Never listening... just jumping to conclusions!

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! I got a bit busy preparing the april set of books together with my co-author! But her we are to a new chapter! Also look at the pic! Isn't it cute?!

I waited and waited for soo long until some kids started showing up. Needless to say that I was quick and silent to knock them all out before anyone could really tell what was going on and before you knew it, I had a pile of unconscious students laying in the back of the backroom with me sitting on top of them all. Poor kids who would for sure be on the ground. 

Me: *sigh*

I was soo sure to read that they had her the very first lesson!

I am sure of it!

Where is she now?

Damn are heroes always late or what?

Come on!

What is this shit show!!!

I am tired of staying up all night and now this?!

Come on!

Don't let a villain wait for you!

Just be on time!

Damn heroes!

A bit impatient but what could I say, I was really tired of coming up with this plan and then waiting all night for the kids and then this?! I needed to do this fast and I knew the longer this was going on the lesser my chance of escaping were! I needed something to get in and out quickly without being noticed and yet here I was staling for time and also creating a horrible mental image for the hero. Still the reason why I chose the classroom for this was because no matter what, the hero couldn't transform in here or she would make the roof collapse and risk another class above us being in danger. 

In short the room and the positioning was perfect.

I just needed to be patient which was the problem for now.

Me: *sigh*

It was only after the secon sigh that I heard hurried footstep and then the door being opened and closed afterwards while the hero which I was looking for was hurrying to the teaches desk. Did she not see me? Didn't look like that at all. Still I was kinda surprised that she didn't really see me when she got in but only after facing the class.

Ryukyu: Today's lesson is ab-

Me: What's up?

Ryukyu: WHO ARE YOU?!

Me: AH! I wouldn't act that fast if I were you. See these kids are just unconscious not seriously hurt or dead.

She wanted to come towards me but when I said that these kids were safe it was clear what my goal was. I didn't had any intention of killing the kids for now. The result would be the same no matter what but still for now they were alive. She was alive and I was still completly clean of any crime for today.

Me: How about we chat for a bit?

Ryukyu: What do you want?

Me: What every good villain wants.

Ryukyu: Fame? Are you doing this for fame or are you enjoying this shit? How sick are you in your mind?!

Me: Very and it's neither of it. 

Ryukyu: What else?

Me: I got a job to do as a mercenary and there is quite a sum of money on your head.

Ryukyu: So you are here for me?

Me: Exactly.

Ryukyu: Will you leave this kids alone after this?

Me: Why should I harm them?

Ryukyu: *sigh* I am glad you are here for me then.

She seemed to get this whole situation wrong. I never said I wouldn't harm the kids just because I was here for her. I just wanted to know if I should have any reason for harming them. Two completly matters at all. However I didn't quite hated it as well since like this it meant that I could kill her without any troubles. Honestly I was a bit worried fighting a hero like her for the first time. If she would be in her dragon form than forget it. I had zero chances standing against her but like this maybe. It was now either her or 20 kids. The paradox of this whole scenario was that even if she decided to sacrife herself there was no telling if I wouldn't kill the kids. Then again would you rather kill an older lady which was a hero or 20 young kids my age who will be heroes in the future? The later sounds better and more promising since it doesn't make any sense to let heroes in training have a grudge against me and having 20 heroes up chasing my ass and running or hiding away from them was also not my hobby.

Ryukyu: Then take me instead and leave them.

Me: I would have taken you life anyways. 

Once again I made sure not to say aything relating to the kids in the background and jumped off them walking tards the hero with my hand which was reaching towards the dagger strapped on my back but there was something else there as well. Serpant gave me a little gift before I left. It turnes out that this little gift was really a good one as well.

Looks like I will have to use this one!

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