately apologize to the man. 

Me: Sorry, sorry... but do you have a bit of mo-

???: Get lost!

I knew something would happen and I braced myself. I mean I was begging right now and with the clothes I had it was really obvious that I really didn't needed it. They were clothes that were rather new but they were hero merch and that was standing out a lot. So in the end I got slapped and fell to the ground.

Keep it in.

It's not worth killing him here...

Just keep your anger in...

Breath in.... and out....

As I was on the ground, I had to close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Yes, I was soo close on killing that person and little did that man knew that fact. However as much as I wanted to keep it in, this man started kicking me over and over again. Now that was something that I really couldn't stand.

Me: Fuck it!

Without saying anything more, I swipped him off his feet in a rather quick motion and then jumped at the man who was now layong on the ground. It was in an instant and if people didn't look at us, then no one would have seen me kill the man.

Thankfully, I didn't get much blood on myself but I was happy and it felt somewhat relieved to finally have killed someone again.

Me: Look what you made me do! Now my hands are all dirty with your disguasting blood!

Of course I wiped my hands as well as knife off on the dead mans clothes. Tho I was a bit annoyed to have blood on my schues. They were red but the blood was a deeper red. It was annoying.

Me: TSK!

???: You seem skilled with the knife!

The moment I heard a man talking to me, I turned around to see someone in black leaning against the wall snobbishly but I could tell he was trying to scare me off. However what was more, was the fact that he was observing me. 

Me: I might be but what does this have to do with you?

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